will AI do more harm or more good in the world ?

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Written standpoint on AI

I think that AI will do more harm than good as AI can give you misinformation since May websites hosting AI-created false articles have increased by more than 1,000 percent increasing from 49 sites to more than 600. this could make people verry angry with AI as the information could be for something important. Another reason why AI will do more harm than good is because AI is the reason for job displacement which could end up making 300 million people jobless which could then possibly lead to homelessness which would be extremely bad for the whole world. Also, AI is a privacy violation as AI can see what you are doing online as AI can take in more data than normal systems making AI a risk to personal data exposure which could make people verry upset and angry with AI. However, I know that other people will argue that AI will do more good than harm as AI can solve complex problems quicker and more efficiently which could help people do things better such as their jobs and healthcare. I think that the negatives out way the positives as AI dose help solve advanced questions but it is also stealing peoples jobs and is invading peoples privacy.

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