Will AI do more harm than good?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI is a very useful source of information but it is also not sustainable. AI can help people learn,travel and get better health care but it is wasting our resources and ruining our climate.Water is used to cool systems down and prevent overheating. An example of this is, if you sent one email a week for a year using AI you would use more than 27 litres of water to cool the systems which is wasting our water and there is no urgency to use AI for this. AI has been helping lots of people like doctors,nurses,teachers and many more. But in my opinion, if we’ve lived without AI for this long then we can survive without it until it is sustainable and better for our world.
But what about the environment? In 2030 the amount of waste AI would make is millions. We can't afford to lose the planet just because of AI. Also it produces greenhouse gasses and carbon-dioxide which makes our planet more dirty and full of pollution. We do need to stop people using AI. There are so many reasons and examples of which AI is very bad and we do have evidence to prove it. Another example of this is that if you send an AI search it uses 2.9 watt hours of electricity which is almost 10 times more than a google search.
Even though this is my opinion many people do disagree with me like Bill Gates the co-founder of microsoft.He says:
“AI will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other…I'm excited about the impact that AI will have.”
He explained that AI will change the way we see things and will help us in our everyday life. Bill Gates is excited about AI and that it will bring a new chapter into our lives and we can explore things we haven't before. But Bill Gates doesn't realise that AI is not yet sustainable and is using our resources.
AI can be very useful but like humans, machines need to continuously carry on to learn. Training just one AI model can release over 285,00 kilograms of carbon dioxide, which is almost 5 times what the average car pumps in its lifetime.AI needs technology, like computers, to work harder and better for human use, which wears them out more quickly. AI is getting more popular so scientists predict that by the end of the decade there could be millions of tonnes of electronic waste. And we would be using way too much water to cool down the systems.
I agree with Sage Lenier -climate activist-because she is saying that AI is useless and not sustainable and it has a million negatives to nearly zero positives. I think as we get older people should try and make it more sustainable so we can use it but not destroying our planet.
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