Will AI do more harm than good in the world?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think AI is doing a lot more harm than good as many people are on their phones every day for around 5 hours and 16 minutes per day, a 14% increase from the 4 hours and 37 minutes people reported in 2024 . As well as this, AI is creating a lot of pollution and waste which is damaging our planet. Climate activists are worried how the planet might be affected in the future.

Worryingly, by 2030 it is predicted that AI will create millions of tonnes of electronics waste. Shockingly, 0.3 Watt hours of electricity it takes to power a digital clock for one hour.

Someone who agrees with my opinion is Sage Linear, who is a climate activist, thinks that AI is useless and unsustainable. She said that it has many negatives and it is terrible for the planet…Sage thinks that it's just a waste of emission .

One person who disagrees with my opinion is Bill Gates, who is the co-founder of Microsoft. He disagrees because he says that AI can help our planet by helping people to communicate, work, learn and get healthcare.

Despite these arguments, I still believe that AI can do more harm than good because we have heard that AI uses a lot of pollution which can affect our planet and it can become toxic.

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