Elon musk , hero or villain ?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

During todays society there are many viewpoints and varying opinions on Elon musk and his outrageous amount of money, power and influence. Some of these opinions and viewpoints are negative, some are positive. Personally I see his power and the amount he holds negative in todays society as he seemingly holds a lot of power over companies and manufactors as well as media platforms such as X. However some people see this as a good thing as without him it could be possible that these companies or platforms would not be present or not to the quality and standard they are under his management. Another point I would like to make about Mr Musk is the fact he has billions of dollars which in my opinion could be used differently to how he is currently using it. For example parts of the $8.8 billion he earns per year , goes towards his buisness on the production on tesla's however despite trying to be more sustainable and eco friendly with this car design it can be seen as having many faults , ranging from the expenses of installing a charger at your home or even the fact they can be dangerous due to them making no noise making it hard for people to recognise when they are near therefore increasing the risks of road accidents. He also funds some of the money he earns into a company which are working on building a functional sustainable city on mars which personally I think the money should be going elsewhere such as developing or helping out countries.
Comments (1)
I think that elon musk is a hero because he hasnt done much stuff wrong
Do you think being a hero requires performing a heroic act, or is simply avoiding wrongdoing enough? Is this why Superman is considered a hero?