Elon Musk: poll results

We asked: which of the following gives you the most power? Money, political status, social-media influence, or something else?

The results are in...

Comments (10)

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  • Hello, from my perspective I think money and social media gives me most of the power. Nowadays people usually young people as us are connected to social media everyday. We search about different topics, we watch our favourite people that we followed in these platforms. I think having more followers, being a good person, being constant publishing everyday content and giving your opinion with respect helps you to gain more visibility and more followers. Many people will recognize you and you will be gaining more power. Also, I think money makes everything, how much more money you have more things you can do in your life. Nowadays is a little bit sad that everything is achieved with money rather than effort. Being a powerful people helps you to gain more money and more visibility. I really think these two factors makes the difference when you want to be a powerful person money and social media. I expected to have these results being money the most important factor.

    1. You say 'everything is achieved with money rather than effort' - can you make this claim for certain? Where is your evidence for this?

  • I think that the power that Elon Musk has should be organized the way it is above so that first, he can know the amount of money he needs recently and the amount of money he will need in the future so that he cannot misuse the money by using it to do or buy things that are unnecessary. For social media he should find ways he can influence people on social media correctly. For political status, Elon Musk should not just change the politics, but he should make politics that might be helpful to the world. Finally, for something else, Elon Musk can start another business with the power he needs. I Elon Musk wants our world to be better he should maybe set a schedule for everything.

    1. Who should be responsible for ensuring Elon Musk's politics benefit the world?

  • Hello, I believe that money gives you the most power. With political power, you can make laws or rules that everyone has to follow, no matter whether they are popular on social media or have lots of money. I am not necessarily that this is a good thing, but in my opinion it certainly does give you more power than the other options. With social media, there is a very slim chance that you will even have enough followers for your content to be seen. In tik tock alone there are more than 100,000 influencers! Furthermore, from my experience, most people don't use social media to find out others political views, but to see the latest trends and tick tock dances. This further decreases the probability of influence on others. In the meantime, being a person with political influence will always be on the news. Take Pedro Sanchez for example, everyone in Spain knows who he is and how he dealt poorly and inconsideralty with the floods in Valencia. With money, you can only get so far. Elon Musk is the richest man in the world and even he cannot legally force anyone to do something without their consent. Being a person in political power gives you that authority over most and because of these reasons, I was surprised to see that most thought that money gave you the most power.

  • I think that this poll is important because we want to know which is more important money ,social media , political status or something else but from my opinion money is more important than any other choices because money can by most of the things in the world but there is things that rich people don't have most of rich is stingy and they don't give money to anyone this is why they are rich but it's a bad expression about any human and also they are laughing on other people because they are rich also this is a bad expression about humans but if you told them this words like stingy they will be sad also they know that they are wrong thank you for reading.

    1. I'm not sure that wealthy people laugh at others. Please can you explain this point?

  • from my point of view I think that money gave Elon Musk the most power as Paypal has become quite a used and successful app from this and other places Elon musk has been able to make his considerable fortune of over 300 billion from his money he has also been able to make other companies Wich make him a lot of money such as space x and Tesla.

    He also bought Twitter Which he made X which brought him influence in social media but he only really got this due to his money and also his political position also comes from how famous and well known he is due to his wealth

    so I believe the main factor that gives him the most power is money

  • To be honest, I think that money should have been in last place. Elon's political status and social media influence are very important and the 'something else' is definitely the correct answer in my opinion. In order to acquire the sheer amount of money that Elon Musk has, it takes a ridiculous amount of intelligence and knowing where to go next to achieve more than you already have, especially with the challenges Elon has to face. Also, Elon's social media influence is very important to his rise to power as it has allowed him to create a huge following around the world and make him even more known than he already was. Overall, these results absolutely shocked me and I think that Elon has been disrespected by these results.

  • I think that money wasn't the most important because he wouldn't have got all that of his money without social media and his intelligence because the only reason that he has rose to power is because of his social media influence and his intelligence put into space X and NASA.Elon musk now has a lot of political power as well as you have seen in the news when Trump had officially came president Elon musk had a big speech and said that he will play a big role in the help with president Trump.So overall i think that this should be the ranking: 1-Social Media 2-political status 3-Intelligence 4-Money.

  • In my personal opinion, money is what gives you the most power if it is used in the correct way, because with money, you can do great things. We all know that Elon Musk is one of the most wealthy persons in the world and if you research and investigate its power, you will realise that it mainly comes from there. Having said this, I would like to add that in the actual world social media takes also a great part in obtaining power as in social media you can win many people’s support and more people will come to know you, and a very important part of power comes from this, the people and the society. So, in conclusion, money used in the correct way is the most important element of obtaining power and the public also take a great part on this.
    Thank you.

  • Hello, I think money gives you power in the sense of accessing resources and opportunities that others may not have. For example, with the money, you have access to things like education, health, technology that will upgrade your skills and general way of living. It also empowers you to influence people and decisions through businesses, politics, or any social causes that you fund.

    Money equals being able to hire control businesses, and invest in ventures that can grow your wealth even further. In more societies, it translates to being more important, respected, or influential by the people because of the money one has.
    In short, money opens up jobs and networks that create power.

  • I was expecting something else because I think that it is a combination of them all because first Elon Musk does have money because he is the richest man in the world with a net worth of 400 billion and many companies like for instance SpaceX,X,Tesla, and ect, then he has political status because this year Donald Trump the president of the United States elected him as the president advisor, finally he has social media influence by in his social media company X he has around 200 million followers.