What makes Elon Musk so Powerful?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Elon Musk

I think Elon musk is so powerful because of his money

And the companies he owns, Tesla, space x and Twitter which is now X.

My opinion is he influences many wealthy people including Donald Trump who he helped to win the election against Kamala Harris.

My second example that supports this is when Donald Trump offered Elon Musk a job advising on government cost cutting which could help him make more money for his companies.

In conclusion I think that this is a bad thing because with all his wealth he could put his money into different charities that really need it for example the homeless people and the soldiers that fought for America.

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  • Interesting thoughts.

    Whose responsibility do you think it should be to ensure that rich people donate to charities?

    1. I think it's the government's responsibility to ensure that.
      Of course, they can not influence where billionaires donate their money to or if they even donate. They can't influence that.
      However, they can impose higher taxes on wealthy people. After all, Elon Musk has so much money, that it won't even hurt his economic situation. And we can't forget where this money came from. From the people! It's time for him to give something back to those whom he got the money from.
      This will help social services finally catch up with their tasks - and don't need charities to help them out.
      Unfortunately, with power-hungry, selfish billionaires in the government, this is not gonna happen.