How can volunteers help me?
The Topical Talk Festival has a whole team of people working behind the scenes, including some amazing volunteers.
Topical Talk volunteers are professionals who specialise in things like law, finance and business. They have to use critical-thinking and communication skills in their work and will help you to work on your skills during the Festival!
Over the next few weeks they’ll help you to develop your ideas, by responding to your comments, giving you feedback and asking you questions.
Here’s a little bit of information about the companies that our volunteers work for.

PA Consulting:
PA Consulting is a global team of strategists, innovators, designers, consultants, scientists, engineers, digital experts and technologists. They believe in the power of ingenuity to build a positive human future.
They are experts on news stories about science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

Infosys is a global technology company that helps other businesses make their tech better. They build websites, create apps and solve tricky problems for businesses all around the world.
They are experts in news stories about technology.

KPMG in the UK is part of a global network that offers legal, financial and technology services. They bring creativity, insight and experience to solve their clients’ and communities’ biggest problems.
They are experts at unpicking and understanding the numbers in the news.

UBS is a global investment bank that offer wealth management, investment banking and asset management services.
They are experts in news stories about finance and maths.

The Economist Group
The Economist Group is a global media and information-services company. The Economist newspaper is known around the world for reliable information and forward-thinking journalists.
Economist experts will help you to understand the most important news stories of our time.
In this discussion:
- Tell everyone what excites you most about our volunteers and where they work. Which company would you most like to work at? Why?
- Tell us how you think the Topical Talk experts use speaking, listening, creativity and problem-solving in their work. Which skill might be most important for employees at each company?
- Let others know what you think by replying directly to their comment
Comments (12)
The company that excites me the most is The Economists Group. The have many offices but I know their headquarters is London, United Kingdom and they have offices in the United States, China etc.
I would like to work at Infosys the most. These volunteers excite me the most because they help other companies make their tech better. I like the fact that they build websites and apps ,to help solve tricky problems for businesses all around the world.
The experts in infosys probably use the skills creativity and problem-solving. They use the problem-solving skill to solve the the tricky for other companies . They use creativity to make apps to solve such problems.
I will like to work at The Economist group because I like the fact that they have reliable information and straight forward journalist. Also they give detailed information on latest news because most at times when people don't really understand what is going on in the news, they might spread false information which is one of the major problem we have with social media. So it relieves me to know that they make the news understandable for people. The skills that I think they use is speaking and listening. They have journalists who broadcast the news so they definitely have good speaking skills and in order to get the right information, they have to be attentive and listen carefully.
Amongst all the volunteers, the Economist Group excites me the most it is known that they always conduct a thorough investigation, they are teamplayers who maintains a uniform voice. Part of their mission is replace ignorance with intelligence. I appreciate the fact that they are in charge of the Topical Talk Festival. Their experts use speaking, listening, creativity and problem solving in their work. They bring important news to people through prints, digital format, they have an online presence and help people understand the news, they give people a voice in important matters and they bring solutions to problems.
I would like to work at PA Consulting because they are experts on a wide range of services, and they are dedicated to building a positive human future. They have a long history of helping business and companies find creative solution to problems which has to do with technological issues from science, to engineering, mathematics and technology. I want to be associated with a company that thrives to make sure humans reach their full potientals.
PA Consulting will be my company of choice because they seem to have a place for everyone, they are committed to diversity which is great intself. I think creativity and problem solving will be most important to them since they are experts on news stories about science, math, engineering and technology which is the trend the world is if we are to look at the up and coming inventions and technology.
The company I would like to work in is Infosys. For technology is taking over the world and I love that they can solve problems for business, create app which might imapct the lives of children in education or even in entertainment. One skill that will be needed here will be the problem solving skills, in today's world problem solving skills is needed to solve the big problems we have. If I get to work in this company, I will look for ways to make the lives of children more fun by the apps we will create.
Between all the volunteers I choose The Economist Group because, The Economist Group helps us share our opinion , if they say that I should choose a job between one of the jobs on the screen I will choose The Economist Group it helps us to learn about what is happening in other countries so that we can discuses the problems and come up with ideas that can bring a lot of solution to problems in countries. This way with the help of the Economist and their volunteers the news can get to the people in different regions.
I think they one that excites me the most is PA consulting because the tell me about strategies, innovators, designers And so on I also like it because they believe in the power of ingenuity to build a positive human feature. they are experts in science stories even the mathematics. I also like this PA because they also find solutions to problems they believe in digitals and technology.
I would like to work at "The Economist Foundation" because it helps us connect with people around the world, it helps us share ideas and opinions with other people so that we can collaborate together. It improves our thinking and problem-solving, it shows us what is happening around the world and how we can change it to something new. I wish that many schools around the world would join "The Topical Talk Festival" organized by "The Economist Foundation" so that we can improve their lives too, and not only their lives, the lives of many other people around the globe so that we can make the world a better place.
The company that I would like to work at is McDonald’s because you can get free food and you get to greet people at the drive thru and that will help my social anxiety
I would be excited to work for The Economist because doing so would allow me to help children like me become better educated and give more logical responses to questions. Also, because they research everything before posting a topic, and I love that they do not state a personal opinion; instead, they stick to the facts and get straight to the point.