Gender Inequality and AI : A futuristic approach
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

During the festival,two topics caught my attention,women rights and AI. So I am writing my standpoint after combining the two which would help to point out the future of women with the power of AI.
With the rise of Artificial Intelligence(AI),there have been remarkable transformations in the technology.Women on the other hand have been victims of power abuse,they have been unfairly treated and neglected over centuries.
When considering AI to resolve this issue,the problem of biased and stereotypes data to train the system is probably the biggest challenge.
But this obstacle can be overcome by properly developing data which is ethical,unbiased and diverse.It means the system should be developed and trained in a way that data which is selected should be inclusive of all social backgrounds, genders, races and communities. This would help to reduce the blind spots in AI system because it has inputs from perspectives of a diverse range of individuals.
This would ensure that there is no bias and partiality with women is carried out on historical,cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Education and mass awareness about gender quality would help people learn about the scopes of AI,and potentially empower them to realise the importance of gender equality for creating a society free of atrocity and bias against women and girls.
With the inclusion of AI at school levels,girls are provided with an opportunity to be digitally aware and technologically educated. Thisaids in them being more productive and knowledgeable,all these things in long run will create a competent work force which would lead to creation of more and better job opportunities for women,thereby establishing equality and empowerment of women and society as a whole.This empowerment will eventually help to bridge the gender gap by enhancing the productivity of women and better decision making.With increase in scope of AI,there will be more chances and jobs for women which will also lead to a development in status of women,growth in economies and a better society in general where both men and women would become equally competent and honoured workforce elements.
A few advancements which are pioneering steps are the development of AI are the pilot projects of UN's gender social media monitoring tool which helps to detect harmful and hate speech against women.
Sources of reference used:
1. UN Women website
2.Centre For Global Development website
3.Un ited Nations University website.
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