Which problem caused by gender inequality is the most difficult to fix?
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My favourite topic is - One small step for women,One giant leap for humankind and the big question which I approach to answer is "Which problem caused by gender inequality is the most difficult to fix"
I think that "stereotypes" are the hardest problem to solve for women to get equality entirely.This is because I feel that stereotypes are something which can't change by any external government laws or regulations but are the people's mindsets which take long to change.
Also stereotypes are passed down through several generations thus they become hereditary associated and are taken as something which is universal and there is no ifs and buts and are to be followed without questioning otherwise the people opposing them are not considered a part of the society.
I also feel that the countries work on ideology where large groups of people carry the same mindset and opinions about gender equality where women are provided with less oportunities.As we see even in the modern era,Only about 30% of women are seen opting for STEM jobs and excelling in their fields.Many other women are either not given proper mentorships and opportunities or are not supported by society and face criticism because of the stereotypes and prejudices made by people.I have seen many such live examples in my own country where women are made to do housework and even if they opt for these jobs,The employers do not value their work or provide them with privileges most males get like promotions, recognition, facilities etc. The number of distinctions or unequal differences made is endless because of stereotypes.
Some further examples which supports my reasoning are -
Firstly a great scientist Mary Curie who was also the first women scientist to win a Nobel prize.She faced immense skepticism and stereotypical pressure from the society and was not supported for her modern day thinking.Also in her Era according to thinking of people a women excelling and taking STEM fields was "absurd" and "irrelevant" and women were meant to only do household work.Even many women didn't get the opportunity to get a proper education.
Secondly a great example from our own country is Dr Kalpana Chawla who took the field of aeronautical engineering and excelled in this field surpassing many of her own collegeus and made extraordinary achievements in her field of space science
despite the pressure of the society.She was never supported by the society and moreover was heavily criticized for her work and stereotypes like "women can't take STEM jobs" or "women should do housework" had been pressured on her.Despite this,she continuously worked hard to achieve greatness in her work.
There are also countless women who have worked for women's welfare like Savitri Bai Phule who worked for women's education and Malala Yousufzai,Women rights activists like Rosa Parks whose work should be given more recognition and appreciation so that the word spreads among the next generation and it become common to accept equality as it should be.
To conclude I would like to say that in my opinion stereotypes would be the hardest obstacles to overcome for equality and women's rights.I would like to present a very inspiring quote to conclude my opinion - "Young girls need to see role models in whatever careers they may choose , just so they can picture themselves doing those jobs someday. You can't be what you can't see." - Sally Ride .
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