PARTICIPATION IN WAR: a burden or an act of national pride?

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine
  • Is forcing people to be conscripted fair when a country is in need of soldiers?

Forcing individuals to partake in such an emotionally and physically straining experience while burdening them with the weight of an entire country's fate is not how i imagine free will.For this reason ,i have compiled a list of alternative ways to encourage people to enlist themselves that i have made myself while simultaniously gathering others opinions through comments.

Firstly, Monetery rewards. Im still wavering on this option since it has the potential to create an almost dystopian feeling of competition ,glamourizing a vile thing such as war by offering financial support to the volunteers.Despite this, desperate times call for desperate measures and since this is something that could motivate a large number of people i felt the need to include it in my list.

Secondly, Proper education. This is something i believe would be greatly beneficial towards the motivation of people to willingly fight, regardless of their age or gender. I comprehend that war is a sensitive subject and that it occurs sometimes abruptly, catching many citizens by surprise or frightening them, however,people need to be educated on the reasons someone would choose to be part of the army before they can be expected to volunteer due to their personal reasons and morals.They cant be expected to want to blindly walk into battle, leaving friends ,family and possibly their own life behind just like that. With this method, i believe the country would get a number of volunteers equal to their efforts to teach their people.

While on the topic of gender id also like to talk about a second subject which is womens right to fight. Denying this right is simply against the countrys goal of being victorious. Women can have just as much the human consciense that drives people to fight and the feeling of patriotism as men. By denying them the ability to prove their commitment, the army losses out on honorable members

Lastly, An explanation of the varied necessary occupations during a battle. What i mean by this is that its often overlooked how important occupations ASIDE from your average soldier are when two countries are in armed conflict.For those willing to help but not comfortable with their physical condition or their presence on the battlefield, offering aid on the sidelines is a great alternative. Some examples would be medics ,engineers,logisticians and communication specialists.

On the flip side, in extreme scenarios with limited time , it cannot be expected of the country to go to war with significantly less soldiers than the opposing side and i can see how forced conscription might seem like the only option but this is why proper communication between the people in charge and the citizens is necessary. Even now, some dont realise that 'If Russia stops fighting, the war ends, but if Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends.' as it was said by the secretary of state Blinken at U.N. security council.

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