Personal Stories Vs Facts and Statistics

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

The question I will be responding to is, “What’s the best way to report about the Russia-Ukraine war: by sharing personal experiences, or facts and statistics?” The most efficient way to share news about the war is by personal stories. Personal stories give full understanding of what people experienced. For example, Ilya Andreev’s story of getting tricked into conscripting into the military, and seeing his officers killed.

My first reason is personal stories help us imagine concepts of how war is impacting civilians. In February 2022, Alexandra fled her home with her family on the first day of the war because of explosions. Once Alexandra and her family arrived at Uzhhorod, they were forced to evacuate again. She later was able to reach Poland, but the trauma of the war stayed with her. From this story, we can visualize what the refugees feel, and how they struggle to find safety.

My second reason is because personal stories provide more depth than facts. In Alexandra’s story, facts would only include how many people evacuated Alexandra’s area or reached Poland. However, the story says that she left due to explosions. And, Alexandra would later reach Poland, along with the trauma of the war.

My third reason is because personal stories generate more engagement than facts. According to studies, people are 55% more likely to memorize a story than a list of facts. People follow stories because of curiosity, which allows them to focus. Facts don't give you a reason to be invested, so it is less likely for us to stay concentrated. With personal stories, we can memorize information about the war.

Someone who might disagree with me is Kim Jong Un. I believe he is very self-centered. My evidence is that Kim Jong Un is the only leader in North Korea, and has placed strict rules. One strict law is immigration and emigration are forbidden, unless you own a permit. Knowing this, Kim Jong Un will listen to his own beliefs. I disagree with him because he would need personal experiences from people to better North Korea.

In conclusion, personal stories are the best way to report news about the war. Personal experiences help us visualize concepts of the impact on civilians. This way, we can get a more in depth view of what’s happening in the war. Lastly, personal stories help us stay concentrated.

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