Russia and Ukraine: poll results
We showed you a personal story alongside some statistics and we asked: which do you think shared the news about the Russia-Ukraine war better? The personal story or the facts?
The results are in...

Is this what you expected?
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Comments (2)
I hadnt expected that it had mostly been 69% of people talking about their experiences
This is what I had expected because I had seen many people say that people's personal stories give better information than facts and statistics because through people's personal stories you can get what it feels like living through a war or a problem in their country.Facts and statistics tell things that are true but facts and statistics does not actually tell how a person's life change during a situation happening in their country,but people's personal stories does like for instance Svetlana Tomlin, Yulia Starostina, Ilya Andreew, Vynohradov Maksym,Anna Tuzova, and etc.Personal stories also tell us what is happening in their situation or what is happening to people's life around them.