Reporting Without Fear: Strategies to Help Journalists in Battle Zones
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The question I will be responding to is “what should be done to help protect journalists who are at risk for reporting the truth.”Here are some ways to help protect journalists.
One way to help protect journalists safely report the truth is that there should be a law where journalists are protected and if they aren’t or treating journalists badly they should pay a fine.To do this there must be a global organization like for instance the United Nations, European Union, or etc. This can also be hard to do because these global organizations can’t monitor these countries all the time because they might be busy doing a problem that is happening that is big or they don’t have enough people to monitor the countries and what is happening in the countries.
Some more ways to protect journalists safely report is that there could be military escorts.This method can be risky because if the other fraction see it then this could led in to the other fraction to attack the escort, so one way to stop this to happen the journalist and the military escort could not wear the military uniform and drive vehicle that show that they are escorting someone and show that they won’t attack.To support this we the presidents of those countries(Vladimir Putin,Volodymyr Zelenskyy)has to agree that the journalists can get the military escort won’t attack it.
Another way to protect journalists is that people should protest against the government who want to stop the journalists from doing their job and support the journalists, so that they can do their job freely and bravely, furthermore it is a very useful step to speak the truth with courage to spread awareness amongst the people about the injustice being done with honest.
Who I think would disagree with me would be Vladimir Putin because like Yulia Starostina said Vladimir Putin already did not allow journalists to do their job and if they can get persecuted or imprisoned.Also Vladimir Putin lied by saying that it is not a war but a “special military operation.”Finally russian authorities wanted to control all of the information of the war, but this had to be done for a reason.
In conclusion these are some ways to help protect journalists and who would disagree with me.
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