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Since the war began, over 1,000 healthcare facilities in Ukraine have been attacked. This means thousands of people cannot get the medical help they need. To start, many hospitals in Ukraine have been destroyed or damaged, making it hard for people to get medical help. According to The Kyiv Independent magazine, there have been over 1,800 attacks on healthcare facilities since the war began. In addition to that, people are suffering from a lack of medicine and doctors. In some areas, injured soldiers and civilians do not receive proper treatment, resulting in additional deaths and long-term health problems. According to the Red Cross, access to healthcare is a growing crisis. Furthermore, war causes mental health problems, such as PTSD and anxiety. Thousands of children and adults in Ukraine are struggling with trauma, yet there are not enough mental health services to help them. The United Nations has reported that millions need psychological support. Although I understand why some people could believe the state of the armed forces is the most urgent issue because Ukraine needs strong defenses to win the war. While I agree that a strong military is important, I personally believe healthcare is more urgent because it affects both soldiers and civilians. Without proper medical care, even a strong army will struggle to keep fighting. Without good healthcare, both civilians and soldiers suffer. If we truly care about Ukraine’s future, we must focus on saving lives first.
Comments (2)
I absolutely agree with you. Even if the war ended tomorrow, the mental and physical healthcare will affect the people of our world for decades, even centuries. We should be doing something about it; like you said, we need to prioritise healthcare over military. Though it will be a great coat if either Ukraine or Russia lose the war, their citizens health is so much more important! How can they care about winning a war when people are dying and getting injured? We can’t forget that we still have the regular illnesses people have that the countries need to tend to. There must be something we can do about it. How about a peace treaty with the world? Building a colossal place in the world where people can be transported to in war if they have been fatally injured? There is so much we can do- we just need to do it.
I agree with you because many are injured in the war without healthcare or medical support.
Without healthcare many would suffer, diseases would spread, more people would lose their lives resulting to traumas and anxiety which causes psychological effects on them. But even if the war ends tomorrow, rehabilitation for citizens would be enough for decades.
I also agree that without a good healthcare system, a strong army would be struggling to survive because they would not have people to aid them and also more soldiers would be eager to leave in fear of getting badly hurt.
In conclusion if a country does not have a stable/strong healthcare there won't be people to fight in the war. If soldiers are injured and are struggling in war, it will affect the outcome of the war.