We Need Both

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

The question I will be focusing on is, What's the best way to report about the Russia-Ukraine war:by sharing personal experiences,or facts and statistics. I believe you need both facts and statistics, as well as someone's personal experience.

I say this because facts and statistics don't always tell the full story, they can give details but almost never truly give a complete understanding of the situation. They are things that have been proven to be true. For example the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine has been proven to be true; but perhaps one of the reasons Russia invaded Ukraine was for the titanium and uranium. This would not be a fact, because yes there is titanium and uranium in Ukraine but it has not been proven that, it's the reason, Or even one of the reasons.

Personal experiences can give a better understanding but not always the truth just the situation. As many people know Russia is disrupting the education system in their country, suppose Russia is also not telling all the information involving the war to the people; like who started the war. Although I say this I can also say personal experiences enforce the way someone really feels about what they are going through. For example you can learn all you want about past wars but you may not fully understand until you experience it yourself.

Someone that might disagree with me is Donald Trump. I say this because Mr. Trump does not always use facts to his advantage in a conversation. To explain, Donald trump said that Ukraine invaded Russia, but if I forget that it has been proven that Russia invaded Ukraine. I could use my background knowledge and say why would Ukraine invade them when they are WAY smaller than Russia, or actually the fact that it has been proven that Russia invaded Ukraine.

To conclude both personal stories and the facts/statistics combined together can bring a clear understanding or a better comprehension.

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  • I agree that the best way to interpret the war is through both facts and personal views. I believe that although both provide good perspectives to the war, hearing a personal opinion and facts will help you understand and form your own view of the war. I also feel that a fact and story both compliment each other, statistics give a wide range while stories give a deeper insight into the problem from people’s lives. So I think it’s important for both to be shown to understand the war, as they both show what the other can’t.