What should be done to help the journalists who are at risk for reporting the Truth?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

I think what should be done about the journalists who are at risk is that other , safer countries like the USA or the UK should step in and take the Russian journalists as refugees and should give them a home, some food and a well paying job.

The first example that supports my opinion is that russian soldiers try to poison the journalists, threaten to kill or hurt their families or even murder them.

The second example that supports my opinion is that Russian authorities want to stop the journalists from promoting the truth out to the rest of the country and Russia’s president,Vladimir Putin controls Russia’s media and wants anything that the journalists put onto the media deleted.

One person that disagrees with me is Vladimir Putin, as he is in control of the Russian

Media. However I think my argument is strong as people have been brutally murdered for speaking the truth out to the civilians, the people of Russia.

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  • What should be done to protect journalists is 1 governments or any company associated with the journalist need to censor name, any personal information, etc.2 the governments associated with the journalist need to also need to have like a hologram or a video view of the journalist talking about information online to make it easier for the journalist not to be a main target.3 governments and companies can also hide journalist from personal view protecting their identities.4 governments and companies can lastly help journalist by helping the journalist create a username that doesn't expose their name or personal identity on social media accounts.

  • I'm not sure about this because...
    If journalist are being taken into safer countries, it means that they will not be at the places or scene of the stories therefore they would not be able to speak out the truth because they will not have first-hand information on the stories if they are not there. I however agree that their families should be taken to safer countries and be protected.
    Now every journalist in Russia knows that they are at risk from being attacked since their colleagues have been attacked, threatened or killed.
    Even if they take asylum in other countries they are still at risk as they do not know who is who. For example some Russian Journalists went on exile, some were on asylum in different countries, some of the journalists got poisoned in Germany, Czech Republic, Georgia etc. Which means their safety cannot be guaranteed anywhere else.
    So to me I think the best option is to continue their work underground. If their lives are being threatened.

  • The answer to this question looks simpler, yet it is extremely perplexing when examining this idea; however, the ways to secure on-risk reporters can be on a list. Look at the following list to know how to secure them or themselves.

    We need to offer the journalists full training on risk analysis, secure communications, and conflict-sensitive journalism. These skills WILL help them navigate dangerous situations and remain safe while reporting the truth.

    Safety Measures
    Establish hotlines, houses and safety funds. Provide protective kits such as ballistic shields and vests; as well, it is better to secure speaking tools to ensure journalists are completely safe without any threats.

    Strong laws and legal help

    Provide legal assistance and strong laws to offer protection for the journalists in the country. Provide strict security by the government and facilitate dialogues between the security forces and the media.

    Digital security

    Provide for the journalists: online presence, social media secured accounts and secure sensitive information. This reduces the percentage of hacking their accounts and protects digital identities.