What should be done to protect journalists that are at risk?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

No story is ever worth dying for, but journalists continue to feel unsafe, killed, attacked and intimidated more than ever before.

The threats they face are increasingly complicated in war zones.

Protecting journalists in Ukraine and Russia requires there to be legal measures in place, people in the right place at the right time and countries being in support of them several important steps should be taken to protect them:

  • 1. Provide Safe Shelter - Governments and international organisations should offer safe locations for journalists in danger

2. Supply protective gear - Journalists reporting in warzones should receive bullet proof vest, helmets and first aid kits to stay safe.

3. Digital Security - They should have secure ways of communicating and protecting their information and source.

4. Offer Emergency Relocation - They should have access to safe countries outside the warzone and be provided with passports to have safe passage.

5. Legal Protection - Governments should respect the press and allow them to report what they need to without fear of being arrested.

By taking these actions, it would help journalists to continue their work while staying safe.

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