What should be done to protect the journalists who are at risk of writing the truth ?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

I think that people from all parts of the world should know the truth about the war that has happened for three years now between Russia and Ukraine so people should be updated about the war . I think the journalists who are witnessing all of this have the right to speak up the truth about the war other than that how is anybody going to know about the war ? The first example that supports my opinion is that this woman who was witnessing the war and spoke up the truth, unfortunately got sent out of the country for writing about the innocent Ukrainians dying in the war .

The second example that supports my opinion is a woman from Russia got sent to prison for saying her honest opinion in the war. In my opinion journalists should be able to share their very honest opinions without Vladimir Putin .

Vladimir Putin disagrees because he says it's safer for everyone not to know the actual truth . In my opinion I think it is better for everyone to know the truth about the war so they are not in danger . over one hundred schools in Ukraine have blown up in the war so now children have to do their education online.

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  • To protect journalists at risk for writing the truth, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. First, governments and international organizations must enforce stronger laws protecting press freedom and hold accountable those who threaten or harm journalists. This includes ensuring that journalists have legal recourse if their rights are violated.