What’s the best way to report about the Russia-Ukraine war : by sharing personal experience or facts and statistics?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

In my opinion the best way to report on the Russia-Ukraine war is with personal experience and with facts and statistics.

This is because some people will prefer facts and statistics over personal experience while others prefer personal experience over facts and statistics. So if both are included in news reports and newspapers then both sides will be able to read the report. However sometimes the facts may not include enough information or the other way round which is why the other will need some information from the other.

Both facts and personal experience are equally important in many ways. Facts talk about the general things happening in the battle and personal experiences talk about the point of view of a single person.

So in my opinion facts and statistics and personal experience are equally important to me.

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