What should happen to Syrian refugees now?

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Written standpoint on Syria

In my opinion, the best way forward for Syrian refugees is to allow them to stay in their new countries if they are settled and happy. I think this because for a lot of younger refugees, their new country will have been almost all of their life until today and so forcing them out of their new country would be taking away all they knew.

There are many countries, such as Türkiye, taking in 3.1 million refugees, who are friendly and welcoming to the refugees and have given them a home when their home has been destroyed. More countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, and Germany also take in hundreds of thousands of refugees, showing that they have other, more stable places to live than going back to Syria.

In addition, a majority of people who have taken asylum in other countries do so because they are afraid and/or have terrible living conditions if they even have a place to live at all. Making them return to a place that may hold a lot of trauma for them and has taken the lives of their loved ones, is not in their best favour. By giving them the choice to decide where they want to spend the rest of their lives, they are given back their voices which were taken away from them during the war.

Moreover, a new government does not necessarily mean Syria is fixed all of a sudden. The damage done will take years to undo and it's better to give it time before making the refugees go back, so they have time to decide whether this is what they want to do. As of now, Syria is still listed by many articles as a country to avoid as there is high risk of kidnapping, acts of terrorism and other criminality.

Overall, I think that giving Syrian refugees the choice to stay in their new countries, as well as letting them return to Syria if they want to is the right thing to do, as they should have a voice in where they want to live, especially since their home country is still unstable, and many might want to wait until further information before they decide if they want to go back or not.

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  • The situation of Syrian refugees is complex and has many sides. Here are some considerations regarding their future:

    1. Safe Return: Many refugees wish to return to Syria, but this requires a stable and secure environment. International efforts should focus on ensuring safety and rebuilding infrastructure.

    2. Integration :Host countries can implement policies that facilitate the integration of refugees into society, including access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. This can benefit both refugees and host communities because the refugees can bring in more skills.

    3.International Support: Continued international aid and support from organizations and governments are crucial for both refugees and host countries, especially those facing economic strain due to the influx of refugees.

  • I agree that Syrian refugees should have the right to choose whether to stay in their new countries or return to Syria, but I think that the issue is even deeper than just giving them a choice . Many refugees, especially the younger ones, have built their entire lives in their new countries , and forcing them to leave would not just mean losing a home, it would mean losing their education, friendships and a sense of security they fought hard to regain.

    At the same time, while some may want to return, if Syria stabilizes, the reality is that a change in government does not erase years of destruction , trauma and danger. Just because the situation looks better on the surface it does not mean that it is truly safe. Returning to war torn country without proper infrastructure, jobs or stability could put people back in the conditions that they fled away from in the first place.

    I also believe that the host countries should not just allow refugees to stay but also should actively support them in building a future. Many refugees also want to contribute to society and with right opportunities, they can become members of their new communities. Instead of just viewing them as a temporary issue , countries should focus on education and many new job opportunities, so that they don't just survive, they live their lives happily.

    Overall, I strongly agree that refugees should have the right to decide their future, but I also think that we need to focus on more than just giving them a choice. The world need to ensure that they have opportunities whether in Syria or other countries.

  • After the fall of Bashar al- Assad's regime, many Syrian refugees are considering about returning to their home. According to some sources, more than 115 000 Syrians came back home since December 8th 2024, especially from countries like Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. Although the change of the regime brings hope for peace and stability that doesn't mean it is 100% safe and stable. Syrians still need protection and support inside and outside their country. Also Syria is really damaged and more than 90% of people are poor. Some European countries such as Austria and Germany are considering changes for Syirian refugees. Austria has plans to deport Syrian migrants after the fall of the regime. That means that they will force those refugees from one state to another, to their own country. And knowing all these facts I think returning to Syria is a personal desicion and that they should have right to decide if they want to come back or not.

  • I think if the Syrian refugees are comfortable in their new countries they can stay but if they want to return to Syria then the choice is theirs to make. I also believe that refugees should only return of their own free will, no one should force them to. Some of them have left Syria for over ten years and have lost their homes, family members and income, rebuilding their lives once again in Syria will be a difficult task for them. We need to remember that a lot of structures have been destroyed in Syria, basic services will be so difficult to come by and it will be a major problem for refugees who might want to return. Safety should be the number one priority for any refugee who desires to return.