Comments by focused_river

Comment Post Date
I will put in place a law requiring converting wastewater into water for irrigation and washing... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
My rule will be to present annual competitions for children that accustom them to loving the... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
My rule will be to completely ban oil from the country and replace it with renewable energy and... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
My rule will be to recycle all plastic products, for example: collecting plastic bottles and... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
I will set a rule requiring that everything related to global warming be taught for all school... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
Because of the war in my country, the rule will be: to end the war that polluted the... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21
Dealing with the environment is not out of law, but rather it stems from our hearts and our... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
I will impose a law banning the use of plastic bags, to protect my country's sewers and preserve... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
I will create international competitions that measure the contributions of people around the... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
Every person belonging to the state must plant at least one tree, and I will conduct... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
I will create a law requiring everyone to sell garbage to the state, and the state will convert... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
I will create a law imposing penalties for hunting animals or fishing from the sea (only fishing... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
We will prevent the import or manufacture chewing gums, because of damage to the environment and... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
I will make a law requiring the construction of factories away from residential areas, water... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
My rule is: All merchants should invest in green factories and facilities that help the... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
Keep clean .. The smallest plastic piece that you can throw can save the environment and... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
Think ten times before doing anything environmental-related. Because the smallest actions we do... #35 Make a rule! 14/5/21
It is our right to enjoy the blessings of the earth, but it is our duty to care about the land... #34 Caption this! 12/5/21
The relationship between the environment and the human being is an integrative relationship. ... #34 Caption this! 12/5/21
The earth is dying, and its fate hangs in our hands. Hand in hand, we can save the earth and... #34 Caption this! 12/5/21