#34 Caption this!
14 May 2021
Winners Announced!
Your creativity this week really blew us away - so thank you to everyone who entered our caption competition! After a lot of thinking, we decided that the winners this week should be:
persuasive_maths of Nagongera Girls Primary School in Uganda, who used their caption to reflect on what impact they could have on the environment personally
serious_raspberry of St Stephen's College Preparatory School in Hong Kong, who explained how we should protect the Earth as though it were a delicate egg.
Great answers! Well done!
This week, we'd like you to write a caption for the picture above.
A caption is a short sentence which you often see beneath photographs in newspapers, books and on websites.
What can you see? What phrase sums up the photo best?
Write your caption, followed by a short explanation of why you chose this caption.
Your competition entry should be 50 WORDS OR LESS.
- Check your entries using this word-counter before you post! Your entry can't win if it's too long!
- There's lots of ways to interpret this image - so there's no right or wrong answers
- We hope to see lots of different ideas, so make sure you read what's already been said first
- The best entries will have clear explanations and showcase some excellent creativity!
The deadline for entries is Friday May 14th at midday. PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONCE and make sure your work is your own. Good luck!
Comments (616)
We must save the earth and bear our dire consequences.
Because of our negligence, our ignorance, we hastened to reach the ground, and ourselves are not difficult stages, I hope we wake up before it is too late.
I believe that
Nesting the earth
This picture shows
There's an egg, a nest but the hen is missing, my opinion is let's provide the hen that will incubate the egg and prevent it from climate change that has started penetrating into the egg when there was no hen. I think if they are prevented we will go ahead and kill viruses like covid19 and others that got in when they were able to because there was no hen, if we do that I think we're safe. Eggs are meant to be kept warm let's try and make it warm. Thanks
My caption. Give the planet you love wings to fly and roots to stay.I chose this caption because I personally think that we should care for our planet so that it can survive though it looks big but compared to the universe the globe is tiny like an egg in a nest if we don't care for it it might perish forever. Also the roots refer to trees which are the source of oxygen, they also fight against flooding. Planting trees may be a good solution to help the planet survive
i hope God will help you treu your post
That's right, I agree
Greet idea
Nice I agree
WOW!that is nice😎😎
You are right our ignorance and care free attitudes we are facing difficulties and we must still save The world even though we are the cause
I support that too
You are right
Despite the difficulties we're experiencing right now, you still rule the world, so your helpful behaviors benefit the entire universe, and your harmful behaviors may lead to its destruction.
"The earth is like a bird's egg, if you take care of it it will hatch and if you neglect it it will spoil."
If we take care of the land, it will house and contain us, and if we neglect it, we will lose it.
good comment
That's right.
Since neglecting the egg will curse damages then we should try our best to protect and preserve it for the benefit of all.
"The earth is a seed"
If you watered it and took care of it, it would grow into a tree; If you neglect it, it will die.
That's amazing
great thinking
*The birth of the world*
Because it was placed in a bird's nest that gives birth to its young in addition, the place around it is completely clean and free of impurities as it was when the world was created and before any human being existed.
(We are the only hope for Earth , we either save it or destroy it). We live on Earth and we have control of it we can either plant trees and make it free of pollution or plant more factories to make it END one day.
Yes you are right
Of course since every thing we can make it so that we can get every thing done by ourselves
That's true
Wonderful. That's correct
"The earth is like a living being"
If we do not take care of the planet, it will suffer from drought and desertification, and it will die.
if it die's it can't grow any more
'Global warming is a disaster'
If we do not take solutions to this crisis now; It would be too late.
Climate change is a serious problem that may lead to the destruction of our beloved planet. Therefore, we must deal with it before it is too late.
Yes that's serious, we have to act fast
My caption is care for nature or bear the consequences.
I choose this caption because if we don't care for our dear planet we will bear the consequences of nature such as drought,global warming e.t.c.
So early we care for our planet the better for us. Thanks
'The land is desert'
The earth will become completely dry due to the negligence of the human who destroyed it and who stole life from it ..
perfect, I am agreeing with you
focused_river's why did you say the enverument will be dry say's blithsome_yuzu
'Smallest efforts matter'
The smallest effort can save the earth, turn the balance in our favor, and it can make us win the disaster of global warming ..
That's good
"If the earth dies, life dies"
The earth is the source of life, so if it dries up and dies; Plants, animals and various forms of life will die.
perfect, I am agreeing with you
I also agree
your post is very nice
When will you return to life as it was in the past to a decent life for the land we live on? When will the world become better? I hope you understand what I want to convey to everyone
"Carelessness and laziness means the end."
If people continue in their ignorance
Their laziness, then the end will be the victory of global warming and our defeat ..
Yes that's true
Very true
'Global warming is a gradual end'
Global warming will gradually kill the earth, and gradually erase the features of life unless we take solutions to this crisis.
"There will be no tomorrow unless we strive."
In light of the climate crisis, a day may come not tomorrow, unless we find a solution to this crisis.
"Futuristic message"
The image will represent the earth in a few centuries, if people continue to ignore the climate crisis.
"Life will go on"
Even after the death of plants, animals and various aspects of life, the planet will not actually die, but rather it will continue in the life cycle and perhaps other creatures will be found on it.
"People will not realize the seriousness of the situation until it is too late."
People will continue to deny the crisis and spoil the earth, until the end day comes, then they will regret it.
Wow! That's a great one, I agree to that
I also agree
"Because of human greed, not only man will die, but all aspects of life."
Because of human behavior, not only will humans die, but animals and plants will die, for whom they have no fault.
"The end is another beginning"
The end of our story of us humans and the end of life forms does not mean the end of the history of the earth; Rather, it means the beginning of its new history.
(Life on earth depends on man)
Together, we can protect the earth from everything
Whether it is viruses, epidemics, contamination
The globe is like an egg in the nest. A person can break it and destroy it, and he can preserve it .
Yes that's true because humans are major living things on earth, animals cannot save our dear earth we are the ones to protect it
Yes that'true
Earth is no longer what it was before.
I chose this caption because the picture shows the shape of the earth before and now, I can see the strong climate change impacts and this is the Earth now, on the other side the Earth is safe, this how it was.
"If we survive this crisis, we will take a big technological leap."
After we overcome the climate problem, the egg that represents technology will hatch and there will be a great technological leap as the century will be called the century of environmentally friendly technology.
"The earth is dying"
The earth is dying due to global warming and waste.
"There is hopefully a rebirth despite all odds". I see a CARING hand rising up Earth waiting HATCHING a GREENER Tomorrow leaving all tough surrounding behind.
"Goodbye to the blue sky and green trees"
Because of global warming, the earth will die and will not be as we used to
* Together to live again *
As if the image wanted to deliver a message for us to get rid of the epidemic and start over, which is to preserve the environment around us and to take care of it as a small egg or as a son.
"lift me up in your tender hands, give me life again". I see the dawn breaking, hardships fading away as long as you show care there is still hope to Build a green future
🍥Let us blossom our planet 🍥
The reason for choosing the name is because in our time we are preoccupied with our pleasures, even if it costs us any damage to our beautiful planet.
It will be blossomed, if we work together and build back greener.
*The art of life*
The image here gives us life, and to have it we must also give the earth life.
End or beginning
Our planet is like a bird's egg, living in inappropriate and catastrophic conditions: , no water, no oxygen, no trees, no green, no blue, drought. Either it hatches or it dies and we can choose heaven or hell
The Earth is like an Egg. It has a shell but is very fragile
This represents how us as humans are destroying the ozone layer(the eggshell) which protects us.
Very good reference
Very correct
This picture is saying that the earth is its it’s saying like a egg and it’s getting protect by humans from all the bad around it
The Earth need to be protected and is very delicate
The reason I said this is because the Earth is being treated bad by humans and is broken very easy
“The world is in our hands” our actions have consequences, whatever we do to the world will have an impact to both you and others. It all comes down to you, no matter who you are you can make a change. Big or small. You can change the world for the better if you tried.
Great comment and I hope people can understand your words
Thank you very much!
Agree, my friend, I am so happy to read your sweet and wonderful comment
This is a really inspiring caption comfortable_yuzu!
Yes, it is possible for us to water the dry land and enlighten the universe with our actions, and a hand in hand, small or large, our actions to help the universe🤜🤛🖤🤭
You are right.
I enjoy reading it, this is nice
That's a very good one, I 100% agree to that.
You are right
Very correct
The world is in our hands it our job to save it
“Its precious and we need to appreciate it all the gifts it gives you” there is only one earth, and we must treat it with respect and we need to give a lot of love.
Yes,I agree it really needs a lot of love, it's so precious and deserves good gifts.
I am sure that the Corona Covid 19 virus has affected the environment, but there are people who think that it affected positively or negatively, but the question is positive or negative? I think that Covid 19 has a positive impact on the environment, as it reduces the waste thrown in the streets due to the lack of people leaving and this is the beauty of the environment
You are absolutely right about cleanliness .This is a good way to overcome pollution but Covid 19 is not good for us
When will you return to life as it
Was in the past to a decent life for the land we live on?! When will the world became better???? I hope youa understand what I want to convey to everyone.
Where someone lives could affect their opinion on building back greener because of the following reasons;
▪︎Lack of education
▪︎The Kind of people in that area
▪︎Lack of Industrialisation
▪︎The person's cultural background
▪︎The kind of upbringing that person has.
“The earth is like a newborn baby”
The earth is still young, it is not ready for what is to come…
If the earth is like a newborn, it is young and innocent, it doesn’t deserve to be treated with the state it is currently in.we must nurture it.
Great comment♡
Protecting the planet requires the authorities to stand up to the wrong practices followed by the owners of factories or even the fabricators of wars, and all of these work to destroy the infrastructure of the earth ..... We must save it and protect it from external influences ♡
'No turning back' People continued in their ignorance, there would be no turning back; And we will have to continue with all this ruin.
*Life is like a child*
Life was in the past simple such as little baby but now has become complicated like a child when he gets old.
The earth, our child
We are responsible for our earth no matter how much the earth is being destroyed we can help it so we have to look at the future of earth if we help. That is going to look like it is so far away but it would be everything we want it to be.
Saving the Earth is in our hands. And it's a responsibility of every human to plant trees and make our Earth green. The wasteland in picture is a symbol that people are not planting trees and so the Earth is going from green to brown.
This is what might happen to Earth if you neglect it
I wrote this phrase because This is what might happen to Earth if you neglect it
The fate of the world depends on us. The fate of the transferred planet depends on us, whether we were young or old, or we were rich or poor, or we were important or not ... What is done as a whole in saving the world ..
The earth is an egg that needs attention from each of us, regardless of our differences. We must cooperate together. We must realize the importance of the smallest efforts and the smallest perceptions to solve this crisis ..
The smallest actions that our hands can do can make a difference that can save the earth and affect it negatively or positively. We can make choices and our choices are not related to us only, but to the lives of all living people on earth, and there is no turning back.
I like your comment
I enjoy this comment, very nice
Effects that plague the planet will not occur immediately; Will occur slowly, while we do not realize it, each tree can cultivate that contribute to our rescue, whether it today or in the future.
The earth is a painting, the smallest color can make it more beautiful or spoil it, we must all try; Even if it is not about our country or our lives today, perhaps what we do today will save us in the future.
The best comment I've seen so far, frankly
Your creativity, my dear friend, truly deserves the stars
Yes, I agree with you and I will be with you, as we are the ones who make life and what we must work to create the best future that revives the world✊🤜🤛
You have a right, so each of us has two options, the first is to make the land a safe place, and the other is to do what he wants and it does not matter to him whether it harms the land or not, because we are the ones who control our actions and not our actions that control us. 😊💜
That is why we should work hard and fight for our future
Yes action can either have impact now or in the future.
I love your write up. 👍👍
I love your comment
"Our actions are the cause ,the Earth is the victim."
People think that the Earth will bear our actions more, but the opposite is true, the Earth will be destroyed and we will be affected by the dire consequences.
Great comment
The picture is a future vision, and its impact is not limited to a country or field; Rather, it contains all countries and areas, it can be a reality or just a picture, depending on how we see it or how we take precautions for it.
We are fine when the last tree dies, so if it dies, it is the end. Her death means a lack of water, an increase in pollution, and later a lack of oxygen and life.
Art is not limited to paintings. Planting trees is an art, caring for the environment is an art, and realizing the serious problem that we suffer from is art. The land is art.
Even if you do not care about your life, you have to take care of the lives of others. You have to realize what awaits them and awaits you, even if you are a child or the elderly, the problem has no age, and it is not only the youth that has to solve it.
Great comment
Earth is a seed; If you take care of it, you will reap the fruit, and if you neglect it, you will reap regret.
You don't just have to learn from the stories; Rather, you should realize that if you do not try, you will only become the lesson ..
"We can build the Earth back greener."
I chose this caption because in the picture we see how small the Earth is in our hands, meaning that things are still under control and that we can build back greener if we are aware of the matter.
We are in the 21st century; And we are not in the Stone Age; We think and innovate, not eat and sleep ..
Each of us should be aware of the seriousness of the issue. Perhaps the Stone Age may return again.
Space travel for scientists, success for those who try ..
But save the earth for everyone, try and succeed; Aspire and achieve, think and invent a solution, as every human being is capable of thinking.
Hand in hand we cooperate; So we make tomorrow, when there is no global warming
We cooperate and create the future, we plant and reap the best harvest, and with our hands we draw the most beautiful facts.
Life is beautiful just need someone to know its worth🔥✌
To everyone who says global warming is not my problem and it will not destroy me.
Do not be narrow-minded and selfishly think to yourself, what if our fears were realized and our waters dried up, our lands destroyed, and our resources scarce?
Will you be happy?
Every person is talented, what if each of you could use your talent for environmental safety?
The engineer engineers robots that save the environment.
The farmer plants trees that save the environment.
And the student educates people to save the environment ..
The broadcaster spreads the message and educates people to save the environment.
Absolutely correct
Each person has a story that will live in the hearts of those after us, what if you took a few minutes of your time to plant a tree and spread the story of the crisis?
Your life will become a poem in the lines of history, and one of its heroes.
Do not be just a transient person who does not exist .. but be a future hero.
🌼The journey of success does not require the search for a new land, but rather the eagerness to succeed and the desire to achieve it and look at things with new eyes. 🌼
Because everything can be achieved on this earth, but he wants diligence from us.
It's not just a hero who has superpowers; Rather, a hero is someone who understands a problem and solves it, even if it does not concern it.
The hero is not someone who cares about who she is, but a person who is quick to help people.
Be a hero and save the environment ..
Our world must be cared for like a baby bird in a nest.
Global warming knows neither fair nor wrong, and it kills all equally, as it harms un-prosperous countries more than prosperous ones, despite the fact that the waste per capita of the population of prosperous countries amounts to 7.5 of toxic gases, while individuals of non-states reach 5.0 ..
If you are smart, what is the benefit of your intelligence?
If you are rich, what is the benefit of your wealth?
If you are a scientist, what is the benefit of your knowledge?
If you are truly a "active" person, then you must work to solve the crisis, before the land, what is on it and what you have in it disappear, and you have nothing left but regret
It is said that crying affects people.
So do we have to wait for the earth to cry and end to feel it?
So, do we have to wait for the end to come until we regret it?
Couldn't you give five minutes of your time to plant a plant and make a difference to delay the inevitable?
"Be careful don`t drop it, it will be doomed "
Earth is our home but also delicate, if we it`s inhabitants don`t take care of it then it`s sure to drop and be doomed along with us. So let`s keep it safe it`s for our good too.