Standpoints by honorable_brain Written by: honorable_brain One small step for women, one giant leap for humankind 04 March 2025 1 comments Comments by honorable_brain Comment Post Date Comment: I do agree with you. Yes, there may be disadvantages for those who can't use AI like you have... Post: Disadvantage for those who can't use AI? Date: 05/3/25 Comment: I do agree with you. AI is taking over the world faster than we can even imagine. It is changing... Post: AI is harming us and our jobs are only the beginning! Date: 05/3/25 Comment: I agree with your opinion. Social media is a very influential tool that has touched a lot of... Post: Behind the Screen: The Dark Side of Social Media Date: 04/3/25 Comment: I disagree with you when you say people can do their everyday life without AI. Even though AI is... Post: AI, More Good or Harm? Date: 03/3/25 Comment: I do agree with you. It is very important to achieve gender equality. It is not only beneficial... Post: Why it is important to achieve gender equality and what is already done for it Date: 03/3/25 Comment: In my opinion, I think it's not fair that people, mostly men are being conscripted during... Post: The choice to fight? Date: 12/2/25 Comment: I do agree with opinion C. " If governments can't keep their doctors safe, then they should... Post: Doctors and responsibility Date: 12/2/25 Comment: In my opinion, none of the experiences being shared is going on where I live. I say so because... Post: Most similar, most different Date: 06/2/25 Comment: In my opinion, the problem that might be the most difficult to fix is stereotype. I say so... Post: Which is the most difficult problem to fix? Date: 05/2/25 Comment: I had the strongest reaction to example C. Even though he has lots of supports from his millions... Post: Elon Musk in the news Date: 30/1/25 Comment: I think that Mary Slessor is an example of powerful people. She was a Scottish Presbyterian... Post: Powerful people Date: 30/1/25 Comment: Yes, I think social media users have a responsibility to not get involved in the negative... Post: Power and social media Date: 29/1/25 Comment: I scored 7 out of 8. Elon Musk has a net worth of $400 billion and owns several companies... Post: What do you know about Elon Musk? Date: 29/1/25 Comment: Some positive effects of immigration include: Filling the society with vacant spaces and also... Post: What should happen to Syrian refugees? Date: 28/1/25 Comment: Social media as a very powerful and influencing tool has both positive and negative aspects.... Post: Power and social media Date: 28/1/25 Comment: I agree with you. AI is a very strong and useful tool in humanity today as it is playing a mass,... Post: Quiz: how sustainable is AI? Date: 26/1/25 Comment: In my opinion, I think that the best option is B. They should be allowed to stay in their new... Post: What should happen to Syrian refugees? Date: 26/1/25 Comment: Artificial Intelligence also known as AI has really been of great help to humanity but we still... Post: What might make AI more sustainable? Date: 24/1/25 Comment: Yes, I agree with you. If everyone does not have equal opportunity to use AI as one country is... Post: What if it’s not fair? Date: 24/1/25 Comment: Journalists face a lot of challenges. Some of them are insecurity, governmental pressure,... Post: Challenges to journalists Date: 23/1/25 View more >