Comments by steadfast_moon

Comment Post Date
In my opinion, making a hairdresser will be a waste of money. I agree with you helping the... Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18
I would use the money to help refugees- such as Syrians- to become safer. I would do this by... Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18
How does charity make people happy? It definitely helps people, but how does it make them happy? Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18
How would you get more money though? Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18
In my opinion, there is a lot of possibilities to use this large sum of money, 100,000 pounds.... Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18
Can you explain more why you want to make more homes please. Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18
In my opinion, if money on the Earth was outlawed, nobody could have a successful business... Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18
The reason why everything would be gone because if everyone stole everything, every product... Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18
I also think (like in the world wars) that the food that has not been eaten yet should be... Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18
A really crafty comment. I absolutely agree. Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18
I think if money (notes and coins) were outlawed, we could transfer our money to our cards and... Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18
A scientist’s curiosity led him to the aliens, dangerous aliens. Since then he has disappeared.... Weekly Competition #5 08/10/18
Curiosity leads to death. Death leads to curiosity. This is how an science-obsessed found... Weekly Competition #5 08/10/18
I roamed the misty graveyard. My father’s tomb stone stood like a fearless soldier...well used... Weekly Competition #5 08/10/18