Comments by stupendous_volcano

Comment Post Date
A conspicuous problem in our community is indubitably poverty as it has caused the suffering of... #5 Innovation for your nation! 11/10/21
I understand that fuel is indispensable for drivers, however, wouldn't this negatively impact... #5 Innovation for your nation! 11/10/21
I totally agree with you, modern society has been corrupted by the use of electronic devices.... #5 Innovation for your nation! 11/10/21
*disagree #5 Innovation for your nation! 11/10/21
I understand that floods may remove unnecessary waste from an area, however, this waste may end... #5 Innovation for your nation! 05/10/21
I believe that curiosity is an indispensable quality for an aspiring journalist as it allows one... #4 Because... 30/9/21
I believe that curiosity is an indispensable quality for an aspiring journalist because it... #4 Because... 30/9/21