#4 Because...
01 October 2021Winners Announced!
For last week’s competition, we asked you to show off your reasoning skills - and you did not let us down! Thank you to everyone who entered. Our winners this time are…
romantic_wolf of Rafah Prep (B) Girls School in Occupied Palestinian Territory, who explained that they thought creativity was the most important quality for a journalist to have because it helps to make more people interested in the news
amiable_shrimp of Sylhet Cadet College in Bangladesh, who thought that courage was the most important quality because it helps journalists to speak out and “magnify” what’s happening in the world.
Well done, both of you!
If you're new to Topical Talk, welcome to the Weekly Competition! A new competition is added every Friday and we choose two winners. There are three important rules:
- Only enter once - if you enter more than once, you will not be able to win
- Do NOT copy - your entry must be totally your own. If you are found copying you will not be allowed to use the Student Hub
- Follow the instructions carefully - otherwise, you cannot win
Your challenge this week is to explain which of the following qualities is most important for a journalist to have.
You must use the word "BECAUSE..." in your answer to win.
Your entry should be ONE sentence.
For example, you could say "I think that CURIOSITY/CREATIVITY/COURAGE/HONESTY is the most important quality for journalists to have BECAUSE..."

The deadline is 12pm (UK time) on Friday October 1st - please make sure you follow the rules above.
Comments (508)
I think that curiosity is the most important quality for journalists to have because if the journalist is not curious then he won't be able to ask questions and find the answers .
Yes, and because it creates fun and suspense in curiosity
In my humble opinion, curiosity sometimes leads alack of respect for privacy.
I agree with you
Yes I agree with you
Your comment is very beautiful
Yes I agree with you
In your opinion, how did the journalist develop his curiosity skill?
He has learned a lot of things so that this is stunning work
Good comment
He may have learned from journalists before him and increased his love for his work
Through my speculation and belief, curiosity grows through their exploration and topics and they use their senses as multiple sources of knowledge and there is also a positive relationship between curiosity and also the cognitive drive and the desire to understand and know more and more because the motivation stems from curiosity and what is accompanied by tendencies to explore and can be characterized by scientific passion and the search for new and new.
Each of us has a hobby and is creative with it. For example, I love and adore something called mathematics, my love of curiosity leads me to inquire and search for information, and when I think about solving a problem I think deeply and have the desire to learn more and more.
What is the reason for the journalist's curiosity?
I think he likes the news so is curious about news
And I think so
I agree with you
From my point of view and my belief, because he has a desire to discover the world around him
Curiosity is the first teacher of mankind
It is the powerful engine of knowledge and discovery. All human inventions are based on curiosity as we studied in school.
A journalist's curiosity is increasing day by day, and this is the perfect way to learn. We should all learn to be curious and love knowledge
The talented person was nothing but curious
I totally agree with you
Can you say why?
I agree with you
I agree with you.
I also
I have another opinion, yes he is curious, but he should not be too curious so that he does not lose his work or receive a lot of criticism, but your thinking 👍
I agree with you about this talk
I agree with you, the curiosity that distinguishes the journalist from others comes first and foremost, as he must be able not only to question, but to know and clarify things.
from ..? what..? when..? How do..? where .. ? Why..?
Through which he can know the truth and pass it on to the people.
Nice, comment
I agree with you
Yes, but he needs to be courageous enough to publish the news he has.
According to my view, honesty is the most important quality that a journalist should have because it helps in conveying the right messages, which will make him more trustworthy and avoid misunderstandings.
I agree with you. Honesty is one of the traits a journelist should have
I agree with you, but there are some journalists who spread false news (rumours)
Honesty is the most important quality that a journalist must have and be creative in his work, and he must be good in the history of different civilizations and be of good morals because he wants to be of high confidence 🖤❤️
Good comment
Actually honesty is very important in journalism, but the thing is that its very risky to be a journalist and just be honest. I often read in newspapers about honest journalists being harassed and had to face personal attacks for something they published. So creativity is the quality needed here. I saw many honest journalists publishing dark truths through creative ways like cartoon comics in news, social media news and etc. Hence both qualities together might make a really perfect and powerful journalist.
A good comment and agreed with you
Your words are true, they must be honest until they become loved by his audience
I agree with you
Of course, it is better to hurt them than to lie to them and make them happy.
I agree with you
Yeah, so nice a point of view!! I appreciate your opinion.
Yes, I agree, well done😍
I think that honesty is the most important quality for journalists to have because A journalist's skills become useless unless they are reflected in ethical behavior
I agree with you, it adorns it and attracts our attention by decorating it with it
Good ❤️
Nice comment
I agree with you very good words
But ethical behavior is often overlooked as the present days are very contradictory one must think past the horizon and an honest person in favor of honesty shall over look the fact that he might get deceived as honest persons are the ones who gets trapped first by cunning and dishonest people.
I think a journalist should be creative because if a journalist is creative then he/she can present the smallest news in the way that it will become the top one.
The journalist is creative and successful when he transmits honest and purposeful news that is a reliable source away from misleading the reader and follower for the sake of success and creativity in his free work.
yes honesty is also a very important thing . But i
have just shared my opinion.
Very beautiful comment
Creativity is also an important characteristic of a journalist to write a beautiful article that people love and gain people's trust and attraction.
Curiosity to explore everything that is useful and gives us useful and interesting information and news
I agree with you.
Being a creative journalist
Because one of the most common questions a journalist might ask is to find someone who asks how you learned to write.
Do you have a journalist in mind that you'd like to ask that question to?
If I had the opportunity to ask this question to a well-known or famous journalist, I would definitely do so
Nice comment
nice comment
I agree with you 🖤❤️
I also
I agree with you
I agree with you. Creativity is important for a journalist because journalists have to be creative in discerning what news is worth reporting and how important the story is.
nice comment
Small news are not the priorities of a great journalist what makes a great one is to present extraordinary news which shall shed light towards darkness.
Your words are very beautiful and wonderful.
I agree with you .The journalism industry needs new approaches to storytelling, fresh ideas around organizational structure and workflow, and bold experiments in revenue streams. On a smaller level, creativity is core to team morale and job enthusiasm, things some of us might be lacking.
I believe that perceptiveness, honesty, lack of despair.
The challenge this week is to choose only from the words above and explain your reasons using the word BECAUSE.
Very beautiful comment
I think HONESTY is the most important quality for journalist to have BECAUSE Journalists who conduct themselves HONESTLY prove themselves WORTHY OF TRUST.
I agree with you. Honesty is a characteristic of a journalist who must possess it, because without honesty he cannot be a journalist.
We should practice this in our daily life routine too...
I agree with you that honesty is the most important quality
Yes... We should be honest whatever the situation is...
I agree with you.
So the journalist, like the muezzin, announces the time of prayer and establishes the word of truth and is not responsible for who will attend the prayer and adhere to the prayer or not attend.
But worthy of trust can sometimes be the fall of one's sight as the current world is full of contradictions and dishonesty so an honest journalist in search of trust might find himself trapped in an endless tyranny.
Ummm yes you are right dear...but we should not do the same as others if they are wrong , we should tell them about what is right and what is wrong....and second thing is we should be honest and our intentions should be right so then nothing can stop you from success and you might have heard this quote that Do what is right not what is easy...
Of course, because honesty is one of the highest morals, honesty is the best picture you draw for yourself
Honesty is the best policy...
A good journalist will check fact before reporting because he or she knows that he will answerable for the fake facts he reported
Thanks for your idea - but for this week's competition you should choose from one of the qualities above and explain which one is the most important.
Thanks for your appreciation may i comment once more if this is not correct
On this occasion you may, but please make sure to read the instructions carefully in future.
Thank you
I think that one of the qualities that a journalist must have is courage, because in some news about murder and crime scenes, he must be strong in these things, and he must be honest because people depend on honest journalists, which results in fame and an increase in people's love for a journalist and also curiosity until.
To enter the competition this week you must choose just one of the qualities which is the most important. Which one do you think it is?
I think that courage is the quality that a journalist should have, because if he is not brave, he cannot photograph the crime scene and even be daring to report news from the heart of a frightening event..
He must be able to speak in appropriate technique, with courage, poise, and the kind of situation
How does a journalist fit in with his courage in any of the situations and not feel nervous and love confident in his words?
You are right, this is an important quality that a journalist should have.
I agree with you
To be a journalist, you have to be bold and strong.
You cannot be a journalist when you are confused talking to people and have no ability to communicate with them
I agree with you
Yes, I agree with you, and he should be curious to reveal the issues😊
I agree with you, I do not think that there is a successful journalist and a coward at the some time.
Wonderful suspension
I agree with you, because he must have guts
Even when a journalist can see the painful and sad events, such as the killing that takes place during a battle, and have the courage to tell someone who was killed in battle, how to tell his family and his family.
One of the most important characteristics of journalists
First, honesty, because their news is spread quickly and is believed
Secondly, curiosity because knowing the news, its source and the most accurate details about it
Third, courage and creativity