tidy_world has not published standpoints yet. Comments by tidy_world Comment Post Date Comment: I think the most important facts are in March 2019 there were 112,031 doctors,311,380 qualified... Post: #26 - Fact Findings - Winners Announced! Date: 13/3/20 Comment: Continued from above...it's unfair because you know the coranovirus is going around and you're... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 02/3/20 Comment: THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU BY SKYPE UP TO 30m NHS APPOINTMENTS TO BE THROUGH VIDEO-LINK" - Daily... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 02/3/20 Comment: When somebody say's your bad at your job don't listen because you know you're good at and you... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 24/2/20 Comment: I would ask what does it feel like to stand the moon Post: #12 - Message in a Rocket - Winners Announced! Date: 25/11/19 Comment: I would send a poem about the destruction of our planet. This is because one day maybe it won't... Post: #12 - Message in a Rocket - Winners Announced! Date: 25/11/19 Comment: I'm sceptical about quote D because it says "it is clear" and "will end" that sounds like... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 09/10/19