Easter Holiday Competition
18 April 2019
thoughtful_raisin and creative_sparrow
Our Easter Holiday competition saw some great reflection from students who searched back through the Experts archives and gave their opinions about the answers that were given. Well done to thoughtful_raisin, who explained why they agreed with Robert Bates from the Leave Means Leave campaign, and creative_sparrow. We’ll leave you with their thoughts:
My science text book says ‘‘We all swoon at people in authority, but you have to ignore that fact and look at the evidence, just because someone has got a whacking great list of letters after name (ie. BSc, PhD etc) it doesn’t mean the evidence is good. Spotting biased evidence isn’t the easiest thing in the world - ask yourself ‘Does the scientist or the person writing about it stand to gain something or lose something? If they do, it’s possible that it could be biased.” If we all adopt the scientific method to everything we read and hear, or at least apply it to the important things in life, then our chances of being duped by fake news would be minimal and therefore the pros and cons would be so much clearer for us all to see to make a better, informed judgement.
It's the end of the Issue! We loved reading your comments, posts and competition entries on the Hub this half term, and wish that adults in the UK and EU could have critical conversations that are as good as yours. We've also enjoyed your videos, artwork and questions for the experts.
The Easter holiday competition is to make the most of the Expert Answers (the posts with the purple rocket). Watch the Expert videos, read their answers and respond!
Tell us:
- If you agree or disagree with the Expert's answer and why
- If you think they answered the question and why
You'll have to write your comment on the expert's post. Then, come to this page and write:
"I have responded to [name of expert]" - For example: I have responded to Ruth Smeeth.
We're looking for excellent open-mindedness to different opinions and fantastic reasoning.
Good luck! We'll announce the winners over the Easter Bank holiday weekend!
Comments (13)
I have responded to Phil Wilson -
"I definitely agree with Phil Wilson on this point! What's the point on putting barriers up around trade? Surely the EU will benefit more from a thriving trade route with the UK than from spending money enforcing the rules around trade restrictions."
I have responded to Graham Smith
I have responded to Robert Bate.
I have responded to olivia
I have responded to Graham Smith,
Q) Did Fake News cause Brexit? From blessed_computer, Graveney School.
I agree with Graham Smith because he said yes and I thought yes as well because in social media people put what they think and then write it down and then people read it and then assume it is true but it is not and that is what I think though.
I think Graham Smith,
Has answered this question because he said yes that fake news caused Brexit and explained that it is the social media that is also involved
I responded to Robert bates
I have responded to Robert Bate.
it is not fake that we should leave Eu
I responded to Graham Smith
I have responded to Ruth Smeeth, Phil Wilson, Robert Bates. Matt Warman and Graham Smith.
In conclusion, I think MP Phil Wilson speaks the most sense to me. Graham Smith highlighted the concern of fake news for modern democracy and the possible effect it had on Brexit, which has made me think deeply on this whole issue of misinformation. I have realised that there were so many myths that where put out there and unfortunately some people did fall for the lies. However, to debunk myths and untruths, it requires so much time and energy to fact check it all, as I have discovered myself. Most of the time it’s complicated and the truth is not so simple as black and white. I’m also aware that many people would not necessarily have the time or the means to do so, but some will rely on sound bites to make a conclusive decision.
Even so, whilst doing my homework I came across a very useful piece of advice from my science text book ‘‘We all swoon at people in authority, but you have to ignore that fact and look at the evidence, just because someone has got a whacking great list of letters after name (ie. BSc, PhD etc) it doesn’t mean the evidence is good.” Spotting biased evidence isn’t the easiest thing in the world - ask yourself ‘Does the scientist or the person writing about it stand to gain something or lose something? If they do, it’s possible that it could be biased.”
I think if we all adopt the scientific method to everything we read and hear, or at least apply it to the important things in life, then our chances of being duped by fake news would be minimal and therefore the pros and cons would be so much clearer for us all to see to make a better, informed judgement.
I have responded to Graham Smith!
i have responded to graham smith
I have responded to Graham Smith.