Meet the judges and their tips

You’re putting so much hard work into your standpoints, so it’s only fair that the standpoint competition is judged by the very best! Here are our three expert judges from The Economist and pssssst… they’ve got some top tips for you!

Judge for written standpoints

Henry Tricks writes an article every week for The Economist newspaper. He will be the lead judge for the written entries for the Festival’s standpoint competition.

Henry’s top tips for good pieces of written journalism are:

  • Make sure your writing has a clear beginning, middle and end
  • Have a balance of long and short sentences
  • Explain technical words as you go
  • Make sure every sentence says something new
  • Say things as simply as possible

Judge for video standpoints

Harriet Shawcross produces and directs films for The Economist. She will be the lead judge for the video entries for the Festival’s standpoint competition.

Harriet’s top tips for good pieces of video journalism are:

  • Speak slowly and clearly
  • Change the tone of your voice depending on what you are saying
  • Make sure your facial expressions match the mood of your standpoint
  • Use your body language to help communicate points
  • Hold up visual aids such as pictures or charts

Judge for audio standpoints

John Prideaux writes and produces podcasts for The Economist. He will be the lead judge for the audio entries for the Festival’s standpoint competition. John’s top tips for good pieces of audio journalism are:

  • Speak slowly and clearly
  • Change the tone of your voice depending on what you are saying
  • Speak directly to the listener as if you know them
  • If you use technical words, explain what they mean
  • Make sure sound effects or music are not distracting for the listener

Comments (15)

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  • I will submit writing, because I am able to write everything in a beautiful and understandable formulation full of creativity and information, while linking the facts with each other.
    This advice caught my attention, make sure every sentence says something new, because it alerted me to a topic, which is to be a writer full of facts and useful information that will create new perspectives, be full of vitality, so that the other party does not get bored when reading.
    I want to tell you that nothing beats frankness, so be as frank as possible, provide all the information you have, and use all your skills so that you can communicate what you want.

    1. And I agree with you by choosing to write. Everyone has a side full of creativity in writing.

  • I will try to submit witing more as a chalenge but i'll proberly mess up

  • The best way to express my feelings about my point of view is to write.
    Because it honestly allows a person to express himself inside, and disclose it whenever he wants, there is no specific time for writing.
    Creative words and wonderful ideas come out as if they are stars appearing one after the other, and their beauty increases.

    Sometimes if we want to express a topic in audio or video, it must be arranged in advance, that the place be quiet and there is no noise in or outside the place, so that the sound is not distorted, or not understood, and there is no weakness in communication so that the recording time for audio or video is not interrupted. .

  • Because I think that I can formulate and express more by writing, but audio and video can make me nervous and so on. Writing is easier for me, and I think it is the most beautiful advice the judge has for written points of view: Be sure. Since every sentence says something new, I liked it very much, because here it shows me that I or every writer should bring beautiful things and wonderful new writings that draw attention. I think I have advice for everyone who likes to write, which is: Do not take your writing from others. Be confident that you write beautiful things so that you can continue writing without worry.

  • What type of view are you planning? Writing, audio or video? why? I will choose to write because I am a person with a talent for writing and linking facts to each other in a way that is full of creativity, wonderful and attractive to the reader.
    Which of the referees' top tips caught your eye? Why?
    Explain technical words as you go; Because she alerted me to explain my words as I wanted and not to explain the way to others.
    What other top tips do you have for building perspectives?
    1- Make sure that your writing is not from a website.
    2- Pay attention to your use of words.

  • It's great advice, and inspiring, too. It is so beautiful to inspire your writing, videos or audio you create for the listener or reader. As a school speaker, and I need advice on writing essays for school lessons, I need all of these tips. The advice to Harriet caught my attention, your facial expressions should be consistent with the mood of your point of view, I don't work with that advice much, because I often say things I don't want to say, so my facial expressions don't match my point of view, so I'll work with it from now on . And my advice to enhance your point of view is to make people view you good so that in their eyes your view is good thank you.

  • For me the best way for me to express my self is to write, I feel my self through writing . I already know am not a good speaker but am good with words in my own way. Making audios or videos is not my kind of style because I always lose my words or stammer when talking . Writing also helps me to speak through my readers and also link up facts for them just like article writing .
    Thank you so much for this points or hints you have given , they will come in handy for my profession , I wish to have tutors that could help me in the work of journalism.

  • Am planning audio because when using an audio you really feel like you are communicating to a person face to face and they are really listening to you and understanding like as if you are there and if you are also scared of talking to people while they are looking at you because words may disappear it creates a safe space for you.

    1. That's nice reasoning! Take a look at some of the audio standpoints we have received so far for some tips - they're fantastic.

      1. I agree because... As I said you are able to speak out your mind without fear of lacking what to say due to being scared by people looking at you.

  • How many points of view are we allowed to every topic??

    1. You should try to include more than one perspective in your standpoints - but remember to stick within the 400 word, or 2 minute, limit.

  • I would actually prefer making an audio stand point because it is easier to express yourself and what you want people to know by use of the mouth.
    But if you write no one will know what you actually feel about what your writing but when you get to listen to an audio of someone speaking you can easily identify that this person is in this mood .

  • For me the best way for me to express my self is to write, I feel my self through writing . I already know am not a good speaker but am good with words in my own way. Making audios or videos is not my kind of style because I always lose my words or stammer when talking . Writing also helps me to speak through my readers and also link up facts for them just like article writing .
    Thank you so much for this points or hints you have given , they will come in handy for my profession , I wish to have tutors that could help me in the work of journalism.

  • It's great advice, and inspiring, too. It is so beautiful to inspire your writing, videos or audio you create for the listener or reader. As a school speaker, and I need advice on writing essays for school lessons, I need all of these tips. The advice to Harriet caught my attention, your facial expressions should be consistent with the mood of your point of view, I don't work with that advice much, because I often say things I don't want to say, so my facial expressions don't match my point of view, so I'll work with it from now on . And my advice to enhance your point of view is to make people view you good so that in their eyes your view is good thank you.

  • The thing I want to do is record an audio clip because I think I can speak English fluently and also my teacher tells me that too and I like John Prideaux's advice and the best of these tips is that I have to speak slowly and clearly because I usually rush and I can I say something I mean something else because I rushed to register

  • I will choose writing because I can write beautifully and understandably, I even write poetry fluently.

    And this piece of advice that caught my eye, make sure every sentence says something new, because it made me write new ideas so that the reader wouldn't get bored when they read my poetry.

    As for my advice, which is a point of view (in writing):
    Discover the joy of writing
    Meditation and mental harmony
    Make writing a habit.

  • The Type of standpoint I'm planning is one about Global Food Crisis because I want people to see that this a big issue and it's a issue that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. Also it will be a writing because I believe my voice sounds a little weird so I don't like audio and video I get a little self conscious so I don't like those either. My tip would be to Choose your words Wisely.