The reasons why we haven't yet solved the issue of the global food crisis
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

These are some of the reasons why we haven't solved the global food crisis yet.
The UN and FAO have tried many ways to fight world hunger and these include providing food to countries badly affected by disaster. In many cases, the support provided by these organisations doesn't reach the people that need it most. This introduces us to one of the major factors affecting world hunger. This factor is corruption. For example in my country Uganda, The government came up with the idea of donating food to people all over the country since most of them weren't working during the Covid-19 lock down and their families were going to starve. Many individuals and organisation tried to assist the government by donating food items like cooking oil, milk and other food accessories. but most of these donated items didn't reach the general public and reached only a few of the essential workers. This was partly due to corrupt leaders that only supplied poor quality maize flour and beans to the citizens and decided to sell the food stuffs of good quality. With such corruption in the world, it will be had to fight world hunger.
The other reason is the ongoing war in Ukraine this has led to many necessary and compulsory items' costs skyrocketing. This will mean that many low-income families and individuals will struggle to buy these necessities; though many world leaders are often way more well-off than normal citizens. One of these necessities is food.
Another of these reasons is poverty. Poverty- a main factor. Many people around the world are too poor to buy their own food and get rid of hunger. Poverty contributes to world hunger by forcing them to sell their livestock, tools and even forming a vicious cycle, which makes people who cannot afford buying food undernourished. Many families who don't earn very much or don't have a job may find life very difficult and might starve on the streets .In addition, Covid 19 has also led to many people not having jobs. This is leading to increasing numbers of people unable to afford buying simple ,everyday items.
Climate change has led to droughts, floods and many other unpredictable events. Droughts will lead to food crops not having enough water and wilting. Floods will lead to many useful crops dying and being ripped from the fields. This situation needs to change.
Finally, food waste. Food waste often occurs when restaurants and people at home throw out food. Some throw food in oceans because they have nowhere to get rid of the food, affecting aquatic animals and destroying sea nature. Often, distributors and retailers reject fruit and vegetables that are not perfect. These kinds of food could be something to be given at least to feed undernourished people.
There must be efforts to reduce world hunger that include: lasting solutions to empower people, bringing an end to conflict, taking better care of our planet and making a conscious effort not to waste food.
Comments (1)
When people hear hunger, they think of ways to produce more food not ways to produce sustainable food conventional and organic farming is another factor that we have to look at. Conventional agriculture causes increased greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, water pollution, and threatens human health. Organic farming has a smaller carbon footprint, conserves and builds soil health, replenishes natural ecosystems for cleaner water and air, all without toxic pesticide residues. I mean I know we are suffering hunger, but sustainable organic food is better than non-sustainable conventional food, we have to be wise is you ask me, I mean we cannot keep turning one problem into two, yes there is hunger, but do we have to add the environment to the issue. Yes, conventional farming uses less land, but the food is unreliable and lacks some basic important nutrients. I mean in the long run conventional farming really harms the environment. I mean the excess fake growth boosters given are even detrimental to human health, yes, we want food we want to solve the problem of hunger, but what do we achieve if we solve one problem by developing another, yes, we should stop the hunger, but we should also use sustainable agriculture methods. I mean most people that practice conventional farming are not even helping the nation. They give animals all types of injections and give plants all types of artificial boosters that do nothing but harm in the long run.