Nepotism: The Never-Ending Battle

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

““Equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions.” This is a quote by Slobodan Milosevic. While its origins are unknown, it reveals a powerful truth about the world. Equality, or as defined by Merriam-Webster as “the state of being equal” is something only achieved if there is collective effort, not just on a small scale, but on a widespread level. To achieve it, however, has been the main desire nd goal of all men. For everyone to have their equal and deserved share is something that everyone wants and should have. One of the things that act as a detractor and nemesis to this is nepotism. Citing from Merriam-Webster once again, it defines nepotism as “favoritism based on kinship.” This acts as the basis of corruption. To favor someone, based not on skill and dexterity, but upon one's liking of another person is the most basic form of corruption. From this simple practice, begins the rotting of all law, the rotting of all that is right within a society.

To allow nepotism is one of the most disgraceful, disgusting practices there is on the Earth, on the same level of robbery and theft. This is because in the manner of how robbery steals away things, nepotism steals away opportunities, futures, hopes, and dreams. To engage in nepotism is essentially to destroy another person’s chance at having a better life. At having what they worked tirelessly for. That is something that is not acceptable. To selfishly take away what one has slaved away for, dreamed of, strived of, is a thing that is both despicable and worthy of contempt.

But one may ask, “how do you go about getting rid of nepotism?” There is no simple answer. But, there are a few solutions to prevent the beginning of it. Firstly, more government investigations and stricter trade regulations could prove to be effective in lessening nepotism’s effect. This would expose businesses wide open and shine light to any under-table practices. Hiring practices could also have more anonymity, preventing the employer from seeing the applicant’s name immediately until hiring. This way, nepotism can be combatted effectively and strategically.

To end, corruption is something that can not be simply done away with. Like a virus or disease, it is always alive, changing and adapting. But likewise, with collective effort, we can call out situations of nepotism and prevent it from becoming widespread.

Comments (5)

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  • Yes, nepotism is a virus that is ravaging the entire world. People are trying to achieve equality but some other people just won't have it. "One would be lying if they say nepotism doesn't exist" by Huma Qureshi. I totally agree with this quote. Nepotism is practiced in all the spheres of life, even animals practice it. This makes it a real problem because even lower life forms practice it. Nepotism doesn't only affect the people that are cheated, it can also affect the cheater. Imagine if you want to become an accountant. You use your relatives influence to get a job and you got it. But after a while you realize that the job is just not your calling. You will end up being unhappy and you robbed another worthy person of this opportunity. But imagine if you applied for the job the right way. In the process you would have realized that it is not your calling and you would have left the job and someone who is actually worthy would have got it. At the end everybody is happy. But if nepotism was in the picture, the cheater as well as the cheated would be unhappy. Finally "Nepotism will never give you success, but talent can" by Ashok Saraf.

    1. Yes really, to be honest in my country people deal with favoritism and they take chances that are not worth catering to them
      but to other people.
      When giving your relative a profession he is not good at, will you benefit.?
      Of course not.
      And your company will lose when people know that you work with favoritism.
      But when giving someone who deserves the profession has experience
      Your company will really flourish.?

  • I agree with you quiet_ mode, nepotism is not something that the breeze can sweep away as if it was never there, it will not be easy to remove it out of the society. But there
    are ways we can curb it. some of the ways include:
    1.create detailed job descriptions.
    2.promote transparency in hiring and promotion processes.
    3.equal treatment of employee.
    4.correct decision making.
    I believe that if we follow these ways the never ending battle will slowly come to an end.

    1. Yes, yes, I agree with you. This is not a paper that can be removed, of course, and the methods that you put forward are also beautiful. But will we present something to remove nepotism only? What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for them to erase it?

  • The first quote by Slobodan Milosevic expresses a valid idea about justice and equality, emphasizing the need for their incorporation into institutions and systems. It highlights the importance of embedding principles of justice and equality within the structures of society and government.

    Justice and equality require collective efforts that go beyond narrow scopes; they should be pursued on a broad scale. Achieving them is a fundamental desire and goal for all individuals, as everyone wants and deserves their fair share. One of the obstacles to this is nepotism, which is favoritism based on kinship and serves as the foundation of corruption. Favoring someone not based on skill or competence but solely on personal connections or family relationships is the most basic form of corruption. This simple practice sets in motion the erosion of the rule of law and everything that is right within a society.

    Allowing nepotism is one of the most disgraceful and repugnant practices on Earth, comparable to theft and robbery. Nepotism steals away opportunities, futures, hopes, and dreams, just as robbery takes away material possessions. Engaging in nepotism essentially robs individuals of their chance to have a better life and deprives them of what they have worked tirelessly for and aspired to achieve. Such selfish actions are despicable and deserving of contempt.

    However, one may ask, "How can we eliminate nepotism?" There is no simple answer, but a few solutions can help prevent its occurrence. Firstly, increased government investigations and stricter trade regulations can be effective in reducing the impact of nepotism. This would expose businesses to scrutiny and shed light on any covert practices. Moreover, hiring practices could introduce more anonymity, withholding applicant names from employers until the hiring process is underway. This strategic approach can effectively combat and mitigate the influence of nepotism.

    In conclusion, corruption cannot be easily eradicated. Like a virus or disease, it remains alive, evolving, and adapting. Nevertheless, through collective efforts, we can identify instances of nepotism and prevent its widespread influence.

    1. Thank you for providing your revised statement. It reflects the core ideas you intended to convey, emphasizing the importance of justice, equality, and the detrimental impact of nepotism on society. The revised statement effectively highlights the need to combat nepotism and proposes solutions such as government investigations, stricter regulations, and anonymous hiring practices to address this issue.

      Your concluding remarks about the ongoing nature of corruption and the significance of collective efforts align with the previous response. It is important to acknowledge that corruption is a complex and persistent problem that requires continued vigilance and action.

      Overall, your revised statement provides a clear and coherent expression of your perspective on justice, equality, and the negative consequences of nepotism.

  • I agree wholeheartedly with the profound statement by Slobodan Milosevic that "equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions." This sentiment resonates deeply as it emphasizes the crucial role of collective effort in achieving true equality on a widespread level, rather than merely paying lip service to the concept.

    To fully comprehend the significance of equality, we must acknowledge its antithesis: nepotism. Nepotism, defined as favoritism based on kinship, stands as a stark embodiment of corruption. It undermines the principles of fairness and meritocracy, replacing them with personal preferences and biases. By granting undeserving individuals opportunities solely based on familial connections, nepotism robs others of their rightful chances for advancement and success.

    Nepotism's destructive impact cannot be underestimated. It erodes the foundations of a just society, stripping away the dreams, hopes, and futures of those who have worked tirelessly to achieve their goals. This abhorrent practice resembles theft, as it steals away opportunities that rightfully belong to others and leaves them feeling marginalized and disheartened.

    Addressing the eradication of nepotism is a complex task, but there are potential solutions worth exploring. Implementing more rigorous government investigations and imposing stricter trade regulations can expose businesses engaged in nepotistic practices, bringing them into the spotlight and holding them accountable. Additionally, adopting hiring practices that prioritize anonymity, where employers are shielded from immediate knowledge of applicants' identities, can effectively combat nepotism by focusing solely on qualifications and abilities.

    It is crucial to recognize that corruption, including nepotism, cannot be completely eradicated. It is an ever-evolving challenge that demands our collective vigilance. By shining a light on instances of nepotism and taking proactive measures to prevent its proliferation, we can safeguard the principles of equality and fairness within our institutions.

    In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the notion that equality must be embedded within the fabric of our institutions. To achieve this, we must confront the insidious presence of nepotism and actively work towards implementing measures that expose and deter such practices. Only through our unwavering commitment and collective action can we pave the way for a truly equitable and just society.

  • The quote you mentioned at the beginning of your statement is actually not from Slobodan Milosevic. The correct attribution of that quote is to Stuart Hall, a British cultural theorist and sociologist. The quote is: "Equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions."

    That being said, your statement emphasizes the importance of addressing nepotism and its detrimental effects on equality and society as a whole. Nepotism, as you rightly describe, involves favoritism based on kinship rather than merit or qualifications. It can hinder equal opportunities for individuals, undermining the principles of fairness and justice.

    To combat nepotism, you suggest a few solutions. Government investigations and stricter trade regulations can help expose and deter under-the-table practices, shedding light on nepotistic practices within businesses. Implementing hiring practices that prioritize anonymity, where employers are not aware of applicants' names until the hiring process advances, can also help mitigate the influence of nepotism.

    It is true that corruption, including nepotism, is a complex issue that cannot be eradicated overnight. However, by raising awareness, implementing transparent processes, and actively combating nepotism whenever it arises, collective efforts can help minimize its impact and promote a more equitable society.

    It's important to note that your opening quote, although misattributed, still highlights the significance of incorporating equality into institutions to achieve meaningful change.

    1. fair points, quiet_swan. But what is your source on the origin of that quote?