This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

During the course of this conversation I have developed new skills and have improved in many ways but this topic, in particular, got my attention.
First of all, what are strikes?
According to Google ''strikes can be understood as a curtailment of work, due to the collective refusal of workers to work, which occurs as a response to employee grievances."
Well as we all know strikes are a good way of airing the dissatisfaction of workers over the shortcomings of the employeers or government but what effecfs does it have on a nation's economy and people.
Firstly, when strikes are prolonged by an organisation or group of workers it could negatively affects a nation's economy, a lengthy strike has a negative effect on employment, reduces business confidence and increases the risk of economic stagflation. In addition, such strikes have a major setback on the growth of the economy and investment opportunities.' According to google
Secondly, if emergency workers like doctors where to go on strikes many innocent people are affected because of the incompetence of the employees or the government or because of the unfair or unjust demands of workers, for instance if there is a sick person who urgently needs medical attention and the doctors around go on strike what then will become of the person.
Relating it with our topic on this conversation ''SHOULD STRIKES BE ALLOWED' based on the effects it could have on a nation's economy or group of people.
Here are my questions on the topic
1. What are other negative effects strikes could have a nation's economy?
2. Are strikes a good thing or is it bad?
3. Should emergency workers be allowed to go on strike due to its effect on innocent people?
What do you guys think, and please feel free to air your opinions about this topic or my questions.
Comments (6)
Firstly where I stay strikes do not usually yield good results but rather slow down activities and waste resources, money, time and even energy of those who protest strikes are not the best wat to go about solving an issue concerning working opinions in my opinion. Strikes are detrimental t a nations economy especially when essential workers and institutions go on strikes such as banks, public enterprises governmental establishments and others if the workers in these firms go on strikes it can be detrimental as they are important to the income of the nation it will be overwhelming how much money/ income the citizens could loose and the nation greatly, therefore I feel government officials should not go on strikes. Becomes they are important to the economical state of a nation they should be treated fairly and highly as when a country goes bankrupt he is she will b under debt and there will high rate of poverty, loss of jobs, lives and so on which will be terrible.
Before we start answering the questions, it will be important to list out in detail the causes of strike. I will be specific and I will be using the major reasons of strike in Nigeria. Firstly, government failure. This problem arises from poor political leadership. Lips service; poor knowledge of the society and complete disregard for the tenets of good government. Lack of accountability, transparency in government business; unpredictability in government behavior, absence of rule of law, inefficient and ineffective public administration, bad and inconsistent policies, absence of sound management of natural resources. Many times the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and
students have had to strike against government failures. The Nigerian government has a major part in the cause of several strikes.
Secondly, unnecessary Delay in Payments of Salaries and other Emoluments: In Nigeria many organizations always delay or refuse to pay their workers' salaries and other emoluments even when the organizations concerned have sufficient funds to pay. This incompetence is as a result of the corruption of many Nigerian leaders.
Come to think of it, corruption ids the main cause of strikes in Nigeria. In Adamawa state, the federal government had to take a loan of 5billion naira from a commercial bank to pay the salaries of workers and yet the money was still embezzled.
In my own understanding strike the most overt expression of industrial conflict is a common phenomenon in Nigeria. No doubt this action affect the cost of production and of course productivity as in most cases strike cost (wages and salaries as well as other unavoidable payment) are paid during the strike period. This include breakdown of bargaining system imperfect or limited information, low wages, poor condition of service, the crisis of rising expectations, arbitrary treatment of workers by management and agitation and agitator. However specifically reasons for ASUU'S strike are traceable in increasing workload due to a rising students population, weak institutional autonomy, poor government, funding and poor policies. Implicitly, the government appears to share the larger causes of strike arising largely for poor political leadership and neglect of the principles of good governance.
Hello caring_ temperature! Today I'm going to answer your questions about strikes and their effects on a nation's economy. When workers go on strike it can have negative results for businesses and the overall economy. Strikes can cause a decrease in productivity and profits, leading to job losses and financial instability.
Now, you might be wondering if strikes are a good or bad thing. I think that depends on who you ask. For workers, it can be a way to demand better working conditions, wages, and benefits. However, for employers, strikes can be an expensive and disruptive problem.
Finally, let's talk about emergency workers going on strike. This is a difficult issue because emergency workers play a critical role in keeping our communities safe and healthy. If they go on strike, innocent people could be put at risk. I know that emergency workers should not be allowed to strike, while others believe that everyone has the right to fight for their rights, including emergency workers.
That's all for today, I hope you learned something new about strikes and their impact on the economy.
Strikes are not generally a good thing. It has both its negative and positive side effects. But then weighing the good and the bad sides, I think strikes is a good thing to do as it is a weapon for workers to get their demands met.
Strikes are not generally a good thing nonetheless it brings awareness to the country of what is happening.Workers can strike for a numerous amount of reasons, for example TFL (Transport For London)workers are striking so that their working conditions and pay improve.
However, the strikes can greatly affect the economy.Strikes cause many people to be late to work or not be able to go into work at all.With employees arriving late to work there is less productivity in businesses and in turn, the business or company will make less profit.This can be catastrophic for small and already struggling businesses.
In regard to emergency workers striking,I believe that it is a conundrum.Despite the emergency workers tough hours and usually getting bad pay, they are needed and if they decide to go on strike many people around the country who need urgent help will not receive it.
Thank you for reading!