AI and the future of education and work

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I am talking about AI and the future of education and work because it will influence me and future generations. It is important that we are careful and not take AI a step to far as the AI might malfunction and it might be the end of us. It is also important that we do make AI because without it the world wouldn’t be able to advance.

My friends have opposing views, one believes AI is bad because he thinks it’s possible for AI to invade earth and take over and also if people make to much robots then the earth would just be robots. My other friend believes that AI is good until they get to powerful because they could teach us things that we may of not know before. It would also help us find out what other people are doing.

In my opinion AI is good until it exceeds its limits because it can help us for example travel further into space by helping us design more powerful rockets or help us travel in between time periods and get to see what people lived like in the olden times by helping us make a time machine. If it gets to powerful then it would be bad because it would probably be the end of the human race and the beginning of the robot era.

In conclusion I think AI would help us a lot and would make us go a step further into the future. AI would do certain things instead of us that would help the world but some jobs would be kept to humans for example musicians and judges. AI is already beginning to be made as in china there are movement sensors and special headbands that check the student’s attention span. There was also a incident where tesla’s robot malfunctioned when taking car parts, it attacked one of the workers by pinning it to the wall.

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  • You've really impressed me with your wonderful point. It's true that the world we are into this days is going beyond expectations. since humans have gone beyond the law of gravity that states that "anything that goes up must surely come down". For an air plane to be able to go up to the sky and be able to float, it equally means that the AI can turn against their masters like you said that it can be the end of us because we might even end up serving them as our masters. Apart from that, I think the AI robots will really help us a lot mostly in educational level and jobs because there are some jobs that needs the assistant of an AI machine or robots. Example, in the hospital where operation is been carried out, an AI bot can help to perform The operation perfectly well without any mistake or forgetting any tool in the body of the operated patient.

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