AI technology

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Hello topical talkers, I am going to talk about the topic I chose, which is Al: education and the future of work, and the positives and negatives of Al technology and how important it is. Also how it impacts our lives.

For some of the postives, l think AI technology is important because it impacts our lives in the future and makes our lives easier. AI technology is useful because it can do anything with human knowledge. For example, if AI technology is our teacher, it can teach us the way of how it works and how we use it for lessons.

I think Al technology is a good-quality device because it can do jobs like teaching, business work, an assistant co-worker and more jobs. AI technology can mimic an average human’s knowledge and work like a human being.

But for the negatives, I think AI technology is not useful at the same time because it can be very dangerous and also there are security risks which means hackers can log in to an AI (artificial intelligence) and hack or sabotage the devices and websites. It is also because of a misuse of personal data to intrusive surveillance.

I also think that AI technology shouldn’t work around water or science labs because there might be problems with it and AI might be damaged or crippled due to its chemical or any liquids.

In my opinion, I think AI technology is a good way for you guys, topical talkers, to use and I would highly recommend it but I think AI technology needs more time to process and to improve more of it. I would say that AI technology has good qualities but they have to be careful around them because something might happen towards them. Thank you, topical talkers, for listening to my standpoint about AI: education and the future of work. I hope you enjoy my standpoint and my opinions about AI technology, see you soon topical talkers.

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  • Hi peaceful_seahorse, thanks for the effort of creating the post. For the quality point you mentioned, do you think AI is able to create the same quality of post on Topical talk like yours? Also, why do you think AI technology shouldn’t work around water or science labs because there might be problems with it and AI might be damaged or crippled due to its chemical or any liquids? Do you think AI is a physical device?

    Happy to discuss further!

    1. I would say it can create the same quality of post like mine since it can type. I'm not sure but there might be problems if they go near water or any liquids or there might be no problems with it because it actually depends on whether people make AI waterproof or not. I think AI can be a physical device or it can be something else, for example, ChatGPT or Tassomai.