Artificial Intelligence Standpoint.
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The topic I am going to talk about is Artificial Intelligence; this topic is really interesting and important to me, because I am worried about my future and the future of people, as we, young people, are the next ones which are going to keep safe the future world, in all aspects of our lifes. I consider this topic talks about a new aspect of our life and we should know about it.
As it is known, in every country artificial inteliligence is different, it can be continuously evolving , or it can even have not started to develop yet. This affects very seriously different aspects of the country, like economy, jobs, education ,etc.
Like in all aspects, there are possitive, but also negative effects; eventhough technology is planned for helping people, this can sometimes affect in a bad way; as nowadays, a lot of machines are replacing people in jobs, this makes that more money is invested on them , rather than in humans, and we are starting to be controlled by machines or devices like TV or mobile phones.But there are also possitive effects; as nowadays, thank´s to machines and AI, medicine, education and more jobs have been improved, communication is better, and new jobs have been created, such as biotechnologists, informatics, etc.
As AI is the future, many people is interested in improving as much as they could, in order to make their life in an easier way and also to improve the area where they live or their local community. But to do this, there are a lot of different ways, from buying new recent technological advices for your home, to making technological waste more sustainable by recyclingor just by using eco-friendly objects, made from nature.
Finally, for people to be concerned about how fast and how usefull is technology and AI at present day, thinking about the past is crucial, as nowadays, many people won´t be able to perform simple actions and daily life activities, such as cleaning the house, contacting with a friend, learning at school, or just enjoying a day. As we have get accustomed to do this with the help of technology and AI, we are nowadays not concious about the grate necessity of technology in our life.
Comments (1)
I agree that AI can be very addictive but is still useful. AI is very useful in our lives because it created the world we live in today,before man used to use physical energy to get things done and it was very hard but when technology came it was an added advantage because AI was able to use both physical energy and technology itself.Artificial intelligence can also be the destruction of the world because it makes people lazy to work and lead to starvation and inefficiency because people will start doing shoddy jobs to get money the will live hard work to start stealing.If used too much it can make them feel superior over us and the will treat us like we are animals,the worst of all is that the will not b equal personnel's because people will start learning coding just to be famous and to know how to create there will be no doctors,engineers,politicians,bankers and more and this will lead to destruction of that place because citizen's will start migrating to other countries were the can be easily cared for.
I totally agree with you (AI) has its advantages and disadvantages. AI has developed the world and is now part many countries the (AI) is swiftly dominating the world and has helped many countries sure it lives people lazy, dependent, and reliant on other people or even the (AI).there are many Periphery countries these countries are countries that rely on other people these countries are countries that are under developed but in my opinion these countries are the countries that strive to be developed they may be dependent but they are not dependent on technology the effect of technology hasn't left them lazy instead it has given them another reason to get developed.