From Clicks to Couch Potatoes: The Downside of Our Tech-Reliant World
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Technology has revolutionized the world. Looking down memory lane, never did I imagine that there would be chatbots that are capable of completing homework in a matter of seconds, or that there would be robot teachers, or that we could get groceries at the click of a finger. It is evident from our day-to-day lives that this convenience offered to us is making us dependent on technology. Kids are using AI to complete their homework, shopping is done online, any answer can be found in seconds on search engines, and there are robots for everything, even sweeping the floors!
This convenience is making us lazier by the minute. The kid completing his or her homework is becoming reliant on AI and not getting educated properly; shopping everything online reduces physical exercise and exploration in stores; and finding all answers on search engines easily is killing our curiosity and analyzing skills. Social media also plays a vital role; kids these days prefer watching screens over going to a playground. Screen media exposure is one of the best-documented causes of obesity in children. Reliance on technology is making us “couch potatoes’’.
Everybody has their own take on this. Some people might think that technology saves us time and keeps us from doing mundane tasks so we can focus on things that are more important. Others worry that humans are losing touch with reality. Some feel scared about robots taking over the world and ruling humans; others feel happy that life is getting easier day by day.
I think that though technology is an extremely useful tool, we shouldn’t get dependent on it. There was a time when humans lived without the internet, so we can easily live without robots that fetch us water. I believe if we want to save ourselves from the downsides of technology and AI, we should use them only when absolutely necessary, reducing our reliance. You see, finding balance is the key. Setting boundaries for screen time, prioritizing physical activity, and using technology to enhance real-world connection are all crucial steps.
So, the choice is ours: clicks and couch potatoes, or changemakers and conquerors.
Comments (1)
I agree if we have AI we will become couch potatoes. We will depend on Ai for everything. That will be bad and dangerous. So, I affable_plantian approve this message.