My opinion on AI.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressively growing bigger. AI has developed rapidly over time, but what happens when they start to take people’s jobs? This is important to consider because whilst AI can create new job offers (such as machine learning and AI development), it also has the potential to disrupt job roles and lead to redundancies in certain sectors. Ultimately, the impact of AI on people's jobs will vary depending on the job function and individual circumstances. In this piece of writing, I will present positives and negatives of AI advancements.

Firstly, AI is useful in many ways, such as supporting studying, where it can act as a homework helper; supporting scheduling, where it can set reminders; or even replace job roles in supermarkets, where self-scanners can make shopping more efficient and easy. AI is becoming so influential that it is invading the world of work to help do jobs like construction workers, roofers and crane operators. Since these are dangerous jobs (from many), instead of risking someone’s life, a mere robot would get destroyed. As a result, people dying from these would decrease. The police and army are clear examples of this where they now use drones on many dangerous operations.

Although AI is useful, it can make people distressed from the threat of unemployment because AI is found to be “more suitable for the job”. This can have a huge impact on society, as many people may not be able to find another job, becoming poor and living in poverty. A number of areas that AI appears to benefit can also be considered as negatives. For example, whilst studying can be supported by AI, students could become less capable of learning on their own, relying on AI for help more frequently which may damage their resilience and capacities to concentrate.

Overall, AI has many benefits and I think that AI would be largely fitting for dangerous jobs as no family would have to mourn the death of their loved ones if they had died. Not only is it helpful for jobs like that, it is also helpful towards schools as a tutor of some sort if the student doesn’t understand something. We need to take action, so that AI can grow even more in our community and help with daily tasks.

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  • I have mixed opinions on AI because I feel like it can be helpful to the environment and can also be harmful for the environment. I say that it can be harmful because of the things we would trust AI with, for example, Tesla. We trust the robotic car to take us wherever we need to go but anything can go wrong with the car at any given moment. The car can explode, the car can shut down, the car can malfunction, many things can go wrong but AI is also helpful. AI is also helpful for things like searching up questions that we want answers to, cooking recipes, GPS for driving, and overall it makes our lives and daily activities easier. AI makes our daily tasks easier by either doing them, explaining them, or helping us through them in ways we probably couldn't even imagine so, my opinion on AI is 50/50. I think AI will improve and also malfunction but AI will forever be apart of our new world and new life as life improves on this planet.