Immigration Discrimination - Ukraine and Palestine

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


As of 2024, Ukrainian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 148 countries and territories. On the other hand, Palestinian citizens can travel visa-free to 13 countries in the world. Although both countries are suffering from war, there is a clear difference between how the rest of the world percieve it. Media has made it so that only some of the stories are being told and I believe that this shouldn't be the case. All sides of the story should be shown in truth, and not some over pothers. Every country faced with difficulties such as war should be treated the same, not one over the other.

What do you think? Do you believe that some countries gain more media coverage than other and if so, why?

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  • I agree with you and I would like to answer your question that is Do you believe that some countries gain more media coverage than other and if so, why?Yes, some countries get more media attention because they're economically powerful, politically important, involved in conflicts, culturally influential, have strong media systems, and are easily accessible for news coverage.