STEROIDS: harmful or useful for athletes

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  • Hello everyone!
  • My topic is are steroids harmful or useful for athletes for this topic my opinion is yes steroids are harmful for athletes because sometimes due to the excessive consumption of steroids athletes may fall sick or even may die i believe for the games such as Olympiads uses of steroids such not make legal. If the use of steroid is made legal then we will be unable to see the real hardworking winners which is again not fair. Athletes may feel safer with doctors monitoring them during a match, reducing their worry about injuries. Also, doctors wouldn't disturb the game. This sense of security can help athletes perform better. Moreover, the presence of doctors can offer immediate medical attention if needed, contributing to the overall safety of the athletes during the game. In additionally, having medical professionals on standby can reassure athletes and provide them with peace of mind, allowing them to focus entirely on their performance.
  • I

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  • I agree that steroids hide the real performance of the athlete. It's like wearing make- up, because the athletes are covering up their real talent to look better and faster/stronger. I think steroids should not be legal in the Olympics because the viewers should get to see the real athlete's skills. I don't see any reason for playing sports if the athlete is not going to work hard to show their actual performance, and instead taking steroids. Steroids aren't fair because we don't get to see the real performance, we're seeing the effects of the steroids. They are not only unfair, but they are also unhealthy. An example of a long-term effect from steroids is liver disease. I think the steroids should be illegal so everyone can enjoy the games.