The Enhanced Games
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

An area I am passionate about is certainly the Enhanced Games. It is undeniable that there are many different opinions and beliefs around the fairness of the rules. The Enhanced Games is a sports competition where performance enhancing drugs are allowed. It is a topic that many feel strongly about and there are two sides to the discussion; is it a good and fair competition or will it harm many in the process?
Firstly, this new and exciting reinvention of the Olympic Games provides us an opportunity to see what level and skills our bodies can reach whilst using performance enhancing drugs (PED). It will also give those who may not be the best (or the best ability) a chance to win without these boosters. Additionally, if every competitor has the same drugs it will remain fair and continue to be about who trains the hardest. 44% of athletes already use performance enhancing drugs so this could make sport more fair as 100% of participants will be using PEDs. The drugs are being made by some of the best scientists to keep the athletes safe. With the Enhanced Games it could really show the world how far we can take science and push the human body to limits never reached before. It has also been confirmed that all participants involved will be paid whilst most Olympians don’t.
On the other hand, if you take part in the Enhanced Games you don’t have to work as hard as someone who hasn’t used performance enhancing drugs to be at the same skill level. Furthermore , taking these drugs are extremely dangerous and can lead to heart attacks, strokes, live tumours, kidney failures and much more. Taking these drugs is bad sportsmanship and you will not have the same chance of winning if they aren’t used. In addition, how many children dream of winning Olympic medals compared to children dreaming of winning a competition where they use drugs. Moreover, the money that will be lost in this plan will be incredible. The nations will have to pay for the drugs so poorer countries won’t get the same chance as richer countries. As well as that, the people involved with making them will also have to be paid.
After thinking carefully about both arguments it is undeniable that this topic is emotional for many . In my opinion, the Enhanced Games plan needs to be stopped immediately and should not go ahead. My main reason for this is the safety of competitors and how much damage this could do to their body, not to mention the impact it could have for the next generation of sportspeople.
Comments (2)
Honestly, i think it is a 50/50 as you could take enhancments that allow you to do things that other people can do but you cant and you were just born that way, but hardcore enhancments should not be allowed. Overall these enhancments arent too bad.
You have made quite in an interesting point regarding the use of enhancement drugs. I believe that this drugs can be used if they are carefully tested and regulated. There should be rules to control the distribution of these drugs ensuring that they are not easily accessible to everyone. With these regulations in place athletes can use this drugs when necessary to enhance their performance without causing harm to themselves. There should be clear guidelines on how to use these drugs safely once they are being tested and anyone found using them illegally should be penalized.