Ensuring fairness in Indian elections the case for proportional representation.

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  • Hello, topical talkers.
    In my humble point of view I feel it is essential for every country to have free and fair elections as everyone will be subjected to whoever he/she may elect. We all have rights in which we all want those rights to be respected by others; so we should respect each others rights and perspectives. Personally speaking, I feel countries should deviate more into a democratic system of governing as it is seen as fair but we have to consider some issues such as not letting our choices get influenced by others in such a system.
    We should stand firm for what we feel is right as a quote states that "The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd"make your own decisions on who to choose as a leader in an election; don't let your choices get influenced by others.

    1. I very much agree with you it would be outrageous for you to have to pay to choose your own leader. If this happens rich people could just make the election bias because of how rich they are. The elections should stay and be fair because why have an election if it's not fair.

      1. I strongly agree with you because when the dem9cracy 8s rhbln by aristocrats,it would be unfa8r because aristocrats usually want more money and if they have the power to vote, they would certainly elect a leader that would make that happen. Also,most wealthy people are men because of gender bias this means that in that country,the poor would be forgotten and this includes that wo en and I strongly believe that a country that fails women will or has failed

        1. Yes, It would be outrageous for aristocats to win elections because they have more money. Elections should be equal and fair. To be led by a person who can win an election is most likely horrible. I also agree most wealthy people are men because of gender bias and many women who go into elections do not win so women do not get as much bias as men.

          1. I agree because, It would definitely be outrageous for aristocats to win the election because it is easy for them to bribe the people that count the ballots or they can bribe the people that actually made the ballot boxes to rig the election. in that case whoever has more money will win the elections and make it unfair for those who actually want a fair election. The people who want a fair election should not be deprived of his or her rights due to an aristocat.
            THANK YOU.

      2. I concur because, it is outrageous to pay to choose the person that you want to vote for.
        But the rich people of the society could actually make the elections fair by paying for some of the people that want to vote in the election. Some people would have the ability to vote but would not have the money to do it.
        THANK YOU.

    2. Hello Allowing_peach, I agree with you because if elections are not fair and we could not vote for whoever we think is best many downsides could go with it. This is because the person elected unfairly could have power, but it could be used in the wrong hands because it was an unfair vote. So in my opinion I think it would not be fair if everyone doesn't have a voice to vote because of the potential downsides.

    3. I agree because... Every vote counts and if it's free rights and equality for everyone. Also different voting systems such as electoral voting systems is not an effecent way to vote. An influenced vote could lead to unsurety and stress.

  • Proportional representation is a system for distributing parliamentary seats following the percentage of votes each political party receives. This results in a more equitable allocation of representation compared to systems where the winner takes all. If India were to adopt this method in their electoral system, it would have the potential to improve fairness, diversity, and inclusivity, allowing a wide range of viewpoints to contribute to shaping the country's path forward, so I think proportional representations should be adopted by the Indian laws.