One nation one election commission in Indian election

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hello topical talk
Today I want to tell you about
One nation one election.

According to the government
That the elections of the lok sabha and state vidhan sabha can be done at the same time
If the happen so it advantages are-
1-public money will be saved
2-there will be less strain and administration
3-the government will focus on more devomenet on elections
And the disadvantage of this are-
1-the local topics will be down of National topics
2-this rule is against the article 83 and 172 in our constitution.

One Nation One Election (ONOE) is a proposal aimed at synchronizing elections across India. Here are the key points regarding this concept:

1. What is One Nation One Election?
ONOE proposes to hold simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian Parliament) and all state assemblies. This means that voters in a particular constituency would cast their votes for both Lok Sabha and state assembly on the same day 1.

2. Historical Context:
ONOE was the norm until 1967, when the cycle was broken. The idea was also proposed by the Election Commission in 1983 and has been referred to by the Law Commission and NITI Aayog 31.

3. Objectives:
Streamline the electoral process: By holding all elections simultaneously at regular intervals (typically once every five years), ONOE aims to reduce campaign expenditures and minimize disruptions to governance.
Enhance political stability: Synchronized elections can lead to more stable governments.
Reduce logistical burdens: Conducting elections together can save time, resources, and effort.

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  • Hi
    I believe that One Nation One Election will be a good decision. It can save up to ₹12000crore in election expenses as per some reports. It would save time, reduce burden on logistics, administrative bodies, minimize disruptions and can lead to better administration as politicians can focus their time and energy on governance rather than wasting time in election campaigns.
    One thing I feel which could be a demerit of ONOE is , it may affect regional politics in a negative way as people would be more lean towards central politics and may vote for a single party in both the elections which can create a situation of autocratic rule.