AI, More Good or Harm?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Did you know that Artificial Intelligence creates 0.2 grams of CO2 (carbon dioxide) per google search? Some people use Artificial intelligence in their everyday life. Artificial intelligence makes life eaiser and some people even think that Artificial intelligence is the best, though I would have to disagree. In my opinion, I think Artificial Intelligence will do more harm than good. Artificial Intelligence produces a lot of waste, and some people use it to spread false information. I think people can do their everyday life without Artificial Intelligence and that it is very harmful for our enviorment.
Artificial Intelligence has been producing a lot of waste. Soon, Artificial intelligence will make up 40% of emissions. According to what I learned during the lesson, by the end of the decade, there will be a million tons of electronic waste. I also learned that training Artificial Intelligence makes more than 2 times the amount of waste than cars make in their lifetime.
Harming our planet isn't the only way Artificial Intelligence is harmful. It also spreads false information. Various social media platforms are sites that people can use to spread misinformation. This could form arguements. people can also use Artificial intelligence to make rumors about people that are not true. This brings harm to our planet because misinformation can be spread and people wouldn't know who or what they can trust.
People can perform their everyday lives without Artificial Intelligence. This is a problem because a lot of people are using Artificial Intelligence for things they can do themselves. This shows that Artificial Intelligence makes a lot of people lazy. Some people rely on Artificial Intelligence to do things. People are on devices everyday and it takes most of their day. Instead of being on electronics, people could go outside or play board games with their family so they are being more active.
In conclusion, people who are using Artificial Intelligence in the medical field might argue that it is good. Also people who run online businesses might disagree with me. In these instances, I think Artificial Intelligence can be used for good, however, untill we can find a way to make Artificial Intelligence more sustainable and less harmful for the planet, I think it is doing more harm than good.
Comments (3)
I believe that AI is more bad for people and society than it is good. this is because it is making it more possible and common for people to see things they shouldn't be seeing or they don't want to be seeing. it is also more likely to spread false information as the use of AI in the media is causing people to see and believe things that are not true. the use of AI is also making the act of identity theft and scams more common. this is because people are now able to pretend to be someone else that they are not through AI images and voices. As discussed statistically on google ,the rise of Ai has significantly increased the amount of cybercrime , identity theft and fraud. in 2022 alone consumers lost 8.8 billion dollars to fraud and identity theft.
I disagree with you when you say people can do their everyday life without AI. Even though AI is doing bad as we know, there are also numerous aspects of it helping out in life and the society. AI has improved many aspects of life like you said such as communication, healthcare in diagnosing drugs etc, agriculture; planting with seed drones etc, businesses; helps in purchasing of goods and services online, banking; helps with bank services without people going to the banks etc. AI helps make everyday activities much faster and convenient for people.
Well even though it is not yet sustainable, I really think we human beings are contributing time without numbers to how AI is affecting our environment and planet because they are giving signs of weakness and we continue with our carbon footprints such as bush burning, wasting of electricity etc , we don't take good care of it leading to more harm. So, in conclusion, we can also play our own part to keep safe.
I'm not sure about this because (AI) both has its advantage and disadvantage just like the saying " Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing" and AI has improved the information quality but i do not support risking the earth just to see how far the exploration of AI can go in conclusion Both the Negative and Positive aspect of AI matter