The Good, The Bad and The Artificial

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Will AI do more harm or more good in the world?

You can look at the topic of AI from many angles and perspectives, just like a drawing: some people can view its image as something new and refreshing, while others can turn it against the point its trying to make. That said, I consider AI can cause harm in the world and do good at the same time. In this standpoint I will be looking at this from the perspective of the creative industries.

It simply depends, as I said previously, at how this is presented to you: for example, for the domains in which problem solvers are required (computer system analysts, financers, medical professionals), AI can be a real game changer when working and learning alongside human intelligence. For example, I know that AI can in some cases diagnose diseases faster than human doctors. But when we take a look at domains in which the human intelligence and a spark of creativity are the key factors that keep these domains alive (graphic designer, actors, painters etc.), a collaboration between AI and HI (human intelligence) would be a real time saver in some situations, but a human working in the art industry doesn't only need intelligence, but also creativity and a well-developed imagination. At the end of the day, AI can have creative sense, but is it really its own or is it just a carbon copy of the vast majority of what a human being is capable of creating?

Does AC (artificial creativity) exist?

Let's say you've got a school assignment due tommorow but haven't found the perfect "x does y" picture to add to your presentation. What do you do then? Drawing it yourself would be a bright idea but it's time consuming. Then what else? I'll tell you: you get on an AI program (ChatGPT, Read AI etc.), give it an exact command and you've got the perfect picture. No mistakes, no imprints, no feeling. Just one command copied and completed from the core of your creative intelligence. But can we really call that creativity anymore?

How can AI help in the artistic domains then?

Although it's not the best helper in the industry, AI can actually have an impact on the industry when helping in the development of superficial art! For example, advertisements started using AI generated music to avoid copyright issues and increase budget of visuals or hire better actors!

In conclusion, AI has its good sides and bad ones, but we should know when and how to use this powerful intelligence source, because in the end who else but the creator can see it and use it for what it truly is. Just like a painting: it causes a wave of controversy at first, but only after that it becomes something that remains down in history.

Comments (3)

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  • In reality AI really isn't "thinking" per se more like predicting what comes after a particular world based on your prompts, yes the images generated by AI seem to have some sort of creativity behind them, but its really jsut a carbon copy of the vast amount of data its collected.

  • This is well thought out perspective on AI in creative industries ! I agree that AI can be valuable tool but it raises an important question that does efficiency come at the cost of authenticity ? AI generated art might be useful for quick solutions , but it does take away the personal feel and emotion that makes human creativity unique.

    Also while AI may not have 'true' creativity , could it develop a form of innovation that is different from human imagination? We have already seen AI composing music and generating scripts , but no one thinks that what consequences will occur when AI starts influencing human creativity rather than just mimicking it .

    I think the key is to ensure that AI remains a collaborator rather than becoming a replacement. So , we all need to be a little more careful while operating AI, and also look how is AI being used , whether it is improving the human creativity or just trying to replace it completely.

  • I think in this time we don’t need AI because plenty of people are being lazy and not smart. For AI to use we need to stand don’t give up then we can use AI. But if going to use AI for laziness then you will not every smart and not learn good enough.