Will AI do more harm than good in the world?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think that AI will have a massive impact on the global economy in the world.

I think this because AI has already taken control of some jobs in the world.Generating an AI image takes as much energy as it does to charge a smartphone to 50%.

The first example that will support my opinion is by 2030 AI is predicted to create million tonnes of electric waste.As well as this,if you sent one email per-week AI uses 27 litres (the same amount as 27 water bottles.)

One person who disagrees with my opinion is Bill Gates.He said “AI will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care and communicate with each other.” He also said “I'm excited about the positive impact AI will have on us.”

Someone else who disagrees with me is an online shopper because they need it to sell their items to promote their business and to find reasonable prices to sell their products.

My final point is that I think that AI will not help the future because it will not help us to be independent,we shouldn't robots to help us live, we should learn to live independently.

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  • Imagine a future where AI controls every aspect of our lives , our jobs , our decisions , and even are thoughts. While AI promises efficiency , is it truly helping us or are we slowly losing our independence. AI could be powerful but relying on it too much could make us forget how to think , create and survive on our own. Nowadays, from a student studying in school or an adult running a business everyone is so dependent on AI that we have forgotten how to use our own brain and do something creative. History has shown that every great invention comes with consequences , AI is no different. While some believe AI will shape a better future , I believe true progress means knowing where to draw the line between innovation and control. After all we should be the masters of technology , and the technology should not be our master.