What is the most urgent issue in the Russia-Ukraine war : the state of the armed forces , the state of education or the state of healthcare?

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

I will today share my opinions and thoughts of the Russia/Ukraine war. The Heartbreaking truth of how for three years this war is still continuing.

This is Russia-Ukraine, three years on…

“ We are not putting down arms. We will be defending our country, because our weapon is truth, and our truth is our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this . “

This quote was spoken by President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in a video address to the Ukrainian people on February 25, 2022 in response to false reports that he had fled the country.

News broke that the Soviet Union and Ukraine had started a war three years ago . Soviet Union was the old name for Russia. This all started as Ukraine wanted to join (NATO) because they were afraid of how powerful The Soviet Union was and they got annoyed by this and started bombing Ukraine with drones, missiles, gunshots and many more .

In my opinion, I think that the state of healthcare is the most urgent issue because hospitals have been destroyed during this long conflict between the two countries . As we all know, many soldiers have died because there were more than 801 hospitals destroyed including military hospitals. The first example that supports my opinion is that people are starting to get sick because of how much smoke bombs drop. Many people have started using underground hospitals but they don’t have natural light and not that many resources to help people, meaning that healthcare is limited for people who need it most.

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  • I agree because I believe the most urgent issue is the state of healthcare. The reason I believe this is usually in wars the healthcare can be crazily affected, often more people die of serious wounds and untreated infections. In this war, there are not enough doctors to access basic services. There is a rough estimate of 44 doctors per 10000 people. This means it is hard to do everyday things like getting vaccinated or having checkups. This is even more dangerous when people have serious injuries. One other reason I believe that the most urgent issue is healthcare is most of the doctors in Ukraine and Russia are helping the army because of the wounds at battle can be more serious than most other wounds and infections. Quite often doctors in training have to help with the hospitals even though they haven’t studied everything yet while the professional doctors are helping with the war efforts. Aswell as that thousands of hospitals have been blown up and destroyed. My final reason is the shortage of medical supplies, most medical supplies are being sent to the army rather than the normal civilians. This supports my theory that the most urgent issue in the Russia Ukraine war is the state of healthcare.