cheerful_fish has not published standpoints yet. Comments by cheerful_fish Comment Post Date ( A safety place is a healthy place ) As baby birds can't feel safety unless it is in its nest.... #34 Caption this! 13/5/21 ( No more excuses, the colourful earth was born soon. Let's help to grow it up ) Yes, the... #34 Caption this! 13/5/21 ( Not too late to start ) As the problem has been for decades, Although the massive bad impact... #34 Caption this! 11/5/21 ( listen to the messages that comes from the past ) This is exactly what you mean as the... #34 Caption this! 11/5/21 (Next days come with better choices) As the sun comes up there is always new options to look... #34 Caption this! 10/5/21 Soory . I think as a respond, I can write more than 50 words. #33 Invention test! 07/5/21 You know, the side effect of this invention may be that people may rely on robots and don't care... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21 I would like to invent a smart bin that is specialized in certain material. For example, if it... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21 I would prefer living in a place with no transportation at all. Therefore I would invent a... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21 I would rather to invent a special cameras that allow people to see the most polluted areas.... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21 Lovely dear, I believe that it would be more effective in the case of adding a filter that help... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21 I love the idea of having clean ships. What about providing large ships or oil tankers with an... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21 In what way these factories could be friendly to the environment. I suggest creating a... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21 I would like to invent a machine in which we can put food waste to produce Ozone. The latter... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21 This is going to be semi_plants invention. In this way. You need to add soecial sensors that... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21 I would prefer a robot that can be powered by eating plastic and instead of exists Co2, it could... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21 So then ,what about inventing something like small seeds ,that can be put inside the soil; to... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21 So then ,what about inventing something like small seeds ,that can be put inside the soil; to... #33 Invention test! 03/5/21 FRESH START ( True words from me to everyone ) Find your own way beyond the limited... #32 A fresh start! 28/4/21 This sounds like motivational monologue and inner thoughts. Lovely indeed. #32 A fresh start! 28/4/21