#32 A fresh start!
30 April 2021
Winners Announced!
Last week’s competition was particularly tricky but you still managed to impress us with your creativity - and we thought that your acrostics were superb! The beautiful ideas in all your entries made choosing just two winners very difficult… but they are:
wondrous_orca of Cheam Common Junior Academy in the UK, who told us that fresh starts are all about learning from and fixing our past mistakes
amusing_meaning of Junior Secondary School in Nigeria, who explained how important it is to keep learning new skills.
Excellent work, both of you!
In Session 1, we ask you to think about what it means to make a fresh start and why some people think that the pandemic has created an opportunity for the world to make a fresh start.
Your challenge this week is to describe what "fresh start" means in an acrostic poem.
An acrostic poem is where you put the title word down the side and write a SHORT line starting with each letter.
Use the words FRESH START. For example...
Forgetting the past
Realising it's time to change
Want to earn a star?
- Keep your lines short by thinking carefully about your choice of words
- Try to think of new ideas that have not been said before
- Use your discussions from Session 1 as inspiration
The deadline for entries is Friday April 30th at midday. PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONCE and make sure your work is your own. Good luck!
Comments (603)
M Mixed....
A appetizer...
K known Palestinian food ....
L lamp, rice , potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants ....
U. Up side down ..
B. Because if that...
A all eat it all love it ...
You've almost got it right! Read the instructions and try again for FRESH START.
Good reply
*Finding one's way again
*Requires being zen
*Eager to fix what's gone
*Stand up willing man
*Heal yourself. Amen 🙏
*Sail your boat of emergency
*Take it as far as you can
*Aim so high to regain
*Real faith in this planet 's purity
*Take your determination as far as you dare bring this Green world integrity.
am a world within a world, my fresh start is his.
M. Marvelous
Free thinking
Retreat forbidden
envisage your success
so do it now
hoping on that
still try
term bearing
Along the way
Ride your hourse
To reach
That's nice make it more elaborate
It's really good,I like it
Please l don't think You are on point.
can you give some constructive feedback to help out?
Thanks for your help it good
And I will like to know if there is any way you can help me out
You are actually right such a funny post
Candy 🍬
C. Children favourite ...
A. Appetizer...
N. No one hate it ...
D. Day by day ...
Y. You eat it in occasions....
You've almost got it right! Read the instructions and try again for FRESH START.
Nice try, but not in point.
If you don't know what an acrostic is look at other people own.
Remember to read the competition instructions carefully, we set a new competition each week!
Face the reality
Remodel yourself
Excel at being you
Sense your environment
Help your mind
Shower compliments
Tick new goals
Aim for self-confidence
Reach for the stars
Take in the world
#Together towards hope
Nice 😊
Really i like your words
Great ideas ! They are really motivating and beautiful words.
Wow 👍🏻
Thats really nice
Wow ..
I am trying to do that, but I want some advice ..
can you help me.
wow, this is so splendid and uplifting
I really like your comments keep it up.
good job
This is wonderful love it.
Nice words I'll try to do🥰
Facing problems and be brave.
Ready to build it better.
Evasion is forbidden.
skipping fear barriers.
Having a serious move.
Saying "That's enough".
Thinking seriously and not messing around.
Acknowledge that change is needed.
Release the tired soul.
Take a deep breath and start.
I was kindled by a fire of enthusiasm in my heart After hearing your motivating words
How can a person overcome fear in your opinion in light of this painful tragedy
In my opinion , forgetting the past , sadness , and pain and looking at the future.
It is possible, but we cannot, because every day there are new and continuous infections. Therefore, we cannot forget the past😭😰😥😢
I know this very well , but despite the security we will try to remain steadfast.
It is true that every day there are continuous injuries, but what if we don't do something about it, we mustn't forget the past to remind us that we must start a new beginning, and that we mustn't give in to the painful reality.
Well, if someone decides to start a new beginning of his own in light of these crises, he will find that the crises are standing in his face and prevent him, so then we have to overcome these crises first, because they are the cause of fear, also the reason for stopping many of the personal decisions.
I agree with you , this is good idea.
We must start
Love your Fresh start
Forgetting the sorrows
Realising it's time to change
Help your self to
Take new goals
Aim for good result
Rebuild the success
Take all the stars.
Nice 😍😍🤩🤩
Hi, I love it ,but you can say face hard
It's my opinion just.
Thank you enigmatic _technology
Expressive and good words
hello enigmatic technology, Am so grateful for your encouraging poem you posted. it really encouraged me. I had given up on this global conversion when i didn't get a star for all my posts. But when i read your post on Friday,It touched me and promised to work hard and use the gift God gave me. When i checked my poem i posted on Friday i also saw a star for my first time on my poem i didn't first believe it but it was real. I now understand the meaning of "fresh start" am also happy that i inspired someone by my poem. Thank you for making happy and helping over came my fears. Have a nice time
Hi precious_whale,
I'm sorry to hear you were discouraged because you hadn't received a star, although great job with your poem!
The aim of the global conversation is not to receive skill stars. The stars are there to point out when a student shows great evidence of skills and seeing a starred comment or post can help model what high-quality conversation looks like.
The main focus of the global conversation is coming together with other young people all around the world to share your perspectives on the issue, regardless of stars.
Please do continue to join discussions. Stars are just a bonus!
Hi, Tiff thank you for the clarity. Am now understand that the conversion is not all about stars but helping the world to find solutions to different problems through creative thinking and connecting with other people globally. I really love this global conversion. I am really sorry Thank you.
I am more grateful that I managed to change someone even a little, that makes you a good person for yourself, thank you for making my day, I wish you good luck in your life.
I love it good continuation engimatic_technology
Poem is so encouraging enigmatic_technology, and the name eni
that is really good
That's nice, put we can't forget the past, become it's learn us alot of thing
T. Trying
R. Regardless
O. Of
P. Past
I. Issues
C. Commitment
A. Above
L. Leisure
You've almost got it and the message seems to be about a fresh start. Can you try an acrostic for FRESH START?
Great achievement👍👍👍👍👍👍
Full of well
Rise up
Enter your new life
Self discovery
How it possible
See the bright
Time to start
Always be positive
Refill your power
Today is a new day ..
Finding yourself
Rediscovering life
Establishing new connections
Shutting out negativity
Helping hand to everyone
Starting a new path
Travelling into the future
Attacking obstacles
Realizing I'm allowed happiness
Tackling my world
Find your path
Re_charge your motivation
Explore your self
Self confident
Help your self
So you can
Take your road
Rejuvenate your thoughts
To catch your dreams ..
I like it 😊
Nice 👍🏻
Your point is wonderful
Great job! But it can be also re-starting your life again, to start new things,new goals, discovering new skills ,new hobbies ,also making new friends
Face yourself
Rise up
Enter a new future
Show yourself
Help others
Salvage compliments
Treating others how u want to be treated
Always be positive
Remember your valid
Take on a new world...
I agree with you. All people must light the candle again 🧐
Face your problems
Redo the things you have done wrong
End the past
Self trust
Help others
Stay happy
Today can change
Another time
F.forget the past
R. Realize the future
E. Ease your mind
S. succumb to nature
H. Hear your Thoughts
S. Set your standards
T. Take action
A. Acknowledge your feelings
R. recognize others
T. treat others fairly
During this period, I believe that the feelings are the same, where sadness prevails over everyone, but praise be to God
Nice words
Finish what you started ✊🏻
Resist pollution monster🥀
Earth will never cry again🌏
Save our planet🙏🏻
Hell will end🔥
Sacrifice hope and cooperat
Tomorrow will be better🤍
Ants is a role model🐜
Reduce reuse and recycle♻️
Tomorrow will be better🤍
I agree with you
Together towards hope
Excellent I agree with you
Beautiful, keep moving forward.
F· Feel the air
R· Relax your mind
E· Embrace good memories
S· Smile and socialise
H· Hope for the best
S· Strive to succeed
T· Tend to nature
A· Accomplish your goals
R· Rise up to challenges
T· Transform your world positively
thank you
Achieve your goals and face all the difficulties facing society, there must be some kind of challenge, patience and endurance in the face of this small virus, but it is destructive to the entire universe.
How do you think?
Wonderful words, but if the person is serious about his work and has the confidence to exercise his dreams, but he is afraid of people talking about him (bullying)! In short, his world does not succeed, and he closes his ears and makes fun of when he hears such a speech, what should he do? Does it continue??
Hi ,If the person is serious about his work and has confidence to exercise his dream he needs to make friends with like Minds ( people like him) and continually build up his positive attitude and practice being brave by thinking positively and learn not to turn deaf ears to encouraging words.
facing your problems
Recreate yourself
Excellence in your work
select your friends carefully
Having a new conversation
Starting your work
Take a step
Approaching in excellence
Right person
Thinking hard
Fight pollution like fighting the virus
Reset the counters to zero
End this demolition
Sacrifice your comfort
Hope the better for your environment
Start from new bases
To move towards a better life
And revive the nature from her ashes
Really, we can change our bad habits
To make a better world
Pollution is permanent as long as people are not committed to their cleanliness and the cleanliness of society. Everyone must not pollute the environment. There are many ways to not pollute the environment, and the government must take strict measures against the polluters.
What measures would you recommend?
It's our responsibility to make a better world
We can start a new word without pollution but we must start from ourselves
F.. forgiveness
R.. remove sorrows
E.. experiences
S.. spreading love
H.. humanity
S.. skills
T.. think deeply
A.. always be optimistic
R.. respecting others
T.. thanking GOD
Thanks to God always and forever
Good👍🏻☺️ I agree
Faith be bigger than your feel
Rise up
Every day is anew bigging ..
Stay strong for your self
Hard work
Strong is the new skinny
Take time...be patient
After all patience .. beautiful things wait ..
The pain you feel today ..will be the strength you feel tomorrow..
Freedom to begin a new lifestyle
Ready to do your best
Everything is different,
Start from zero
Help your environment
Sensitise yourself
Take a step forward
Always be careful and attentive
Reach your goal
Take your road to a better future.
Fruit is a healthy food
Raspberry and pineapple are examples of fruit
Each one of us has fruit everyday
Some people plant seeds of these fruit in their houses
Healthy food such as fruit are very important for human being health
Strawberry is my favorite fruit
The strawberry is a summer fruit
All kids love it
Red is its color
So, what is your favorite fruit??
Finding a way to stop this disaster
Refreshing the world is important
Eager to have a better life
So we are safe
Help our planet
Save in simple ways
Then we can live better
And for this we must
Reduce the pollution on this planet
There we can live safe and a healthy long life
Let's do that, I am certain that we will find a solution and we will achieve this goal
F.. forgiveness
R.. remove sorrows
E.. experiences
S.. spreading love
H.. humanity
S.. skills
T.. think deeply
A.. always be optimistic
R.. respecting others
T.. thanking GOD
Living with Corona is the only thing we can all do😷😷
Wonderful, well done.
Fresh Start ..
Findout your goal .
Recognize the problems you may face .
Elevate your self-confidence .
Start doing your tasks .
Hurry up .
Say "I can do it" .
Try to finish as soon as possible .
Affirm that every thing has done on time .
Reward yourself .
Talk about your success .
Forever captured, as memories do hold
Ravished inside every breath of fresh air
Every vibrant color, brings beauty to eyes beholder
Soft sounds from a nearby stream, running concurrent
Happiness is bliss, a day from heaven's sent
Always a new promise of love, embraced in such delight
In this day of all days, I have found such soothing as I
Reflect upon, just a simple breath of fresh air, I sigh
Forward to tomorrow
Resist pollution
Erase the past
Sun is rising again
Hand in hand
Stay positive
There s always hope
Always cooperation
Resist pollution
Together towards hope