devoted_poem has not published standpoints yet. Comments by devoted_poem Comment Post Date Most likely there should be a separate metaverse court with its own constitution, But offenders... A new realm to rule? 19/4/23 The metaverse must have laws and rules as it is in the real world, both are worlds and the world... A new realm to rule? 18/4/23 The metaverse connects the world, people separated by distances can meet face to face in the... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 18/4/23 People always ask when is the right time to do something? without taking the first step. But I... The law in your hands? 14/4/23 True talk, but if all people direct their attention and attention to the Metaverse, they may... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 14/4/23 for law 2: the idea of making people vegan might come as a shock to large corporations,... The law in your hands? 14/4/23 For Law 2: Meat is almost the main meal for many peoples, so their almost daily destination is... The law in your hands? 14/4/23 As for the third law, logically... There are many institutions that need electricity on a daily... The law in your hands? 14/4/23 I believe that being a part of this Festival will not only enhance my skills, it will affect my... Start of Festival survey 13/4/23 I think having not enough climate laws is better than getting tougher climate laws because most... Earth Day poll results! 13/4/23 When we discussed this topic in classroom with our teacher, I felt like where I was from this... Classroom spy... 13/4/23