Earth Day poll results!

When laws are made for the right reasons, they help to keep people safe – however, some people argue that laws unnecessarily restrict people’s freedoms and that people should have the right to choose how they behave.

This week we want you to think about the question:

For this poll we asked you to share how you felt about the following statement:

What’s worse: too many climate laws? Or not enough climate laws?

The results are in and here's what you thought:

Comments (223)

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  • I want more climate laws so that we can reduce our carbon footprint and bring down the earth's temperature reducing global warming.

    1. Hello vibrant acorn, I agree that we need more climate laws to assist reduce our carbon footprint, but what legislation do you believe could help us lower our carbon footprint?

      1. I agree because...Poll finds people have the wrong climate action priorities for tackling carbon emissions.
        Most people overestimate the impact of less effective green actions.
        We also underestimate the proportion of people displaced by climate and weather-related disasters.
        If you think recycling as much as possible is the best way to cut your carbon footprint – think again. It’s actually a fair way down the list.

        Having fewer children is one of the most effective actions in reducing future greenhouse gas emissions – but this is not widely understood, a new survey finds.

        Have you read?

    2. I'm not sure about this because some people are trying their best to reduce their amount of carbon footprint. Others don't even do an effort. It wouldn't be fair for people who do try their best. We have to find the middle.

    3. Hello vibrant acorn I understand your concern, but one if the worst things contributing to climate change is driving and restricting that would put many people out of jobs including people in my own family , and in the cost of living crisis you need all the money you can get and some families including my own would severely suffer without a travel cheque and I understand that is not something you mentioned but if climate laws are inflicted I believe that travel or petrol use will be reduced, and on another note many poor or low economy countries will suffer greatly if climate laws are introduced and letting them opt out will simply allow other high economy countries to not obey said rules. I understand that global warming and climate change is a severe issue but inflicting rules is far to extreme.

      1. Yes, this is true but I still believe climate change rules are necessary. In terms of the cost, an option would be to go on strike and petition the government to provide and avoid having people living on the streets. However climate change rules must be in place, these rules can be gradually introduced to prevent drastic expenses in countries that depend on petrol. The rules can't be as agressive as the ones limiting peoples usage of cars to 3 times per week and flights to 10 a year as this is not a habit we are used to. Instead as I mentioned earlier, a gradual introduction of rules would work better.

        1. An interesting point you have made here, can you develop your idea further by identifying what rules might be introduced and put in place to tackle climate change?

          1. Rules are guidelines and instructions guiding behaviors in a particular society. They are created to manage behaviours in such a country or society with different countries having different rules.
            However, It will be difficult to stop global warming overnight but we can have rules that guides our behaviors tending to slow the rate of emissions and limit the amount of global warming by carbon footprint of heat trapping gasses. This can be achieved by reducing and recycling energy and most importantly we should have rules that encourage planting of trees because as trees grow, they help stop climate change by removing corbin dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.

      2. I understand your concerns about the impact of climate laws on jobs and the economy. It is true that reducing carbon emissions will require changes in our transportation and energy systems, which could have implications for some industries and workers. However, it is also important to recognize that the effects of climate change itself, such as extreme weather events and sea level rise, can also have significant economic impacts.

        There are also opportunities for new jobs and industries to emerge in the transition to a low-carbon economy, such as in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation. Governments can also implement policies to support workers and communities affected by the transition, such as retraining programs and economic development initiatives.

        Regarding the impact on poorer countries, it is true that they may face greater challenges in transitioning to a low-carbon economy, but they are also often the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The international community has a responsibility to support these countries in both adapting to the effects of climate change and transitioning to sustainable development pathways.

        In any case, addressing climate change is a global challenge that requires collective action from all countries, including high-emitting ones. All countries have a responsibility to take action to reduce their emissions and contribute to the global effort to limit warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

    4. I agree because... If there are not enough climate laws, people will continue to do things that will affect the climate. Activities like burning coal and trees, cutting down trees, livestock farming , exhaust gases from cars & generators etc are some of the human activities that produces carbon footprint which affects the climate change.
      These activities are very dangerous which can lead to :
      a. changes in rainfall pattern
      b. rising sea levels
      c. loss of wild life species
      d. stronger storms and hurricanes
      e. high temperatures
      f. spread of diseases etc
      In Nigeria, climate change has led to seasonal drought and desertification, excess flood which has affected agricultural activities and caused loss of shelter
      I believe if we have enough sustainable climate laws in place, thing will change for the better.

    5. Hello vibrant acorn! I agree with your comment because the more rules there are, the more strict the rules will become the lesser the climate change. As we all know, we cannot stop climate change completely, but we can reduce it in many ways. some of the ways include; using electric cars instead of using the cars that use petrol.

  • When we have too many climate laws some of us can't afford it, because as a human being even too much good thing is not good for us.
    FACT: too many climate laws also affects peoples right.
    Although it affects peoples right it is also important to obey them, because if they are not obeyed the Earth will not be a save place to live in anymore.

    1. Can you explain how more laws around climate change might affect people's rights with examples?

      1. If there would be too many climate laws it may seize our 'Right to movement'
        People would be band from using modern means of transportation e.g cars, bikes, trucks e.t.c.
        and some people will be too lazy to stroll or use the traditional means of transportation e.g horses, camels etc and then will decide not to go anywhere.
        People would also be band from going to the outer space, because using of 'ROCKETS' release a lot of smoke, and due to this people (SCIENTISTS) will not have more knowledge about the outer space.

        1. I agree with you Climate change threatens the full and effective enjoyment of a variety of human rights, including the right to life, the right to water and sanitation, the right to food, the right to health, the right to housing, the right to self-determination, and the right to culture , and the right to development.

      2. After listening to my colleague's comment, this made me think, and after thinking and researching, I found that the laws applied to climate change can actually affect human rights!
        From my point of view, I believe that climate change laws should be based on the most important human rights that no individual can be deprived of. If we do this, the result will be an equal society!
        We come back to answer your question, how can laws affect human rights?
        It affects human rights with the right to life, the right to live in safe housing, the right to food, the right to health, and the right to many things. If we ignore them, the consequences will be dire.

      3. For the sake of the article, I am a book reader and I cannot pass my day without devoting a specific part of it to reading books and novels. Suppose that a law has been put in place to reduce the use of paper and replace it with something less harmful to the environment, given that we get the leaves from the branches of trees and we have to cut these Trees to obtain paper. If this law is put in place, authors and writers will not be able to publish more paper books, and their only solution will be to publish them on the Internet. I do not like to read from the Internet. I like to hold the novel in my hands and be away from the world of the Internet a little. The climate is a reason for negating the right to learn freely, and the right to enjoyment as well.

        1. Does every right have equal weighting? For example, might we have to give up some things we like or prefer in order to protect the right to life and protecting our planet?

          1. Your question really made me think. I think that the emotional aspect is difficult to choose in the face of global challenges such as climate change. For me, truth should overcome emotion, but if I think about it, I will find that it is difficult for a person to give up what he loves in order to get rid of another bigger problem. If I am put in a situation and I had to choose, I will not choose directly. At first, I will try to find other solutions that contribute to satisfying both parties, meaning that I find a solution that makes me not lose what I love and at the same time reduce climate change,For example, we use high-quality recycled paper for books and novels instead of cutting trees to get this paper, but if the only option is to give up what we love in order to get rid of climate change, I will do that because if climate change worsens, I will not be able to enjoy what I love or I practice life naturally, rest first and then enjoy, and in order to rest, climate change must be reduced in the first place!

          2. Your question is beautiful. The power of emotion has a great rule over us, but these laws concern the planet and its safety and the safety of those living on it. Therefore, it is possible to abandon emotion and focus on the safety of those on the planet. For example, if we set laws, we can abandon emotion, but we can adapt to the situation.

          3. I think what you said is true..Maybe we give up things we love to find the best in the future...we have to follow the laws because they help us later to overcome some difficulties given that the population of the planet is too many in relation to the planet..and therefore the increase in Co² and the lack of trees and urban sprawl ...
            We may give up a lot of things we love or a few things, but what we will find later is the best.
            Then, if we give up the things we love in order to preserve the environment..I think most of these things are bad because they will be stopped due to the protection of the planet...
            It is certain that bad things will push people to abandon them.... As for good things, they may find it difficult, but with time they will get used to..

        2. I disagree because... People to leave the trees to grow if we cut down the trees to get paper we won't get fruits and shade and it will cause pollution because without trees we cant produce oxygen. We need to care for the tree like we care about ourselves because trees are living things too. Even the factories that produce paper causes pollution
          I would suggest that you should read the book you have not yet read as there so many books out there you are yet to read.

      4. Well you will say my answer , Suppose a law was established To reduce the use of no paper from trees to replace it with something harmful to the natural environment Because we always get the paper from the trees But we always have to cut down these poor trees Let's get paper . What will happen if this law is applied?
        Firstly , Authors will not be able to write more novels, books and stories .
        And the only solution to this problem is to be published on the Internet , But I don't like reading stories online.
        I prefer to hold the novel, story or book in my hands and stay away from the Internet.
        And I discovered that the climate is the reason for the lack of freedom , And the right to learn it.

      5. I agree that there should be climate laws because they regulate the state and help advance society and preserve the environment, but these laws must take into account human rights, for example they must move safely and provide them with water and healthy food and many others. But we as humans must also preserve the environment not to face the crisis of climate change

      6. I do not agree with this opinion, because if we had a lot of laws for the climate, people would realize the severity of the severity of the climate and its negative effects, and we would not be in this situation. So that we do not face climate problems that affect our lives and make them worse

    2. If we had a lot of climate laws, people would have realized the seriousness of climate change and its negative effects, we would not have reached what we are now in terms of the negative effects of the absence of climate laws on us and the environment.

    3. I disagree with this, this is because more climate change laws could help humans stop the earth from overheating. It is true that it is very important to obey these laws, but it wouldn't take away from the people's rights. Yes it will stop them from doing various acts but this is what could put the earth at rest from overheating and could also help various animals for going extinct due to climate change.

      1. I agree with you but don't you think we need to take a break because if we are trying to stop the Earth from overheating don't you think that we might overheat our self for us to be working without rest because if there would be to many climate laws we might just be working always without resting.

  • There are too many climate laws because there is too much emphasis on protecting the enviroment with out proper consideration for economic well-being of less industrialized countries.

    1. This is an interesting and different viewpoint. Can you explain what you mean by giving some examples? Are there ways to protect the environment AND drive economic growth?

      1. Thank you for your comment Ways to protect the environment and drive economic growth There is a relationship between them, such that the economy is how to choose the best use of resources, and the environment represents these resources In terms of the economy, it is possible to benefit from protecting the environment by imposing penalties on anyone who destroys the environment or throws papers on the streetsThus, the state benefits from this money, including protecting and preserving the environment

      2. Its an interesting question one of the ways of prevention and growth is to replace fuel with solar energy as this will increase the economy and also prevention as consumes a lot of it
        Also if we look at the future we will find that humans will become helium an essential thing and this will result in development and protection

      3. " Environmental protection and economic development are not in conflict. Environmental protection is not a burden but a source for innovation. It can increase competition, create jobs and lifts the economy."
        This question made me to do a lot of research. Economic growth will be erode without sufficient environmental safeguards, and environmental protection will fail without economic growth. The earth's natural resources place limits on economic growth. These limits vary with the extent of resource substitution, technical progress, and structural changes.
        For example, in the late 1960s many feared that the world's supply of useful metals would run out. Yet, today,there is a glut of useful metals and prices have fallen dramatically. Some resources such as water, forests, and clean air are under attack, while others such as metals, minerals, and energy are not threatened. This is because the scarcity of metals and similar resources is reflected in market prices.
        Economic and political institutions have failed to provide these necessary incentives for four separate yet interrelated reasons:
        1) Short time horizons
        2) Failures in property rights
        3) Concentration of economic and political power
        4) Immeasurability and institutional uncertainty.
        The economic systems of the world should be managed so that societies live off the dividends of the natural resources, always maintaining and improving the asset base.Promoting growth, alleviating poverty, and protecting the environment may be mutually supportive objectives in the long run, but they are not always compatible in the short run.
        Poverty is a major cause of environmental degradation , and economic growth is thus necessary to improve the environment. Yet, ill-managed economic growth can also destroy the environment and further jeopardize the lives of the poor.
        Many contemporary economists and environmentalists argue that the value of the environment should nonetheless be factored into the economic policy decision-making process. The goal is not necessarily to put monetary values on environmental resources it is rather to determine how much environmental quality is being given up in the name of economic growth, and how much growth is being given up in the name of the environment. A danger always exists that too much income growth may be given up in the future because of a failure to clarify and minimize tradeoffs and to take advantage of policies that are good for both economic growth and the environment.

      4. There are several ways to protect the environment and drive economic growth. Some of them include
        Changing our vehicles to electronic vehicles. The science shows that a shift to electric vehicles (EV) will play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions, a key cause of climate problems. In 2019, the transportation sector accounted for 29 percent of total carbon emissions. But, a major barrier to people’s reluctance to buy an EV is the relatively limited availability of charging stations. The legislation tackles this problem with a game changing investment in a national network of EV chargers. Public transport is a key way to reduce emissions; one estimate finds that U.S. bus transit emits an estimated 33 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile than the average U.S. personal vehicle. And, of course, investments in hybrid electric buses would further decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The legislation makes the largest ever investment in public transit, modernizing and expanding transit and rail networks. This move will particularly benefit communities of color, who are especially likely to rely on public transportation.
        Another aspect that will reduce climate change and improve economic growth is the power sector. The electric power sector accounts for around one fourth of Nigeria greenhouse gas emissions because it is largely fueled by coal and natural gas. Investments in clean power such as electricity produced by solar and wind should reduce that impact.
        I think when these are practiced, the environment can be protected as well as improving the economic growth

    2. Yes, the point of all these laws is, of course, to protect the environment, because the environment is the place from which we derive food and drink, the suitable place to live, and it is also the place where all the various living creatures live, which have benefited us a lot
      And until now,it still helps us

  • In my country there not enough climate laws so people cut down trees and burn them also lack of electricity makes people to use generators which pollutes the air and leads to climate change.

    1. @harmonious_river if your country implemented more climate law, how do you think they could get people to follow them?

      1. I think that it will be through the government of the state, and it is possible for someone to come out to raise awareness of the importance of setting these laws, so people feel that their lives are in danger, so all laws will be implemented because a person in the personal and public interest can abandon the emotional side

    2. Yes, if there were sufficient climate laws, people would not have taken these measures, because they are actions that lead to disturbances in the climate and change, which leads to many climate-related problems.

  • The reason why I chose that there are not enough climate laws is because there aren’t enough climate laws in my country so people dump trash all over use to much generators which makes smoke that harms the environment and people are cutting and burning trees, forests and bushes at a rapid pace which is not good for the environment .
    So that’s the reason why I chose not enough climate laws

    1. I agree because in my country they do the same thing, when you enter the city, you can see trash on the floors everywhere you look, and as I am writing this on my personal computer, it shows that there is polluted air in my area right now. We need to create more laws and get other countries to join us in this endeavor.

  • I believe that the presence of many climate laws is better than the absence of them, because they help avoid pollution of the environment and the factors that negatively affect it, and they also try to protect us from the attitudes of actions that we spread to the environment.

    1. Yes, but on the other hand, not everyone may coexist with it, because of health or social problems, and perhaps economic ones, as when amazing_horse said: “Also lack of electricity causes people to use too much generators which makes smoke that harms the environment.” This is an economic problem that the state suffers from, which led to the cutting off of electricity or may affect their rights. For example, a scientist who wants to conduct research or discuss research in another country needs more than ten trips in order to be able to travel and conduct his work, so I think that these laws have two sides , positive and negative

    2. We have a saying from my hometown that says, "The best is in the middle" It means that the best thing a person can do is moderation in choosing judgments, and in my opinion it is the best solution and not putting too many climate laws or even reducing them, as both of them will produce bad effects.. First, because too many laws put pressure on the person and increase the worries of his life and restrict his freedom, like putting a bird in a cage and will make him want to get rid of these laws in any way to be free.
      Secondly, if there are not enough laws, The human race will end and the planet Earth will become extinct together. As a simple illustration, you have the ozone hole that resulted from increased carbon And we all know what its effect is on humans, plants and animals, but rather on the whole earth, so imagine if the laws that protect this situation from deterioration disappeared, of course the answer is that the layer will be completely destroyed ،Harmful radiation will enter the planet and kill all forms of life on it So let's make our own solution and not let others restrict our thoughts and set limits to our choices, such as choosing to over-lay the laws or not to put them at all, let's choose and make the best for ourselves and be moderate in that .

  • Not enough climate laws in my country will lead people to cut down and Burn trees indiscriminately. Also lack of electricity causes people to use too much generators which makes smoke that harms the environment . The smoke pollutes the air and weaken the ozone layer. We need to make more climate rules to protect earth and what lives on it.

    1. I agree! We need to install more environmentally friendly electricity sources such as hydroelectricity. If more countries could find a way to use more hydroelectricity or other renewable energy sources, we might have a chance to reverse climate change.

  • For me the worst is that there are not enough climate laws because people with so many laws will have a chance to choose the best among the worst of these laws and you will see which of these laws you can live with and accept There are a lot of strict laws that are put in place by the countries Like using the car three days a week yes there will be a lot of opponents because this will negatively affect their business, which will push people to think in a better way by saying that perhaps if the means of transportation worked on solar energy, it would be better.

    1. I agree with your opinion that people should live with laws to protect our environment. You know, "Need is the mother of invention", which means that when we are put in a difficult situation, we work hard for a solution. So I totally agree with you that we can follow laws and stop using the things that harm our environment.

  • My choice is that there be many and strict climate laws to preserve the environment. If they are not strict laws, people will persist and not care about the matter. I am completely convinced that whoever does not fear punishment does not behave well. Strict laws force everyone to abide by them. Compliance with the laws leads to a successful outcome. Logically, it is unfair to find people who follow the rules and curb their freedom to the behalf of the planet. On the other hand we find people who live without caring about their lives, others or the environment. So, laws gaurantee justice.

    1. I agree with you in some cases, but there are more tactful ways, and therefore the guide is attracted more quickly according to the behavior presented, and we must also respect the rights of others and not prejudice them

      But if this deal does not work for some, we will use strict laws to bind them.

  • For me, I think that the two options are not correct at all. If there are many climate laws, people will not abide by them, and it will become just ink on paper and writings, and if there are not enough laws, the planet will be destroyed, so we have to find a middle solution, because we must put in place sufficient laws, but At the same time, we are keen on the citizens' commitment to them. For example, we have to conduct polls on the development of laws, and this must be done after clarifying the dangers, because if the people are consulted about the laws, they will abide by them. Thus, we imply the population's commitment to the laws without complaining.

    1. @wise_shrimp, thanks for your comment. Am I right in saying you think only climate laws the the majority of the population agree with should be implemented? What do you think the pros and cons of doing this are?

  • In my opinion, it is better to have a lot of laws, because not putting strict laws works on the laxity of society in general, and this leads to a threat to the climate. Non-compliance with the laws has damages, including people uprooting trees, and trees have an important and significant impact on the climate, as they consume carbon dioxide, which contributes to the well-known environmental impact. Acid rain, which is harmful to trees

  • I cast my vote for "not enough climate laws" because I think that climate laws need to be somewhat more and strict to protect our earth for the future generation

    1. @eager_atmosphere can you give any example to support your answer? Maybe research for something in your country you think could be improved with a stricter climate law.

      1. Actually, in India we have many acts regarding climate which are being unknown and there are people who even doesn't know, there are acts for it.As we students studying about those, it's known to us .If something to be implemented or changed in our society,it should be strict enough.For instance,I want every individual to plant atleast a tree in a year.If they aren't doing it ,they are asked to pay fine.Many people don't want their money to be spent in the name of 'fine',so they start to plant . Implementation of laws like this can make a difference.Small steps bring great achievement.

        1. That's interesting! Are there any other climate laws in India?

          1. First of all THANKYOU and yes ,there are many other climate acts in India. According to Indian Forest Act, the penalty for cutting down a tree without the permission from the government is Rs.10,000 or 3 months imprisonment.It may extend upto 1 year. The reason to cut the tree should be acceptable,only then the government allows to cut the tree . So people fear to cut the tree as like they wish .

      2. In my country climate conservation is something they don't care about
        everyone throws their waste on the ground and they don't care how much it effects the climate .
        We really need strict law to git rid of this.

        1. @eager_atmosphere that's a great example, well done on the research! @poetic_fig do you think a fine like this would encourage people to follow climate laws? Why/why not?

        2. This is due to the state and the municipalities in the state, if they provide waste containers everywhere and make banners, and if they work to educate people and force them not to throw waste by paying financial fines for everyone who dumps waste on the street alone, everyone is committed to cleanliness

  • In my country Nigeria , i believe not enough climate laws causes climate change . Burning down of trees is highly practicalized and deforestation is a major factor contributing to climate change. this affects our environment which causes global warming. having this laws in my country will help slow down climate change.

  • I think it is good that there be laws for the climate or even laws for the land. For example, there should be laws to reduce pollution and for commitment not to throw garbage on the ground in order to reduce waste, and for the people to adhere to the laws. Public places must be preserved and garbage should not be thrown in them or even on the beaches and in the sea. Everything must be allocated separately and waste distributed everywhere in the streets and public places in order to become a clean and pollution-free society

  • Me I feel like we are looking at two situations here a situation with too much climate laws and one with less and to me I feel like both apply in a way that considering facts of course when they are laws responsible people like the scientists and Patriots will obviously abide by the laws. But also when these laws are not enough atleast have a brief talk and tell them the effects of climate change and the activities that they do that lead to it and leave it at that and if they continue doing those activities just let the do so so that they can release the effects of climate change and if they are responsible enough them trust me they will stop carryingout those activites.

  • In my country there are not enough climate laws because there is lack of electricity, burning down of trees, water pollution, air pollution and the lack of electricity causes the use of generators and it pollutes the air massively and it’s lead to climate change.

  • I believe that strict laws restrict people's freedom and their lives will become difficult and they will migrate to another country. I think that easy and simple laws are better with little punishment for those who violate them, and I think people will be happy like this. This is to encourage the ones who violate to follow the rules.

    1. Interesting point cheeful_dusk, how would you relate this back to climate laws?

  • There are too many climate laws because;
    Even though saving the environment is good, that does not mean the Earth and its inhabitants will be saved because there would still be problems like wars, kidnapping etc. So instead of making more rules(even though rules are good), I think people should focus on making more rules that can save people's lives.

    1. Outspoken_Eagle you mentioned there are too many climate laws, are these enforced enough? What rules can save peoples lives and how do you encourage people/businesses to follow them?

      1. For your first question, Yes some of the climate rules that have been made are being enforced but not enough because climate change is still happening. For example, in some places normally it would have started raining, but due to climate change, the weather just keeps getting hotter.
        For the second question, A rule that I think is meant to be made that could save people's lives is for governments around the world to ban the production of harmful substances like cigarettes. As of 2021, an estimated 20% (which is equivalent to 1.3 billion people worldwide) are smokers. Most of the are likely to die young, so if this rule was to be made it would save some lives.
        And for your third question, one of the ways that I think will make people abide by these rules is to make punishments and penalties (like fines, shutting the organisations down, etc ) for violators of these rules.

        1. Some interesting points! Do you think that education could be part of making people abide by rules? Or do you believe punishment is the most effective ways?

          1. Yes, I think that education could be part of making people abide by rules, But some people may still decide to disobey the rules even after learning about them. So I think punishments/penalties should only be administered to people who know the rules and decide to go against them.

            1. Some great points you have raised, I agree with your suggestion that punishments should only be administered to people who know the rules and then make an active decision to go against them.

  • I am against rigid rules. I see that these rules instill fear and guilt. They want to have a tax, regulate and remove our freedom. Governments should find alternatives instead of what they find harmful to the environment. We need to live freely without their rules. Their wars spoil the planet more than us!

    1. But do rules not benefit the majority? If we don't have rules, how do you motivate people/companies to become more sustainable? Can you suggest some ideas?

  • In my country, there are not enough climate laws so many people do things without consideration. An for the ones in place are not really followed.
    Example people still use fire wood to do many things so it release toxic carbons in the air reducing ozone layer, people fall trees not thinking of our ecosystem, the animals which live in it and the damage it will cause, people mine illegally, they live behind land mines which eventually cause erosion. So in this case low climate laws are bad.

    1. Why do you think some people do not follow climate laws?

      1. In my opinion, people don't follow the climate laws being laid out because some people especially in the rural areas are not even aware of existing laws.
        Where the people are aware there is weak enforcement so they are not really punished for breaking the law.
        An example is the law about felling trees people still practice deforestation for the purpose of charcoal or firewood because they are not aware of the law or they feel they can get away with it by not being punished.

        1. Yes, so the solution here is to keep lawmaking in moderation, not too much, not too little. And also to create awareness about the impact of our actions on the planet. The main reason why people in my country do what they do to affect the planet is ignorance. This could be solved if those of us who are enlightened about things like this would come together to create awareness among those who don't know.

      2. Because they think this is control but the opposite because the law is put in place to be applied and not to reject it for in order to obtain a safe and protective state we must apply the law

      3. Hello..
        It is possible that some people do not follow climate laws for reasons including /
        1- They may think that these laws restrict their freedom and express their opinion.
        2- They may be people who are not interested in climate change and its negative effects.
        3- Such laws may establish in a person's mind that adherence to the law is a kind of weakness and lack of resourcefulness, and that the smart and strong are the ones who do not abide by any law.
        and other stuff...
        Of course, people have to abide by the laws, and it is the duty of the state to impose laws that are positively compatible with society so that no problems arise when it is imposed...
        This is my opinion and I would love to hear your opinions as well

  • Laws are beautiful and deserve to be implemented. I am a person who loves laws, but isn't it good to have laws that are compatible with the requirements of society?  Our duty as human beings is to implement the law and reduce the carbon footprint to protect our environment.
    So, my question is: Do you think that their must be a strong relationship between earth dwellers inclination towards implementing a law or not?
    In other words, do you think that people must agree on the law first in order to implement it? And should they participate in issuing laws?

    1. You make a really interesting point poetic_nature!

    2. You asked good point for disscusion. I think that participating people in making laws that will solve the problem or avoid its happening will make people obey the laws of their own free will because they will be convinced of laws usefulness but it's difficult to share all people in that and they may have different opinions and contradictory suggestions.
      So that I suggest this will be done by the parlament (A class elected in the interest of the people by the people).

    3. In my opinion, people should agree on this law, because if everyone does not agree on it, then not everyone will implement it. Rather, it will only be implemented by those who want laws. Of course, there are many people who do not agree that there are strict laws.

      1. So, does this mean that people only follow laws if they want to? Are there other reasons why people follow laws?

        1. In my opinion, sometimes the government may have to force people to abide by some laws because their lack of sense of responsibility increases the seriousness of the situation. People must be made aware, as there are many ways to convince them of these laws. On the other hand, the government should study the applicability of laws before issuing them.

        2. We cannot say about people in general, but some people do not abide by the laws because they do not care about their environment and climate and do not realize the disasters that will result from their neglect and non-compliance with the laws because they feel that the laws restrict them .... Of course, some reasons make people follow the laws, including love for the homeland and their awareness for the disasters that will happen to their homeland, and everyone must abide by the laws of their country.

        3. While personal motivation is one factor that can influence why people follow laws, there are many other reasons as well. Here are a few examples:

          Fear of punishment: Many people follow laws because they are afraid of the consequences of breaking them. They may fear being arrested, fined, or imprisoned.

          Social norms: People often follow laws because they want to be seen as good citizens and conform to social norms. They may believe that following the law is the right thing to do, and they want to be seen as moral and responsible individuals.

          Respect for authority: Some people follow laws because they respect the authority of the government and believe that it is their duty as citizens to obey the law.

          Protection: Laws are designed to protect individuals and society as a whole. People may follow laws because they believe that they will be safer and more secure if everyone follows them.

          Personal values: People may follow laws because they believe in the values that underpin them. For example, they may believe in justice, equality, or fairness, and see the law as a way to uphold these values.

    4. I'm sorry I sent a comment I didn't write anything in it my finger slipped I apologize with all my heart and here is my opinion
      I do not think that the state involves the opinion of the people when drafting the law, even if the people gather to implement the law, they must implement it, but for a cohesive society that follows the laws, the following must be done:
      1- The state: It must impose laws that are commensurate with society.
      2- Society must accept and follow these laws.
      To ensure a safe and problem-free future in the country due to the laws. This is my opinion
      I'd love to hear your opinion...
      Thanks poetic_nature

  • Laws are beautiful and deserve to be implemented. I am a person who loves laws, but isn't it good to have laws that are compatible with the requirements of society?  Our duty as human beings is to implement the law and reduce the carbon footprint to protect our environment.
    So, my question is: Do you think that their must be a strong relationship between earth dwellers inclination towards implementing a law or not?
    In other words, do you think that people must agree on the law first in order to implement it? And should they participate in issuing laws?

  • having enough laws is one, but enforcing them is another. I think having enough laws an enforcing them will help in reducing carbon footprints.

  • Hi
    Mr .tiff
    How does climate change affect human rights?

  • I vote that "too many climatic laws are worse" because climatic change is not constant and it changes .For example if an country creates an law for overcoming drought the next year it may not experience the same climatic condition and the law has to be
    changed which will make the people hard to keep adopting to different strict I think that we should make the people practice self discipline and attain self responsibility about actions to be taken to overcome or eradicate climatic change which they will follow throughout their life time without strict rules.

  • I think it is good that there be laws for the climate or even laws for the land. For example, there should be laws to reduce pollution and for commitment not to throw garbage on the ground in order to reduce waste, and for the people to adhere to the laws. Public places must be preserved and garbage should not be thrown in them or even on the beaches and in the sea. Everything must be allocated separately and waste distributed everywhere in the streets and public places in order to become a clean and pollution-free society

    1. Interesting point, you said that there should be laws to reduce pollution. What sort of laws do you think would help?

      1. There are a lot of laws that help reduce pollution, for example, placing signs not to cut large trees that work to purify the air, as they give us oxygen and take carbon dioxide, and it can also be circulated not to build factories next to houses because factories produce air that is toxic and harmful to living organisms and also Not to throw the industrial waste that comes out of the factory, and the ozone layer must be preserved. If the ozone layer is eroded, the globe becomes unfit for living, causing many skin cancers in humans and harming animals. He also likes to exploit the sun’s rays, especially in the summer because the temperature is very high. Solar energy cells, which contribute to preserving and reducing electricity

    2. I agree with your opinion because the bad climate also has damages to humans and the environment

  • I think that the lack of sufficient climate laws is the worst because this makes people less conserving the environment, which causes an in crease in the percentage of pollution and results in many diseases and deaths, and thus we lose the ability to live properly in the event of pollution and the lack of adequate climate laws.
    Also, my region suffers from the implementation of this thing and there is no law and this makes me not go to school during the rainy season because of the pollution of the streets and the heavy rains.

  • Yes…we have talked about climate change is the change of atmosphere due to stuff like vapor, carbon dioxide methane etc. But in my teachers opinion the climate change cause is a thing Called the greenhouse effect .the greenhouse effect is an effect caused by chemicals like water vapor, carbon dioxide ,methane etc.the chemicals allow sun light in just like the glass of walls in greenhouse . If you don’t want what a greenhouse is where people plant plants ,where the walls are made out of glass to allow sun light won’t be easy to get out of it . Climate change has affected Nigeria seriously temperatures are rising Drastically, but nothing compare to what is happening globally , there have been floods then places that are wet are dry like desert. But if we come together we can prevent it using renewable energy like solar panels , wind mills and other renewable energy’s.

  • I see that a problem like this cannot be solved without imposing laws on people, because laws are very important, and if we let people act according to what suits them, the problem will become more complicated. Laws must be imposed, as well as penalties. Those who do not do the laws must be punished, and they must also be made aware of the seriousness of this problem. At the same time, the laws should not be difficult and easy for all people to do, young, old and sick, that is, to do them with their consent, and it becomes part of their routine

  • I think that the laws are wonderful and every country should have its own laws, but some people look at the laws as an obstacle to them, but I do not agree with them, and the laws should be in every country because the laws help protect the environment, progress and progress, and in addition to preventing apostates from doing things bad

    1. I find what you said about people seeing laws as an obstacle to them very interesting. Can you tell me a bit more about what you mean?

      1. Of course, what I mean by the obstacle in front of them is that they see it as a barrier between them and their dreams, but they cannot... They can achieve their dreams and goals with the law. For myself, I support that every country has laws that adhere to it, and on the contrary, I see that laws help the progress and transcendence of society, unlike what others see.

  • Many climate laws are important, useful, and good for humans and others, but I think that they will pose many obstacles to their movement and their lives. It is better for people to have experience and knowledge, and I believe that their knowledge of climate laws will help them In many things, every human being has knowledge.

    1. This really made me think. Do you think that sharing knowledge will happen fast enough to solve the problem? Should there be any "temporary" laws in the meantime?

      1. I think people should share knowledge yes because it helps them to be fast enough to solve problems and I think there should be temporary laws to make them quick to solve the problem more.

        1. How could people share knowledge effectively, wonderful_fruit?

          1. I believe that it is possible to exchange knowledge through communication sites if they become friends who can exchange knowledge, customs, traditions, etc. Thus, good habits, traditions and good knowledge will spread.

  • Mr. Clover
    Will Antarctica become extinct in the coming years due to climate change?

  • Mr.Clover
    Will the ozone layer expand due to climate change?

  • Well, it is a fact that everything has an advantage as well as a disadvantage. A lot of climate laws will reduce our carbon footprint as well as pollution but some people can't keep up with so many laws.

  • I think there should be tougher laws imposed in order for the climate change threat ravaging in most countries to be reduced

  • Nature has needs that we must provide, as it provides us with our many needs, so we must provide for its needs, such as planting trees, forming animal sanctuaries, purifying its air, and cleaning its streets. In conclusion, I hope to be an active member of society.

    1. You say you "hope" to be an active member of society. What do you think you could do now to be an active member already?

      1. Such as spreading environmental issues in the community, planting trees, suggesting the idea of ​​​​replacing gasoline and diesel with hydrogen, holding competitions, and rewarding those who consume the least thing that harms the environment, and others.

  • Hello Joe,
    I'm so happy to have found another different topic to ask about. Now my question for you is: Do you think that nepotism is based on blood relations or it depends on the interest someone gets from someone?

  • In Nigeria climate change reflects the variation in the average daily weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, and sunshine of a location over an extended period climate change in Nigeria threatens economic growth in sectors dependent on climatic conditions. Economic sectors such as agriculture, fishery and forestry are more predisposed to the adverse effects of climate change. The Nigerian climate has been irregular over the years, alternating between Periods of extreme dry or rainy seasons
    1.Emission of greenhouse gases from vehicles
    2.Burning of hydrocarbons products
    4.Industrial emissions
    1.low crop yield shortage
    3.Reduced livestock production
    4.loss of incomes
    5.public health crisis
    6.Decreased hydroelectricity power supply
    7.loss of shelter and road networks
    1.National environmental policy
    2.National forests policy
    3.National erosion And flood control policy
    4.National drought and desertification policy

  • Good morning,
    Do you think that Avatar-based learning allows people to be more honest and authentic in their experiences and does it enable them to learn and change behavior much better than face-to-face training?

    1. This would be a good question for Matthew Ball!

  • I think that there are not enough climate laws. In Nigeria, almost everywhere, piles of trash and plastic are very apparent. My dad told me that there was once a time that the country was so clean that if you littered, you would be fined. I think that people are forgetting more and more about climate laws and that if new laws were created, like a specified day for clean-ups, they would be reminded of how at risk our country and the world is.

  • I can offer some thoughts on the matter. In my opinion, not enough climate laws are worse than having too many climate laws.

    Here are some reasons why not enough climate laws are worse than having too many:

    Climate change is a global problem that requires collective action. Without laws and regulations that set standards for emissions, energy efficiency, and renewable energy, it is difficult to coordinate action on a global scale. This is especially important for industries that emit a lot of greenhouse gases, such as transportation and energy.

    Climate laws can drive innovation and create new economic opportunities. Regulations that stimulate clean energy and efficiency can spur innovation and investment in new technologies, creating new jobs and economic growth.

    Climate laws can help build public support for action on climate change. When laws are passed, they send a signal that the problem is serious and action is required. This can help build public awareness and support for climate action.

  • Nigeria remains a developing country, making it more vulnerable to climate change. Climate change disproportionately affects the poorest in developing countries, including Nigeria. Due to a lack of education about climate laws and their consequences, people will continue to act and behave as they please, resulting in indiscriminate bush burning, tree felling, and pollution of water bodies. To make ends meet, the poor will continue to look for ways to meet their daily needs, including using wood to cook their food, which emits toxic carbons into the atmosphere, and defecating in bodies of water due to a lack of an effective toilet management system.

  • Many climate laws are the worst, not for me but for others. I would love to participate in protecting our planet, but there are some who do not like to have laws imposed on them. For example, in my country there is a lot of unemployment, and when laws are imposed on them while they are sitting in The house will be bored, and they will say that we only have to apply the laws without interest or compensation, so these laws will not be accepted.

    I would prefer that a financial reward be given to everyone who contributes to the assistance or is employed instead in order to accept these laws and act according to them.

    1. This is an interesting idea! How would a financial award work? For example, how much? And who would give the money?

  • Satisfying people is an unrealized goal. Humans often prefer to enjoy their lives rather than take care of this issue. We need laws to organize our lives. As I read previously, climate change will lead to the death of many people. This is what supports the development of strict laws.....But from my point of view, I believe that the principles and Beliefs have the greatest influence, so Japan succeeded in doing so, as this matter appeared in the World Cup, where the Japanese fans refused to leave without cleaning the place, so preserving the environment is the responsibility of everyone, not only because there are laws that punish if you violate them, but because it comes from the heart. If you want change, start with yourself to change the world.

    1. This is an excellent example from the news that explains your point well. Well done! What could be done to help more people to care from the environment "from the heart"?

  • From my point of view, I think that the existence of strict laws may be an ideal solution that we need, because they set limits for each person that prevents him from violating them, but he may also need our cooperation, such as if we abide by these laws and if we do not violate them, in my state there is nothing that prevents anyone from doing what he wants even if It was harmful to the environment.

  • There are people who prefer many strict laws because at that time they feel that their environment is improving and becoming better than it was, and this is beautiful and wonderful, and the climate remains good. On the other hand, there are people who do not prefer strict laws because they feel that they are not free and that they are restricted and that they cannot do anything. They want and do not live freely. As for me, it is better to have strict laws in order to live in a safe environment, and also everyone must abide by climate laws

  • Do we really want to go back to the 40's and 50's with little to eat, poor homes, no transport?
    I certainly do not want to go back there. We can do sensible things without destroying our modern way of life and these things will happen, but we can't just switch things around over night. We need to work with certain steps to not destroy our life and the planet. Reducing some activities in our daily life as well as reducing the nuclear system.

    1. Can you explain how reducing the nuclear system might help? In fact, many governments are turning towards nuclear power as a green energy source because it releases fewer carbon emissions than many other power sources.

  • Welcome, in my opinion, we should set laws, that laws do not restrict anyone's freedom, so let's imagine if there were no laws, what would life be like? It is difficult, because the relationship between life and the law is a close relationship, and both are complementary to each other, because life without laws will inevitably be chaotic, random, and unfit for living, because rights will be digested and will not be distributed fairly. Before the law, there is no difference between the weak or the strong, all are equal.

    The question is, what is worse, very strict laws, that is, punishable by a person, or laws that are not strict enough?

    I answered that we have learned that the best things are the middle ones. It is not permissible to set very strict laws, nor to put in place non-strict laws. They must be balanced and fair laws that do not oppress anyone. The law must be supported by important values

    1. Hi assertive_introduction, how can this balanced approach be applied to climate change laws?

      1. The law becomes effective when understanding and awareness is a way to implement it, and when it is a fair law and does not oppress anyone, as I mentioned in my comment above, the comment will be accepted without threat or the force of the law.

  • The worst for me is that there are not enough climate laws because of the lack of electricity and water pollution and also the pollution that results from wars, but in my country there are not enough climate laws to follow because many people do not abide by them They burn waste and cut trees, all of which affects the climate. Therefore, to reduce this problem, the state must impose strict penalties on those responsible

    1. Like what, hilarious_gooseberry?

      1. Such as imposing disciplinary penalties and financial fines on those responsible

  • In my country there are laws, but they are not many, but people violate these laws, which has affected the climate. My country has become a highly variable climate. The biggest example is that it is now raining, and summer has come to us. All of this is the effect of what the residents of my country do by violating the laws. There should be laws with penalties because people will avoid violating the laws. Some of the laws that my country puts in place are: 1- Determining the amount of diesel that drivers are allowed to buy, even homes.

  • Hi, there.
    I voted to "too many climate laws" because not enough laws will put our planet and future in danger. Therefore, we should take care of everything around us and count our footprints to save next generations, even if we sacrifiy some of our freedom.

  • I think that the lack of laws protecting the environment will be very bad, because people tend to do things that are easier for them if they are free in their actions, but if they know that there is a punishment for their non-compliance, they will be more committed and safer for the environment, and here we aim to protect our environment and make it a better place

  • I think that many climate laws are worse than the existence of insufficient laws, because they may burden a person with a great burden and increase difficulties in his life, because he may be in dire need of some things that he was prevented from, and he is forced to violate the law forcibly, but if there are insufficient laws, we can educate society about a problem Climate change and trying to reduce it as much as possible.

  • I voted to not enough climate laws because amost of the laws were restricted to humans' rights and this could lead to other bad effects on the human psychological health and may cause them to be deceivers to get what they want . Also, they may take others' portion in this act.Therefore, I think we should think of other ways to stop climate change like getting people themselves to reduce their carbon footprints from their own as an inner desire . We can do this by educating people and spreading awareness.

  • I think that if there were many strict laws that urge the protection of the environment, this would be pressure and coercion for people, and there are many people who care about the environment and its components and know its value for that, instead of setting many laws that sometimes annoy some people, it would be better if we put guidelines, advice and information about the environment How does it benefit us and what is the goal of protecting it

  • Hi there:)
    In my city, I think that there are no laws to protect the environment, so there are many difficult circumstances that we may go through because of the lack of laws, including that there are many ponds into which sewage is poured, and because of the rain, the smell becomes bad, and insects spread in those areas, transmitting diseases and infecting many people annually, but if there are laws that will be applied well, will this limit diseases??

    Yes, of course, most of the lands that occur are due to pollution, and if we can protect the environment and prevent pollution in all its forms, there will many living creatures that will be able to live, and of course humans are the first
    So I think it's important to protect the environment for the natural cycle of life.

  • There is a lot of environmental pollution on our planet, and this pollution results from several things such as “cars” that burn fuel and produce carbon dioxide. Laws must be put in place that everyone adheres to in order to reduce pollution that leads to desertification, drought and the death of many. Law 1: In my opinion, it is very good. Law 2: There is nothing wrong with it, but there are people who work in the field of electricity and their livelihood depends on that, so it is possible to make exceptions to this law. Law 3: I oppose this law because we need meat in our lives for its benefits. Law 4: I see that this law is very good and reduces pollution By a large percentage, and in the end all countries must develop laws to live in a healthy and safe environment.

  • First: I believe that sound and correct laws are among the most important reasons for the formation of a developed state. From my point of view, I believe that it is necessary for the people to make laws (the common people) so that disagreements do not occur. Second: I believe that it is necessary for the state to have climate laws, but without exaggeration, so that people can accept them and live by them. Let these laws be enacted to protect the state and its people (and children), animals, and public and private property.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "without exaggeration" please, artistic_language?

  • In my opinion, it is wonderful to impose laws because it aims to protect us from pollution in all its forms. There are some countries in which diseases, epidemics, and pollution are widely spread because of not imposing sufficient laws. Accordingly, there are factories close to residential areas, and trees are cut and burned because most people do not know its importance in improving air quality, also car emissions. The worst thing is that there are no laws that help keep people safe and this is done by people themselves.

  • In my country I think that there are not enough climate laws.
    Reason: the unavailability of some laws has led to a serious increase in climate change.
    Examples and effects:
    1. Cutting down of trees: This has led to the increase of carbon dioxide and decrease of oxygen in the atmosphere which has led to some human deaths.
    2. Burning of trees: This has led to the increase of smoke in the atmosphere which led to serious air pollution.

  • I believe that more climate laws are better because it will protect us from many harms and it will protect our right to life, and in my opinion we should give up some of the things we love and prefer in order to protect our planet, right?

  • First, I see that there are not enough climate laws, and this is very bad, especially for the environment.
    From my point of view, it is better to have climate laws, because they help us study environmental problems and natural disasters and how to beware of them.
    In my opinion, if there are no climate laws, this will cause damage to the environment. Therefore, the existence of climate laws is a very good thing, because we are working to preserve the environment and make it clean and healthy.

    1. What laws do you think there should be?

  • I would say that both are worse.
    If there are too many climate laws, then many of our day to day tasks like going to office/school via transports, Industrial works, etc. will be affected.
    If there is not enough climate laws, then people will not care about our earth and ultimately will pollute it.
    So i am saying both are worse. Do you agree?

  • In my country, there are not enough climate laws so many people do things without consideration.It is really follow by in there.For example, people still use firewood to do many things,as well as factory smoke that pollution,as well as means of transportation such as cars trucks, motorcycles, etc.All of this releases toxic carbon into the air, which reduces the trees without think about our ecosystem, the animals that live in it and the damage that will cause people producin illegally, liveing behind land mines that ultimately cause in this case low climate laws are bad.

    1. What would be the first law that you think should be established?

  • Of course climate laws that is so tough  Because people will be forced to do these laws and also the state will ensure that people will abide by these laws and will not oppose them for example, The USA is trying to change the climate for the better by imposing laws on its population
    But Japan is also trying to change the climate, but it does not have  laws are too tough like USA.

  • The stricter laws are the better, although some will be annoyed by them because of their impact on human rights, but they enable us to protect the planet so that it remains habitable for us.

  • I voted for not enough climate laws because most of the laws are not logical in terms of implementation ,so it is not applicable and they don't suit everyone and if we want to do some exceptions this will show injustice and discrimination. For that, I suggest to invent new means of transportation which depend on renewable clean energy resources. Besides, we can teach people how to reduce their carbon footprints by depending on sustainable materialsand products.

  • I think that not enough climate laws is worse than too many climate laws because laws will keep our earth and people safe.
    Indeed every start is difficult. we will see some people refused the law.but as the time passed they will get used to it and see the good results on their personal life and on the earth.
    In our country there is loss of laws.. for example people in my area burn wood in the street and sit around it to be warmed in winter and that will increase air pollution with carbon dioxide and affect health badly..

  • Laws organize society and make it a single line that is difficult for the enemy to disperse.
    I choose to have many climate laws in order to preserve the environment and its existence. In the absence of strict climate laws, corruption will spread among people , and people will not care what may happen in the environment after that. As said in the parable. He who does not fear punishment persists in corruption. So I support the existence of climate laws.

  • My opinion: There are many climate laws that affected human rights, such as: freedom of movement affected us a lot, we could not go to some cities, but I will keep saying: the world needs laws to live safely, and the ability to adapt to the environment.

  • I think that too many climate laws may limit the capacity of people to actually save the environment. There need to be more awareness of the laws that already exist so as to know if there is need for new laws.

  • I feel when climate laws aren't made clear enough, we don't see the picture and we don't realize how everything thing we do has an effect, be it ozone layer depletion, pollution, etc.
    So to spread proper awareness for immediate action, everyone has to be given the access basic education on the affairs of the soil, air, water, pollution, etc.
    This is essential for the future existence of the planet and to reduce our carbon footprint.

    What do you think? Agree or disagree? Let me know by clicking "reply to this comment" on the bottom left of this post!

  • In my opinion, the worst thing is that there are not enough climate laws, so there must be many laws, but do we implement these laws and implement them? There is no exploitation of waste residues. Instead of using and recycling them, we burn them

  • I think having not enough climate laws is better than getting tougher climate laws because most of the humans do not prefer obligation and being deprived of what they want and like, so it wouldn't be fruitful and effective to oblige them to obey some meaningless laws to them. If we want to pass some new laws, we should train and educate them first to accept those laws after realizing the importance of these certain laws.

  • I think that we should do some balance between both of the choices. We can Implement some of agreed laws regarding the climate change. These laws should be in average and not to break any of the human rights because humans should stay free and practice all of their Hobbies and rights. This leads us to the question how can we stop climate change. We should be more creative than just passing laws, we should think of radical Solutions.

  • the worst is there not enogh climate laws .
    I think the right think is make hard laws becuse the peple will know how to behave in hard situation the hard laws keep the envirament .
    But in my city there arent as this sadlly! l think the best choise is do such hard laws .
    This will be the mist populer optins

  • I chose not enough climate laws because at the point we have reached as a whole we as people who seek drastic change cannot afford to lose more lives due to climate change. I strongly believe that if tougher laws are implemented our earth can be a safer place.

  • Laws is a really a good way of leading a country into good way or in a bad way .If a country had good laws in their hand they can develop into a developed country , on the other hand the country which not has suitable laws for the country remains as a developing country ! So here if we have too many laws people can't follow them and they ought to adopt to them slowly .So having affordable laws which the people can regulate and practice in their day to day life can decrease global warming and can protect our planet .Here I am not only talking about earth's protection , I am also conveying about people needs and welfare cause each every citizen's law is in the hand of their own country. So not having too many laws amd having a efficient amount of law which people can follow is my suggestion.
    LAW : Cars can be only used for three days in a week .
    REASON : It is actually a great law according to me but let's think about the whole country , people have to travel from one place to other place by walking they can't travel for more kilometers, because of this people use vehicle for their comfortability. So instead of saying we ought to use cars only for 3 days we can use electronic cars to reduce the pollution and electronic cars works on the bases of solar energy .

    1. What a great comment, it wowed me and I learned from it too.
      You deserve a well deserved star.

      1. Ohh my pleasure ,Thanks alot I feel so happy now !!!!

  • Humans prefer to enjoy their lives, not taking care of this issue. Preserving the environment is the responsibility of all, not only by the law. If we violate the law, we will be punished, but because it comes from the heart that we want to change our environment. If you want change, start with yourself to change the world.

  • For my personal opinion, I see that if I say climate laws, they are considered the worst, because people will not follow these laws and they will break them, and this will affect the climate. For example, they will throw waste, cut down trees, use means of transportation extensively, and this will increase carbon production and others, and negatively affect the climate. For example, the country in which I live There are not many and strict laws in order to protect the climate and the environment. There are those who throw plastic and waste and use a lot of cars and also cut down trees and other things that negatively affect the climate due to the lack of strict climate laws.

  • From my perspective too much of anything is worst.
    But if we implement too many laws that should not be very strict. If all those rules are followed strictly, people will get tired of following all those rules. It will be like pressurising them.
    And we must not have little laws for climate changes because it causes many problems which will destroy the world. And we have to take a step to protect our ozone layer. Ozone layer plays a vital role in transmitting the UV rays to some other direction and protects the earth. And there is even a report that tells that the hole in ozone layer was filled during covid pandemic because people were not allowed to go out of their home. That doesn't mean that we have to bring a lockdown again but we can stop reducing our carbon footprints by following simple and small things like not traveling in vehicles always etc...

  • I cast my vote for 'too many laws are worse' because instead of too many laws some powerful and strict laws can definitely make changes in society. At the same time, it shouldn't affect the life of people and the country's economy too.
    FACT: Too Many laws can't be followed by people in their day to day life. And too many restrictions can also affect their lives.
    EXAMPLE: If the law is to ... USE ONLY PUBLIC TRANSPORT FOR TRANSPORTATION. This would definitely affects the working people and the people who are travelling for some emergency. Because all over the country this law is implemented, so all people will use public transport. Because of this the public transport will be filled with people and the remaining will not transport for transportation. So because of this the workers may not reach their office at a right time and the job of people can be affected. And the economic profit from the cars and motorbike industries would go down. And the profit from fuel can be affected by this law . Instead some other laws can be implemented without affecting the life of people.

    1. Do you think temporary laws would help?

      1. Temporary laws can reduce the affect but it would not be an permanent solution. But it would definitely helps to decrease the effect.

  • When we are implementing more laws related to climate changes, people must follow all those laws which is not possible why because many peoples in undeveloped countries are illiterate because in those countries there exist a poverty and unemployment which makes peoples not to afford in education, they have to spend in food ,clothing, shelter which is the basic need of people. for an example when we try to convert fuel vehicles to electric vehicles that's not only the way to reduce carbon footprint. People in many countries are using fuel vehicles which is more efficient in transport when compared to electric vehicles. In many ways these climate change controlling laws are helpful but it generally affects people why because industries have to work with fuel for producing goods which is consumed by people anywhere in the world , transporting of goods also requires fuel when we try to convert those fuel vehicles into electric vehicle it hugely impact the economy and lead to economic crash. But when we use fuel vehicles that also hugely impact nature too which leads to drastic climate change. So, when we try to solve a problem by changing laws or implementing new laws it will create another problem.

    When we are implementing laws not to cut off trees many industries and households depend upon those woods for making furniture and houses which will be very difficult for those people but cutting down more tress led to more carbon emission. So, when they are cutting down trees, they have to plant two or more trees which will be good and effective in improving climate condition.

    1. This is a thoughtful comment which considers different perspectives and situations. You say that implementing new laws can cause more problems, so can you think of more effective ways to slow climate change?

      1. Yes of course, instead of implementing new laws the government can create an organization to cutting down trees in correct ratio and planting trees in way that when they are cutting down one tree they have to plant three trees which benefit in reducing carbon emission and also providing employment to people who were unemployed it will lead to reduction of poverty and also they can afford to the basic needs such as food water shelter.

        Transportation of goods can be done in ships instead of using more fuel vehicles because ships emits 15 times less than those fuel vehicles.

        Instead of using thermal power and nuclear power to produce electricity we can use solar power, hydro and wind energy to produce electricity.

        Scientists and researchers should find out some more effective ways to slow climate change.

        These plans will help greatly in reducing carbon emission so that we can reduce drastic climate changes due to global warming, melting glaciers and rising sea levels, and so on.

        1. Thanks for sharing these ideas, thoughtful_cliff!

  • Laws are a really good thing, and I admit that we humans, if we had no laws, we would be a jungle. In other words, living with people who eat each other's rights and live random lives based on their ideas. Laws have changed our lives a lot because they have helped people develop and act well, but my answer is that when we do not have enough laws, it is bad, although it is important to have an opinion, but the application of laws is not in vain, but for Our own safety.
    The state's duty to apply laws is positively proportional to society, and society must accept them, as there are no disputes between the state and society that lead to collapse. It is our duty, as far as possible, to try to take care of the laws, because through them we will take care of the environment. Have you heard that there is a country whose society adheres to climate laws and suffers from this problem!! Of course, when a person cares, he finds his tiredness and interest
    But the question is for you: What is the most difficult thing the state faces when imposing laws, and how do they deal with it?

    1. I'm interested to hear how you would answer your own question, polite_dinosaur. What do you think is the most difficult challenge faced by states when imposing laws?

  • We cannot set very strict laws, because it is possible that a person is committed in front of you, but behind you, as he is in violation of the laws, and we cannot force people to do anything because it is personal freedom. I suggest that we must raise our children to protect the environment and not force them to protect it and take care of it. We love them since childhood

  • In my opinion, there are many laws that help people manage their affairs, avoid wrong behaviors, and know the correct ones. They also help the environment and protect it from incorrect human behavior, although it is not always good for society.

    1. Interesting opinion lucky_meteor! How is it not always good for society?

  • Using strict laws can't save the Earth all the time. I think not all people can follow the rules because they are different in their cultures, traditions ....
    I think the age of people also play an important role . For example, we can't change the mind of old people.
    Here in our country the number of elder people is huge . So we have a big challenge to let the stop doing such things.
    Can you help us by giving some tips to stop it ?

    1. glad_apricot Why do you say 'we can't change the mind of old people'?

      1. For me, the elderly are always like a fountain of wisdom. They have lived and gone through a lot of experiences. Sometimes I see that some of them find it difficult to accept change. They have lived most of their lives without technology. We cannot wait for them to accept it quickly. For them, it is something new and a mysterious experience. Their acceptance of technology, I see. Difficult. In the past, the air was clean with many trees, but as soon as the wave of development occurred, the climate changed, so now they saw the negative side and did not feel the desire to know the positive side, and I do not blame them...

  • There are too many climate laws but it seems less because the citizens aren’t enlightened about it and they care less about their climate and continue to carry out activities which may lead to an increase in the climate. In my opinion the laws should be made known. The laws that are to be enforced should be balanced so that both humans and the climate can be affected positively. To avoid situations where industries can’t produce or people can’t have a right to movement due to the laws imposed.

    1. Some interesting points! How should we educate individuals about the laws? How do we motivate people to follow them and make decisions that may impact them but for the better of the environment?

      1. First if all by organising a committee of people that will render educational needs to the public about the dangers and advantages of our climate and by the use of sign boards on the streets such as afforestation signs no burning, no loitering and so on by the use if these, the majority who didnt know about their climate will be enlightened amd encouraged to save the climate and their environment for a better future.

      2. The easiest way to educate individuals is by adding the topic "climate change" in our educational curriculum. By doing this, the younger generations will be enlightened about the causes, effect and solutions that needs to be taken for climate change. The children can relate it to their parents at home and the family members as such enlightening them too.
        Here in Nigeria, the topic is introduced in our curriculum were we are enlightened about the climate change. The whole theme is called environmental hazard were we are being taught about the causes, effects and preventive measures of flooding, erosion ,deforestation, bush burning, desertification and depletion of the ozone layer.
        This has personally motivated me and changed the way i do things. I am conscious of the things i do that will affect climate change. i recently told my dad to replace our generator with an inverter because the generators emit carbon foot print which affects the climate.
        I'm also sure that other children will also be motivated and enlighten their parents.
        Doing this will lead to a positive impact to our environment.

  • I think that a lot of laws a person will not be able to bear because he feels himself restricted and cannot do anything, but if there is no law, people will do whatever they want, right and wrong, and this is a dangerous thing. In my opinion, there should be a balance of laws and not strictness, and this is how people accept the idea

  • Environmental pollution increases year after year, and this is due to "human industrial, service and recreational activities", the most prominent of which is air and water pollution.
    Regarding the first law: I think it is good, but not very effective. The second law: For me, I do not think it is good, because animal products and all their derivatives are very important to humans and it is difficult to replace them with other plant products. The third law: This law does not suit the nature of our lives these days because There are many dependent jobs online. Fourth Law: I agree with this law because cars are one of the most influential factors in increasing pollution, and the less they are used, the less damage will be greatly reduced.
    There are many solutions and they all have one goal, which is to reduce pollution in order to preserve the continuity of life for future generations and avoid disasters, such as droughts and floods.

  • I believe that when there are strict climate laws, it will not have any harm when applied, but rather it will lead to good results on the climate, and I do not agree with those who oppose these laws because there will be no harm from applying them.

  • If there were more laws, this would cause indiscipline. Humans naturally hate laws, it is the instinct on which we were created, this will lead to disregarding some laws, and this can lead to problems.....

  • In my opinion, the lack of sufficient climate laws represents a major problem, but too many of them are also negative because it will result in violent and severe interaction from people، So we must be moderate in setting climate laws, So that it preserves human freedom and protects the climate at the same time, and if there are many climate laws as some would like, they will affect all aspects of our lives, whether economic or social،We are now in an era of progress, and our needs must be taken into account to continue this progress. Every action we take will affect other aspects،For example if there is a law that allows a certain number of travel trips, then many businessmen and different people whose jobs depend on these trips will have their salaries will be halved and Their contribution to society will be reduced ،And without mentioning the category that always appears and wants to break the laws, and in this case the number of cases and legal problems It will continue to increase and this contrary to our desires, And we have an old proverb in our civilization that says, "The forbidden is always desirable " This means that the more laws that prevent people the more they want to break Laws .

  • Thinking about it, the choice may be confusing at times, but I can be inclined a little to the existence of strict laws in every country in the world because it will certainly be able to control the reins of affairs in the state, whether it is to maintain justice or to maintain security and safety or even to preserve the cleanliness of the environment, as a person can He makes a mistake without realizing that he made a mistake, and the mistake for him may be a natural matter because there are no laws that prevent him from doing what harms him, even if the laws are unfair to him, but it will be in his interest. It may be a big change in the life of each one of us.

  • I think that not enough climate laws will let continue global warming and make things worse. It wont improuve things much. If we want climate change to stop, we need to impose much more laws than the amount we have today.

  • here in Gaza there is not enough rules for i can see a lot of people who cut trees and a lot of pople who use gaz and oil for cars

    1. I do not agree with this opinion, because if we had a lot of laws for the climate, people would realize the severity of the severity of the climate and its negative effects, and we would not be in this situation. So that we do not face climate problems that affect our lives and make them worse

  • What's worse: too many climate laws? Or are there not enough climate laws?
    I think there are not enough laws related to climate for people to understand their impact and when there are many laws related to climate we will prevent their negative effects and if there were enough laws people would have adhered to them because the violators of the law are punished accordingly. I think there must be many laws that impose increasing taxes on those who break these laws

  • Not enough climate laws are much worse than having too much. I say this because people cut down or get rid of majority of our natural resources and due to them doing this we have much more pollution and less clean air.

  • In my opinion there, are too many climate laws. These are reducing our right as humans and will cause great challenge to countries who depend on things causing climate change like fossil fuels etc… it will also affect their transportation and imports and exports trade. It could lead to disruption of goods distribution worldwide.

  • If I can use Metaverse, the first thing I will do is travel to places of natural disasters to help people such as the earthquake in Turkey, and do volunteer work that serves the environment and helps save our planet.

  • I chose "not enough climate laws" because I feel that if there are not enough climate laws, people will believe that it's not vital enough for them to go out of their way to follow them. Having an array of climate laws can demonstrate to people how critical climate change is to our well-being and that of the Earth, and that they will have to go out of their way to follow the laws in order to keep the Earth safe for future generations.

    1. Hello resourceful whale,
      I completely agree with your comment but I have some questions for you.
      How can we encourage people in our country to abide by these laws in schools, factories, homes, churches, and many more? How do you think we can send the message across to businesses and many more.

  • In my town, there are not enough climate laws, and this encouraged the spread of epidemics and chronic diseases, as well as environmental pollution
    Where there is poverty and increasing cuts in electricity, that is why people resort to using fire for cooking, generators for lighting and other things
    Which leads to pollution of the environment and the destruction of human health
    That is why we must enact laws suitable for everyone so that people are not burdened

  • I am against strict laws because with these laws people may be deprived of their rights. For example, they may be deprived of the right to freedom, so they will not be able to do what they want, such as movement, travel, hiking, etc., but this does not mean usurping the rights of others, and we must take into account our duties towards others and our society and the preservation of public property In order for us to have a sophisticated, developed and free society that lives in luxury and contentment without injustice and restriction 🥰☺️🤗🌹.

  • I think “not enough climate laws” would be the worse situation here as without enough climate laws our climate would be effected causing larger carbon foot prints. It would increase deforestation, bush burning and fossil fuel usages.
    Our planet would be affected even more as people would stop recycling and indiscriminately dump trash in the ocean causing mass population loss and possible extinction of already endangered species and effect our climate negatively unlike anything seen in the past. Aside that, I believe there is no such thing as too many climate laws because these laws helps to keep every aspect of life that affect our climate in check.

  • Not enough climate laws is worse.

    It is worse because our climate will be filled with toxics which will increase the incidence of diseases, this will affect human, animals and plants. It will increase climate change.
    People are currently doing things that affect the climate because they are not aware of climate laws against bush burning, throwing trash in rivers etc.

  • I would suggest more climate laws, so we can avoid more climate issues in the following years and for the future generations. Having more climate laws will lets homosapiens know their limits

  • In my country Palestine especially Gaza city, the need for changing wrong practices is crucial. The city is considered as a small land that full of houses next to each other. Pollution rate is very high. Government should issue too many laws. First, people's awareness should be raised to make them understand how wrong routine and practices harm the ozon layer and the planet. After that, government issued the laws that experts of environment set. Then government watches people and makes sure that people obey the rules.

  • I think that creating laws and regulations has both positive and negative aspects. These laws can be helpful in protecting climate from all pollutants, but it could also deprive people of some of their rights, such as freedom of movement. People would then be forced to use trivial transportations, including camels and horses, which would be very difficult for humans in our era to adapt and accept. Therefore, people will not adhere to these laws and they will become meaningless on paper. For this reason, I believe that laws should be enacted, but in a reasonable way so that people will adhere to them.

  • I know that we must take care of the environment, but we must be realistic. What a pleasure life is, and it is full of laws that make us feel restricted, but on the other hand, laws related to the environment are useful and set limits for harmful people, but I think it is possible by educating citizens that this is a dangerous thing and the damage it causes. For my part, I don't much prefer laws because I don't see joy in life when I'm bound

  • Scientists say we can still avoid the worst impacts of climate change if we reach net-zero carbon pollution before 2050. We need these strict laws .
    But some lawmakers refuse to act. They’d risk climate catastrophe and let the rest of us deal with the fallout. We’re already experiencing climate change’s effects in the form of deadly heatwaves, increasing tick populations, and more severe storms.

  • I think that few rights should be strict because cutting and selling of sandalwood in restricted areas are illegal in india and also the law book says principles of sustainable developement would be violated if there is a substantial adverse ecological effect caused by industries but many people still get into these crimes and get arrested many people are doing this because the punishments are not tough enough even few people don't know that doing few activities affect the environment or even they are illegal so I think that passing certain tough climatic laws are important but also giving awareness to every single person about what is wrong and what is right is also important.
    Few rules in india:In Delhi petrol cars older than 15 years and diesel car older than 10 years found on roads will be fined 10,000 rupees!
    and also even numbered cars were allowed to travel on even numbered days and odd numbered cars on odd numbered days in delhi to stop increase in pollution.

  • Laws .Laws.Laws.we as humans can't bear too much laws.All think of enviroment's rights.That's OK but where are our rights as humans.
    So not enough climate laws is the best solution to protect our planet.

  • I discussed this topic with my father yesterday and finally I reached to......
    1- Too many climate laws means less committment.
    2-Not enough climate laws means no commitment.
    So (2) is worse than (1)

    1. Great to hear you were discussing this with your family!

  • I believe that more trees should be planted to increase the percentage of oxygen we breathe in large quantities

  • As for us in Palestine, we need more climate laws to be imposed on the people in order to maintain a moderate climate. Among these laws are non-smoking and the use of public transportation in order to reduce pollution. Whoever does not abide by these laws will have a penalty. If we implement these laws, we will preserve the moderate climate.

  • My opinion not to have many law based on climate change because change in climate is temporary and not permanent ,And if we have many laws people will not be able to follow all and they will just follow some laws.

  • I vote for more climate laws. But for countries that can't keep up with all the climate laws, they should be kept on a minimal level. Rather citizens should be educated on climate change and encouraged to join the fight against it.

  • From the perspective of addressing the urgent and potentially catastrophic issue of climate change, not having enough climate laws is worse than having too many. Climate laws and policies are necessary to mitigate and adapt to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, and protecting vulnerable populations from the impacts of climate change.
    If there are not enough climate laws, the emission of greenhouse gases will continue to rise, leading to more severe and frequent extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other negative impacts. This can have significant economic, social, and environmental consequences for both current and future generations.
    Examples of not having enough climate laws can be seen in countries with weak or non-existent climate policies and regulations which lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
    On the other hand, having too many climate laws can create complexity and administrative burdens, leading to inefficiencies and unintended consequences. However, this does not negate the need for strong and effective climate policies.
    In summary, not having enough climate laws is a greater concern than having too many. Climate policies and regulations are necessary to address the global challenge of climate change, and a lack of action can have severe and long-lasting consequences.

  • Climate change is a bad thing and the lack of adequate laws is also a bad thing. The state cares as much as possible to improve the weather, and society must also follow the laws in order to schedule the result of climate change. It is true that laws must be followed, but not bad laws, okay; These are some activities to improve the climate /
    1- Monitoring personal carbon consumption
    2- Building flexible cities with low carbon emissions
    3- Use of renewable energy
    And other activities, it is our duty as humans towards our environment to take care of it in order to live without fear and stress

  • In my country, there are no strict laws that force people to stop increasing air pollution and climate change. Everyone has absolute freedom and there is no punishment. You may find someone who wants to save cooking gas has lit wood or old clothes, and you may find someone who is in trouble with another and burns his house ,car or factory , leaving big clouds of thick smoke. And worse, some may express their anger at a position, institution, or government decision, for example, not by peaceful demonstration, but by igniting car tires, which causes severe damage with an immediate impact on people who suffer from breathing problems , in addition to the long-term impact on the ozone layer and the increase in air pollution.
    So, I believe that the too laws is better, especially , because many people misunderstand the personal freedom .

  • No, I do not think that there are sufficient climate laws, because if there were sufficient laws, the world would not have reached this extent of destruction in climate change. There must be more laws that will change the life of the individual, but he will get used to it, without prejudice to their rights.

  • What's worse: too many climate laws? Or are there not enough climate laws? The worst thing is that there are not enough climate laws, because if there are enough laws, people will abide by them, there will be less climate change and the consequences will be less bad, and if there are many climate laws, people will abide by them. Stick to it, and the consequences of climate change will be less of the better and less bad of what they are now

  • I voted for not enough climate laws because too much lows will be like barriers and Boarders around the freedom of humans so they will feel like they are living in a prison.
    Too much lows will have very negative effects on our lives, on our mental psychological and social health.

  • The worse one is having too many climatic laws because if there are many laws people would not able to follow all the laws and for that people will be punished for not following the law. So the worse is having too much climatic laws.

  • But what if it was there aren't enough climate laws and at the same time,there aren't too much. I know that too much climate laws is capable to derive individuals of their rights but look at it this way. If there is also not enough climate laws,our activities like industrial fumes etc can also affect our health severely....
    So,I think that the climate laws should just be adequate;not too small,not too much.

  • I chose not enough climate because not enough climate laws can lead to the increasing of earth temperature rising in a few decades, the quality of all species including humans will diminish and there will be more frequent and intense drought, storm and heat waves.

  • I would prefer that there be strict laws for climate change. "I will be a little strict." But I prefer this thing. I will tell you why, because people have persisted in recklessness in the story of climate change. Laws so that people do not become burdened by this thing, and it is better at the same time for it to be a balance in the laws, for example, if we paint an artistic painting, we must balance the artistic elements between sovereignty and balance so that no element of them is disturbed, so must the laws.

  • I voted too many climate laws is the worst. People need to do their best, but some can't do it. The families who are torn apart, for example because of the war in Ukraine need a lot of electricity to communicate. Others really need their cars, if they didn't catch the bus, for example. We should do our best to reduce our carbon footprint, but not to the point of suffering.

    1. Fantastic example of linking another news story while also considering different perspectives. Well done!

  • I think that a lot of laws will be good, and as we talked about earlier, they should be suitable with people's points of view to facilitate their implementation, for example, the law that people need to eat plants and leave meat, this is unacceptable because the body requires some elements and minerals found in meat. As for the law of using cars for a specific period, there are things that we must think about before applying the law. Now imagine that your daughter or son must go to the doctor. Don't you have to take him/her by car, and if we say the ambulance, how do you know the circumstances? The ambulance might be busy,  broken, or late friends. Hence,  before enacting laws, we must think of a hundred possibilities, what do you think...??

  • Yes, laws have been put in place in all countries in order to preserve the security and safety of this country, as well as climate laws that have been put in place to preserve the climate of our country from any danger. There are not many laws in my country and there may be, but not everyone adheres to them. I wish that strict laws would be put in place to preserve the climate, and whoever violates these laws would be imprisoned or pay a fine, and this is the least that can be done in order to preserve the climate of our country.

  • Having a sufficient number of climate laws is preferable to having too few or none at all. Climate change is a complex and pressing issue that demands coordinated action from all levels of government and society. In the absence of appropriate climate laws, countries are unlikely to attain the required reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to curb global warming and avert the most severe consequences of climate change.

    However, an excessive number of climate laws can generate needless bureaucracy and impede the deployment of effective solutions. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between having adequate climate laws to address the issue effectively and ensuring that the laws are practical and feasible.

    To sum up, it is essential to have a sufficient number of climate laws to tackle climate change effectively while ensuring that they are streamlined and efficient.

  • Honestly from my point of view Nigeria needs so many more climate laws to preserve it's nature and beauty. The more climate laws we have the more people will start respecting the environment. People will start taking care if the environment like they should

  • In fact, the worst thing is (many laws) from my point of view, because with many laws they do not fix the problem, but rather complicate it.! If I were president, I would issue only one law.! (When you eat fruit, do not throw away the seeds, dry them, put them in a bag, put them in In the car. Throw seeds in areas where there are no trees on the sides of the road. Nature will take care of them anyway and they will sprout, God willing. This idea has been done for years in some Asian countries such as Thailand and Malaysia, and now there are fruit trees everywhere. Let's throw seeds on the sides roads, orchards, and empty lands, and not in garbage), so the solution is not in the abundance of laws, but in the law itself, and how easy it is for the individual and society.!

  • My point is that there are not enough climate laws – Yes!! Laws are incorporated by the government and the government is in favor of corporates. Of course, corporates declared their intention of moving toward renewable energy, but unfortunately, it is not moving us nearly far or fast enough toward decarbonizing our environment, and stabilizing the planet’s climate system, there is still a gap for corporates getting benefits using the present situation.

    “Law of awareness” should be implemented. In the business world consumers should change their expectations, a few examples that will reduce transportation emissions are – making use of local products and shopping local, installing solar panels, changing your diet habits, dressing smartly and buying local, don’t waste food, and important thing avoiding investments in environment polluting companies.

  • In my country, there are no laws and penalties about the climate, so trees are cut down, plants are burned, lands are destroyed, flowers are cut, but I see from my point of view that if the state puts penalties and laws around these actions, there will be a significant decrease in the number of people who do these actions to destroy the environment

  • "Not enough climate laws" is worse because climate change problem is man-made , so we need more climate laws to rule the negative and passive behaviours of people against nature. The fact " Better safe than sorry", shows that laws are made for man's sake . That means if man does these laws, the earth will recover and man will live safely.

  • I think it is better for there to be many laws for the climate so that the people around us feel the importance of the matter and how it negatively affects us if we neglect it and spoil it, and vice versa, that our interest in it rewards us with many gifts to keep us safe

    1. Interesting point @amusing_guava - what do you think the laws should include and why?

  • If we don't have too many climate laws humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. However, if we stopped emitting green house gases today, the rise in global temperatures will begin to flatten within a few years. Temperature will then plateau but remain well elevated for many centuries.
    Some facts about climate change:
    1. Climate change could be irreversible by 2030.
    2.Green house gas levels are at an all time high.
    3.More than 1 million species face extinction.
    4.Climate change us creating a refugee crises.
    5.Our oceans are dying.
    6. We use more of the earths resources than it can renew.

  • I believe we STILL need much more and more of climate laws in Gaza.
    It is not a problem of not me only, it is the crisis of the majority of Gaza's student who has lack of infrastructure.
    Winter has dark nights . I mean when it rains heavily I can't simply go to my school because water is reach to my home and I can not get out of my home .
    Really I am thinking of having a boat not to lose a day in my school.

  • The goal of climate laws is to protect the environment from climate change. We are all aware that these laws are required for a healthier environment and healthier people. If we are serious about making a huge success and ensuring that these laws are followed, then every news station, media outlet, radio station, and newspaper publication must make it a point of duty to rehearse it in front of every citizen's ears, billboards must be placed in strategic positions, and I believe a massive enlightenment and educational program is required.
    My take on climate laws: no littering of papers around the premises, no trash burning, no oil mining, and no deforestation etc should be consistently echoed in the ears of school children as young as age two, as the popular saying goes, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

  • I believe that there are insufficient climate rules. I chose this topic because it reflects how people act nowadays. I'm sure someone will argue that the following rules already exist.
    1. Stop burning garbage. 2. Recycle your garbage.
    Plant new trees.
    4. Construct greenhouses
    5. Reduce, reuse, and recycle
    6. Refrain from dumping trash into our oceans. etc
    If these rules already exist, why is it so difficult to follow them? Perhaps it is because it is difficult to retrain an already grown man or woman. So what is the next step?
    The following, in my opinion, should be included in every school's curriculum, each individual needs to understand that the situation is detrimental to our health.

  • I believe there are insufficient climate laws because every day, more people burn their trash, even if it is still usable. We, humans, throw away and burn the things we call trash, which causes global warming and climate change. Man-made activities cause climate change, and one of the effects of man-made activities is pollution, which is also a cause of climate change. Climate change can have other consequences for us yet unknown or even discovered.

  • This a difficult question with many oipions!Would you like this generation to live out a good life with lots of steak dinners and freedom with the horror of the world ending like a disaster movie ,your mum says could "never" happen in real life on your shoulders?Or...become a vegan ,reduce eating meat,take the bus more often and buy an electric car (when your older)and do your part in helping the world reduce climate change

    1. You draw attention to how difficult it is for young people to live in this climate of fear of "disaster". Which of the laws you have listed do you think would be the most difficult for you to follow?

      1. If your like me,you grew up watch "San Andreas" with the Rock and other disaster movies where the world is ending.Your parents probably told you "that could never happen!""It's only make believe!"With current events I believe my Mum less and less.Im terrified of tsunamis and earthquakes,I live beside the sea and I hear stories of sea levels rising and in about 150 years my house could be under water! Does that scare you ?It terrifies me !
        I believe its better to have too much then too little and I believe the same for Climate Change Laws..Its better you have too many laws and give yourself enough time to make a difference than being on your death bed wishing you did more but there's no time left! I want to make a difference ..but I LOVE meat,I love a good steak dinner and having ham sandwiches but now I know I just can't do that anymore.I asked my mum to cut down on buying meat and we rarely have meat dinners anymore.Now we have fish and cheese sandwiches.I hope together we can stop Climate Change #Teamwork

  • I think it will be better to have more climate laws. If not, any inhabitant will not recycle or reduce the use of plastic or toxic products.

  • Laws are put in place in the state that make a person restricted and he has no freedom to do what he likes and makes him comfortable. However, I believe that people should give priority to the general interest of society over the interest of the individual in order to get rid of the biggest problem so that no one is deprived of his rights and also reduces change The climate must find a solution to satisfy both parties. For example, we can make fertilizer for the land of agriculture from food waste, and by this a person will benefit from his right to practice the craft of agriculture and obtain food. But if the choice is to get rid of what I love, then I will choose that to get rid of climate change. Live your life normally, we must put climate change reduction as our first priority!

  • I weep when i envision the future of my country with the way activities are carried out with careless attitudes. The painful part the fact that the government 8s not doing anything to curb it. The only thing they do is to put the warning "POST NO BILL " on their government structures which some citizens can't even read to adhere to. How then are we meant to fight against climate change! The citizens who have remained faithful and diligent in fighting it are becoming tired, how will I package my trash and dispose of it properly while and lazy person will dump his beside my house, the pollution that we suffer from smoking and drinking joints are more than enough contributions to climate change, speak less about that that comes from cars, industries and many more. We need a government that is firm, one which will properly fight against climate change by instilling more strict laws of which failure to adherence will attract punishment else Nigeria will not come out of it's critical condition.

  • We all need to work together to stop climate change and help our environment! We need to find the right amount of laws but when we find them we need to follow through and help our earth regrow!

  • There are laws but the government is not making sure that the laws are followed which is why people cut down trees and don't grow them back, overgraze on farms, pollute the land air and water bodies and other activities. There should be laws and the government should make sure that the laws are followed.

  • The question of whether there should be an increase or decrease in the number of climate laws is a multifaceted issue that demands careful consideration. Arguably, an excessive number of climate laws may impede innovation and economic growth. Over-regulation has the potential to impose undue burdens upon businesses, which may lead to decreased investment and hamper the development of novel technologies and solutions to mitigate climate change. Additionally, a superfluity of climate laws may introduce confusion and inconsistency in policy, which can impede compliance by businesses.

    Conversely, proponents of a greater number of climate laws contend that inadequate legislation would be deleterious to both the environment and the economy. Climate change represents one of the most urgent issues of our time, and without robust laws to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, we risk continuing environmental degradation. The ramifications of inaction could be severe, including extensive ecological harm, economic upheaval, and social unrest.

    Ultimately, the optimal approach is to strike a balance between excessive and inadequate regulation of climate laws. Policymakers must ensure that regulations are meticulously crafted and targeted, focusing on achieving substantive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Simultaneously, policymakers should foster innovation and growth, promoting the development of new technologies and solutions to address the challenges of climate change. By adopting a balanced approach, we can foster a sustainable and thriving future for all.

  • I believe too many climate laws is worse because a law in our country (England) is for every normal cars to be gone by August 2023 and all the electric ones to be in and I mean it is not bad becuase it doesn't pollute as much but electric cars set on fire easily and to charge them up is really expensive. But also at the same time I would like more climate laws so people all around the world would have time to reduce their own carbon footprint.

    1. I understand what you are saying, maybe you could try to suggest better materials so the electric cars will be safer and not set on fire.

  • I believe that more climate laws should be put in place. The reasoning behind this is that many people are not trying hard enough to save our planet. Many think that the issue will not get serious until years later even though it's already affecting our ecosystems rapidly. I think the main issue is that the majority of the population has to work together to fix this problem. Since a surplus of people do not care or contribute to reducing climate change, new laws should be put in place. For example, a law can be a limit to the non-environmentally friendly waste you use that can be weighed and if it goes above the limit, they charge you a reasonable fee. I think this would really help people realize the severity of our situation.

  • Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it requires urgent action to mitigate its effects. However, the question of how much action is necessary has been a topic of debate for many years. Some argue that too many climate laws can be damaging to the economy and limit innovation, while others argue that not enough climate laws can lead to irreparable environmental damage. So, what’s worse: too many climate laws or not enough?
    On the one hand, too many climate laws can be harmful to the economy. Businesses may be burdened with high compliance costs and may be less likely to invest in new technologies or expand their operations. In addition, excessive regulations may limit innovation and stifle competition, ultimately leading to fewer jobs and reduced economic growth. This can be particularly problematic for developing countries like India, which rely heavily on industries that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
    On the other hand, not enough climate laws can have devastating consequences for the environment. Without policies to limit greenhouse gas emissions, the effects of climate change will continue to worsen, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, food and water shortages, and displacement of vulnerable populations. The longer we delay taking action, the more difficult and expensive it will be to address the problem, and the more irreversible damage will occur.
    Moreover, not enough climate laws can also have negative economic consequences. The costs of inaction are likely to be far greater than the costs of action, as the effects of climate change begin to take their toll on infrastructure, agriculture, and public health. In addition, failing to address climate change may lead to increased social unrest and political instability, which can have further economic repercussions.
    So, what is the best approach? The answer lies in finding a balance between too many and not enough climate laws. Governments need to implement policies that are effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also taking into account the economic and social costs of such policies. This requires a comprehensive approach that includes a mix of regulatory measures, economic incentives, and public education.
    For example, governments can implement regulations that limit greenhouse gas emissions from industry, while also providing incentives for businesses to invest in new technologies and renewable energy sources. In addition, governments can educate the public on the importance of reducing carbon footprints and encourage individuals to make lifestyle changes that reduce their impact on the environment.
    All things considered, the question of whether too many or not enough climate laws are worse is a complex one, and there is no standardized answer. However, it is clear that taking action to address climate change is essential. Governments must strike a balance between protecting the environment and promoting economic growth, while also ensuring that policies are transparent, effective, and fair. Only by working together can we hope to mitigate the effects of climate change and build a sustainable future for generations to come.
    'The greatest threat of our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. So, Let's the responsibility of our planet and make collective effort to protect and preserve it.'

    1. A very well thought out answer, grateful_apricot!

  • From a climate change perspective, not having enough climate laws is likely worse than having too many. Climate change is a global crisis that requires urgent action, and without sufficient laws, regulations, and policies, we may fail to address the root causes of climate change effectively.

    On the other hand, having too many climate laws can create administrative burdens and complexity, which may result in delayed or ineffective implementation, making it difficult for businesses and individuals to comply with all the regulations.

    Therefore, finding the right balance between too many and too few climate laws is essential, ensuring that we have enough regulations to address climate change effectively while not creating unnecessary barriers to implementation.

  • Not having adequate climate laws is a weighty predicament, given that climate change is an exceedingly pressing concern confronting global society. In the absence of sufficient laws, regulations, and policies, we may face difficulties in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and safeguarding our natural resources from further harm. Such an outcome can result in environmental, economic, and social consequences, particularly for the most vulnerable communities that are disproportionately affected by climate change.

    Furthermore, the insufficiency of climate laws can create an unequal playing field for businesses, hindering the growth of the clean energy industry and decelerating the transition towards a low-carbon economy. The establishment and implementation of more comprehensive climate laws and regulations convey a forceful message to the private sector and the international community that we are resolute about addressing climate change. This can inspire businesses to invest in clean energy and sustainable technologies, producing fresh employment opportunities and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Therefore, it is imperative that we endeavor to develop and enforce more effective climate laws and regulations to confront the challenge of climate change in a meaningful way. In doing so, we can defend the planet, preserve our natural resources, and ensure a sustainable future for forthcoming generations. Such a pursuit necessitates the collaboration and coordination of governments on both a national and international level, and the adoption of measures such as carbon pricing, renewable energy objectives, energy efficiency standards, and the preservation of natural ecosystems.

    1. Thank you for your comment remarkable_wasp! You say that we should develop more effective climate laws and regulations. Can you give an example of what this might be?

      1. Certainly! There are many examples of what more effective climate laws and regulations could look like. Here are a few:

        1. Carbon pricing: This involves placing a price on carbon emissions to incentivize companies to reduce their emissions. Carbon pricing can be implemented through a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system.

        2. Renewable energy objectives: Governments can set targets for the percentage of energy that must come from renewable sources by a certain date. This encourages investment in renewable energy technologies and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

        3. Energy efficiency standards: Governments can establish minimum energy efficiency standards for appliances, buildings, and vehicles. This can reduce energy consumption and save consumers money on their energy bills.

        4. Protection of natural ecosystems: Governments can establish regulations to protect natural ecosystems, such as forests and wetlands, that absorb carbon from the atmosphere. This can help mitigate the effects of climate change.

        5.Youth for Climate Action: Encouraging kids to participate in climate conservation efforts through tasks and rewards is a great way to inspire the next generation of environmental leaders. This approach can be implemented in schools and through government programs, creating opportunities for young people to get involved and be recognized for their efforts. Let's call it "EcoChampions."

        These are just a few examples of what more effective climate laws and regulations could entail. Ultimately, the most effective solutions will likely be a combination of these measures and others, tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each country or region.

  • Hello everyone, my answer is: the worst thing is that there are not enough laws, because the lack of sufficient laws makes us not care about them because there is no punishment for them, and failure to preserve the land is normal, because people need laws to abide by them, and the climate is also so bad that the state Many laws should be overshadowed, but on the other hand, I do not forget the human right, such as compliance with laws and an abundance of such laws may be a limitation on the freedom of the individual and here the state should / impose good laws that people comfortably accept.
    Society must accept these laws...
    Now we find it hard to follow these laws.. for a better future.. And finally, do you think, dear speaker, that this is the best answer, or could it be the worst: that there are many laws….

  • I would like to share that there are not enough climate laws in the world. As we can see, many countries are not taking severe action to control climate change. Main causes for climate changes are generating power, manufacturing goods, cutting down forests, using transportation, producing food, powering buildings, consuming too much. As we can see that generating power that is electricity through nuclear power plants and thermal power plants and using fossil fuel creates more carbon emission instead, we can use electricity generated through solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy which contributes carbon emission less than those electricity producing resources. Manufacturing goods require heavy machinery which operates from using fossil fuel or electricity that also contributes to carbon emission. cutting down forests also contributes to carbon emission as they release carbon they have stored for long time. Transportation that is transporting goods using vehicles such as trucks and planes can also emit carbon instead when we planned to transport these goods using ships would be a great option as they emit low carbon when we compare to other transport. We can reduce drastic climate change by planting plants such as prayer plants which reduce carbon footprint in the best way, trees like teak and oak tree also reduce carbon emission. Plants like sea grass captures carbon up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforest country like Germany using this sea grass to reduce carbon emission.

  • Not enough climate change wouldn't be good for the earth and the people on it. But again, too many climate changes could be a bit dangerous and risky.

    1. Is there one climate law that isn't in place yet that you think could make a difference?

  • The number of climate laws can be viewed as a debate between climate change and the economy. People would get uncaring about the issue if there were too few climate regulations. However, will too many climate regulations stifle the economy and impose too many restrictions?

    Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time. Almost all of our everyday actions contribute in some way to the current situation. Having said that, having too few climates legislation is unquestionably a problem. Without regulations or limits, people, in my opinion, are not willing to take the matter seriously enough. They will do so with these laws in place.

    Instead of worrying about a slowdown in economic growth as a result of these rules, the government should focus on developing environmentally friendly ways and inventions. They can use a combination of approaches to introducing these methods and thoroughly educating the public. The government, for example, can implement strategies to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

    It is worse to have too few climates legislation than too many. Too many climate laws may be limiting, but there are methods and alternatives that can lessen the restrictions.

  • I would like to have more climate laws because it is important that we do our best for the climate and people won't do anything if people are just advising them to do so but they will do things to make a change if it is the law whether they like it or not.
    There is no such thing as too many climate laws when it comes to saving our earth.

  • I wish for more climate laws so there would be less pollution so there could be less population so there is a less risk for our country to get polluted even more.

  • Not enough climate laws are worse because climate change is such a pervasive problem that if we act too late, we may not be able to save our world. I think we should start out with strict and hard laws and if these laws show progress in the problem of climate change, we can lower the standards of these laws, and make them less strict but only after these laws show progress in lowering the temperature or less greenhouse gasses in the air.

    1. How do you think these laws should be enforced?

  • I am convinced it would be worse without enough climate laws because now seeing as we have little climate laws, a lot of things are going downhill. There are glaciers melting, low levels of oxygen in the ocean, which is caused by pollution in the water. We need more climate laws to improve the lives of the animals that suffer day after day. Some day there may not be any more of an animal species because of pollution.

  • Not enough climate laws are worse than too many climate laws, because it's better to keep the environment healthy rather than not having any climate laws. This helps keep many people and animals healthy. It will also help clean air act protections for the oil and natural gas industry. It's better to have more than enough rather than not having anything at all.

  • Not enough climate laws is worse. If we had practically no laws to stop climate change, then the earth would be taken over by global warming and we probably wouldn't be here. We need climate laws and we need to change a few items of our daily lives if we want to overpass global warming.

  • The climate laws that we have now seem to not be working because if they were, there wouldn't be as much climate change now and the environment would be in better shape than it is now.

  • There are many power plants that are disrupting the earth, so that is why I chose that there is not enough climate laws

  • I feel like too many climate laws would be worse, because if people had a lot of changes to their lifestyle, all at once, people would revolt. People would go against the laws and that would make climate change worse. Introducing the laws one at a time, slowly, so people can adapt to them would be the best way. I people make slight change to their lifestyle, while they might not be happy about it, they'll do because it's not a major change or multiple changes all at once.

    1. Interesting! Which law would you introduce first?

      1. I would introduce a law that makes it so people can't drive petrol cars on one out of the seven days of the week (decided on an arbitrary system for each person), it would increase the purchase of electric cars, lighten traffic, and encourage people to use buses more. It wouldn't be too big of a change because it's just one day, but it would immensely help if people didn't use their petrol cars for a day.

  • If all countries take into effect what could actually happen with climate change we could slow climate change for the better. More climate laws could be hard at first , but over time it will just be incorporated into our daily lives. Laws such as limiting car usage could be hard to get used to but over time this could be great for lowering the earth's temperature.

  • I believe that more climate change laws could be helpful for the earth. It could help make climate change less of a threat than it is, by cooling the earth and reducing our carbon footprint. Another way this could help the earth is by reducing the capability of someone getting ill because of climate change. These are the reason why I think more climate change laws could be more effective than less climate change.

  • If we have less climate laws then it will be very hard for us to reduce our carbon footprint, even if we do it for one day then we would still reduce our carbon footprint a lot.

  • In my personal opinion I think that having too many climate laws can get too hectic, people can start to forget the laws and therefore they can start disobeying them, we need to spread the word and start making climate laws more obvious. We need to start working together to stop this madness of disobedience.

    1. How could we work together more do you think?

  • In my opinion i think that not having enough climate laws is worse because we find to fix the earths global problems for our future people.Our kids,their kids and on and on. We need to make sure we have enough because that's the only way we can get people to actually try and help and do something! If you don't know how to help here are some reasons: cycle or was instead of driving or do carpool, you could use smoke less coal and use electrict cars instead.

  • In my opinion, having not enough climate laws is far worse than having too many climate laws, because when there are not enough climate laws, people do things that are bad for the environment very often, because a lot of people don't care. If there were more climate laws, there is no doubt that the environment would be much safer from climate change because of the fact that people wouldn't be able to harm the environment in a legal way. I think we should have fines for things that people do often that harm the environment, for example, littering, or burning coal and other fossil fuels. I think that the government should encourage behaviours that positively affect the environment, for example, recycling. In other countries, there are schemes that provide financial incentives for recycling. They have been successful in places like Germany, Finland, Norway, Lithuania, and Canada, where recycling rates are above 90 per cent. I think something like this would be extremely beneficial to Ireland, and other countries.

  • I think that climate laws are a good thing however I also think that if they are pushed too far then it can be quite difficult for people to obey them. For example, say the government has just announced a new law that states that the tax on petrol and diesel will go up as part of a new climate law. Some people might have to drive their car on a day to day basis, but not be able to afford the new rises in costs, or a new electric car. Some other laws might affect other people money and time wise.

    But is it worth it?

    1. Do you think this will change how people work and live if they had to follow these laws?

      1. Yes.
        On one point, people might become healthier as they couldn’t afford to drive everywhere, so they could walk to places instead.
        On the other hand, less driving could make lots of people more reliant on public transport, which is often late. Therefore the economy may be weakened as around half of the city’s working population is late for work, and might miss out on important meetings.

        For example, say that there was a person who was an NHS worker and had a meeting at 9:30 every Wednesday. Suddenly, the government passed a new law stating that petrol prices were going up to £2 per litre. Now our NHS worker can’t afford the extra 60p out of their £10.50 hourly rate, when it’s added together with the rising energy and food prices. So they start to take public transport. At say 8:00 am, when they need to get to work, 4 of the buses that they have to get are full. When they finally get one, and arrive at the hospital, it is 9:40 am and the meeting has already begun.

        So just by rising petrol costs, hundreds of thousands of people might become late for work and make the economy unstable.

  • I feel there should be more climate laws because of how the world looks today. in some places, you can barely see the stars because of the state of the atmosphere is in. With all the fog and unnecessary carbon dioxide in the air, it is not good for our bodies to inhale, and in conclusion, more laws mean a better planet and a better planet means healthy air.

  • Would you want our Earth to end? I don't think so, so I think that not enough climate laws are worse because our Earth has been suffering from Climate change for a very long time and it has gotten worse and worse. If we had enough climate laws maybe our Earth can be a greener and cleaner Earth. Let's all help our Earth to recover from Climate Change.

  • the answer is crystal clear 🤷🏽‍♀️ - not having enough climate laws is much worse than having too many !
    We are at a critical point in our planet's history and if we don't take drastic action soon, the consequences will be catastrophic.
    We're already feeling the impact of a changing climate - just ask coastal residents facing rising sea levels or farmers battling droughts and flooding. Not having enough protective measures only exacerbates these issues and leaves vulnerable communities at risk. On the other hand, sure, too many climate laws can feel overwhelming and bureaucratic. But hey, if it means saving our planet from becoming a fiery hellscape, I'll gladly navigate through some red tape any day 🤓.

  • I believe too many climate laws are more detrimental than too little ones, as they can create unintended legal consequences and a restrictive environment for citizens. For example, if a law is passed that anyone who drops a piece of plastic will be fined 1.50, that would be a very annoying and unnecessary law, because of how it'd penalize every single piece of drop plastic, no matter the size or weight.

  • In my point of view, I think that too many climate laws is worse than not enough climate laws. This is because climate laws already restrict a person's freedom, and this means that even more of these will cause people to have very limited rights. To many climate laws may cause problems for the economy as well. It may cause an imbalance in money distribution and may result in a higher poverty rate.

    1. i think it is vital to take care of our inviroment

  • In regards to the question, "What's worse: too many climate laws? Or not enough climate laws?", it is important to consider the consequences of both scenarios.

    Firstly, if there are too many climate laws, it could lead to unnecessary restrictions on individuals and businesses. This may lead to increased costs and decreased economic growth, which can negatively impact people's lives. However, having too many laws may not be the worst-case scenario as long as the regulations are evidence-based and effectively enforced. If the laws are effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable practices, then the benefits may outweigh the costs.

    On the other hand, not having enough climate laws can be even more disastrous. Climate change is a pressing global issue, and without effective laws and policies, it will continue to accelerate, leading to severe consequences such as rising sea levels, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and food and water scarcity. These consequences will disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, including low-income communities and developing countries.

    Furthermore, the lack of regulation in key industries such as energy, transportation, and agriculture can lead to market failure, where companies prioritize profit over environmental protection, and externalities such as pollution and emissions are not accounted for. In this case, the absence of regulations can lead to significant harm to the environment and public health.

    Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between having too many and too few climate laws. Regulations should be evidence-based, effectively enforced, and designed to minimize negative impacts on individuals and businesses while promoting sustainable practices.

    In conclusion, having no climate laws or too few climate laws can have catastrophic consequences for the environment and public health. However, having too many laws can lead to unnecessary restrictions and negative economic impacts. The best approach is to implement effective climate laws and policies that balance environmental protection with economic growth and social well-being.

  • I believe that we should be in the middle of the two for these reasons:
    1. Too many climate laws could possibly be unaffordable which is putting people at risk and also forcing people to do things that they shouldn't have to do.
    2. Too many climate laws could possibly make people not care and go against the law because they think it is outrageous.
    3. Too many climate laws is a way of reducing our carbon footprint and helpful for the environment, yet what if the people don't like what the government or leaders are doing? What does that do for them?

    1. Not enough climate laws are a way for people to do anything they want to do such as litter, create more factories, which causes pollution, etc.
    2. Not enough climate laws are heavily putting a risk on the environment which is unhelpful.
    3.Not enough climate laws may be better than too many, however the environment becomes more polluted that it would have by not enough climate laws.

  • In the case of climate change, not having enough climate laws is a far more significant problem than having too many climate laws. Climate change is a global problem that requires urgent and comprehensive action, and the lack of effective climate legislation is hindering progress towards mitigating its effects.

    Without adequate climate laws, there are no legal frameworks to promote sustainable development, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and encourage the use of clean energy. This lack of legislation also fails to hold polluting industries accountable for their actions, which can lead to irreversible environmental damage and threaten public health.

    On the other hand, having too many climate laws is not necessarily a problem. While it is true that excessive regulation can stifle innovation and economic growth, the negative effects of too many climate laws are relatively small when compared to the potential harm caused by insufficient regulation.

    It is worth noting that the effectiveness of climate laws also depends on how they are implemented and enforced. In some cases, poorly designed or enforced laws can have unintended consequences and lead to negative outcomes.

    In conclusion, not having enough climate laws is a more significant problem than having too many. The appropriate balance between regulation and freedom is necessary.

    1. I agree because the way you worded it just helps everyone else's opinion who is on our side.

  • i think there are not enough because the world is changing cause of the climate and people are not following the laws and i think elon musk should provide everyone with a tesla

  • I think the we need more climate laws because people need to reduce.We need to reduce earths temperatures and we need to change the the rainfall pattern.

  • I feel like there's not enough climate laws today and here's why . Often on the side of the roads & highways you'll see NO LITTERING , A FINE WILL BE CHARGED OF 1,000 to 5,000 $ . But those signs seem to just be there and not enforce enough attention . Instead of making signs , make devices that automatically shuts down a car & calls 911 to arrest the citizen(s) .

  • my comment is waiting approvel

  • With not enough climate laws in place we will just sit here and make no progress. Take Pakistan for example, it flooded and 7.9 million people were made to move out of their homes because it was not safe. But too many would mean that some people would not have freedom over their own lives.

  • Can you explain how more laws around climate change might affect people's rights with examples?

  • I chose 'too much climate laws' . The reason I chose this one is because if we have too much climate laws planet Earth has a chance of less global heating and a less chance of people dying in the future. Yet if we have a 'not enough climate laws' global heating would start to rise more and more and the estimated amount of people to die due to this will keep on rising. I also chose 'to much climate laws' this to reduce carbon footprint and carbon dioxide.

  • I chose its worse to have too many climate change laws as it would make people not have as much freedom and wont be able go as many places due to pollution because of petrol and deasil. It could lead to not as many plane journeys and people not able to meet their relatives in other countries. Another law could be everyone becoming vegan but red meat contains iron which you need to survive and there wouldn't be any point of animals except for pets because you wont be able to use their products such as bags coats and wont be able to drink milk from cows, goats, pigs, sheep the list goes on. No eggs, no fish nothing. That's why I chose it would be worse to have too many laws

  • I think that too many climate laws will, although they will decrease the Earth's Carbon Footprint, create a robotic lifestyle where everything is regulated and checked.
    For example, in my class, we talked about four imaginary laws made by the Topical Talk Team. They were all very extreme to the point where one of them was that veganism would be made mandatory.
    Climate laws are important. Too many is lifeless. Not enough is meaningless.

  • I say that we need more climate laws so as to help us make our earth a better and safe place to live in by this I mean if we have more laws people might disobey some of the laws but not all of them so this means people will be forced to follow the rules some of the rules should be ;Planting more trees incase you cut them down
    Practicing swamp reclamation
    These laws can help us to beautify our environment which leads to attraction of tourists that generate income to the government of our countries .More laws also help us to know how to control environment pollution

  • I think that not having enough climate laws means that people think that they can get away with things. With more climate laws, we will be able to protect the planet and prevent unnecessary danger to life. However, there is a fine balance between too little and too much; as previously stated, people will think they can get away with more if there are too few laws, but with too many there would be a lot of stress and pressure to make sure you are doing the right thing. Also, some people would just break them if there were too many because they think that no-one will notice if they break one law out of many. Overall, I believe that we should have more climate laws but we are careful to keep the right balance of amounts.

  • I believe that too many climate laws is worse because a new law coming up in our country (England) is that every normal car that is not electric to be taken out for none to be left and electric cars to be put in and this is going to happen sometime around August 2023 and by that time if they see you still having a normal car you could get a ticket or even get a tax that is very expensive and it will happen everyday until you buy an electric car and get rid of the other one. It's not that bad because it doesn't pollute as much as normal cars do but the bad thing is that to charge them up it is pretty expensive and even they catch on fire easily which is not that safe. But also at the same time I would want more climate law so everyone in the world has time to reduce our carbon footprint.

  • i think we should have more laws because the laws we have now are obviously not good enough, just look at the world around us. poor animals and humans dying left and right because the climate is messed up. this is really not good for our earth, the place where we call our home will probably soon be extinct and everything with it if it's not fixed.

  • I think we should enforce more climate change rules because the temperature is rising a lot. It will be a nicer and hotter day in some countries but in others it will be drastic heats and increased flooding in areas which is estimated to have 1.2 billion people moving from there homes to survive the flood. And that's why I think we should enforce more climate change rules.

    1. Which law would you enforce if you could enforce one?

  • Even if we need more climate laws, if there is too many, some people can't afford it.
    But we have to obey the ones that were already have, because if not, the world wouldn't be an habitable place for us anymore.

  • I believe that too many climate laws is not good as we have a new rule coming up in our country (England) and it is full being released on August 2023 and this new law is that all the normal cars are going to be put away and the electric cars are going to be put in. With a reason, this is bad as electric cars cost more to charge up and they catch on fire to easily as it has a material that is really attracted to fire.But also at the same time this is good as it does not pollute as much as normal cars do. If you do not change you car when the electric cars are released you could get a ticket or a tax . With the tax if you don't pay it you might possibly go to jail but if you get a ticket and don't pay when it says so it will get more expensive and more expensive until at one point you might possibly end up in jail. But also at the same time I would want more laws as I want to give everyone a chance to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • I agree with the selection on the poll "Too many climate laws are worse than not enough climate laws' '. As shown in the many of the Topical Talk class led slideshow, many of our climate issues are linked with each other. For example on the list of things that cause carbon footprint burgers and toilet paper are on the lists. Eating burgers will cause the body to produce waste which would create the need for more tissue use which would lead to 2 different climate footprints . So creating a law to limit humans to only eating 1.5 pounds of meat or less could be an example of a law to cut down on the consumption of meat and the use of toilet paper. Having too many climate laws can lead to blocks and errors in people's everyday life. As previously stated in my other discussion “The law is in your hands” I stated various reasons why certain laws could lead to inconveniences in people’s life. For example higher gas,less pay and many other things that could happen if we have too many climate laws.There is still room for more climate laws, but there doesn't have to be a law for every climate problem we face, but we can create laws that can combine our problems together to create a cleaner earth. For these reasons I feel that more climate laws are worse than few climate laws.

  • Insufficient regulations concerning climate change can have severe repercussions on a nation's functioning. The illicit practices of deforestation, poaching, and smuggling of animal derivatives in the underground market can result in a significant decrease in income, which can negatively impact a country's financial stability. Additionally, the unauthorized use of rivers and lakes for industrial purposes can contaminate water resources, creating an unstable ecosystem for wildlife and causing problems such as water scarcity. Therefore, the profits which could have been generated by the effective implementation of laws have been fragmented.

  • I believe more climate laws is worse because in our country (England) there is a new law coming up that is being realest on August 2023 and it is when all of the normal cars to not be used at all and the electric cars to be put in. By then if you do not do that then you could possibly get a ticket and if you don't not pay that ticket it will get more and more expensive until one point you might possibly go to prison by not paying your ticket. But also if you get a tax if you don't pay it you could possibly end up in jail. Having electric cars is good as they don't pollute as much but the bad thing is that they catch on fire easily and to charge them up is pretty expensive.

    1. The risk of electric cars catching on fire is very low. How might this new rule affect people who can't afford new cars?

    2. Whilst you state that more climate laws is worse for the country, I slightly disagree with this statement. When you say that electric cars catch on fire easily, this is a false statement. It is noted that a diesel or petrol car is more likely to burn than an electric vehicle. Additionally, if the cost of fueling an electric car is expensive, people should remember that securing a safe and healthy environment for future generations is much more important that spending an extra 2 pounds for the rest of the journey. People should consider purchasing hybrid cars which can run on both fuel and electricity. In circumstances where one is late for work, they can fuel up the car. When one has time, they can focus on reducing carbon emissions by using electricity. The result of carbon dioxide polluting the atmosphere is 17-30 % lower than a car that only runs on petrol. I believe you should consider this and maybe think of what positive effects there are of instituting several climate laws.

  • Too many climate laws is worse because if there a too many climate laws then it would be way too difficult for a person to follow literally every single one of them. And plus apparently almost literally everything that we do adds to the climate footprint. So some of those laws would probably not allow or limit us from doing things that we do daily.

    1. Can you think of one law that you think would make the biggest difference to helping the climate?

  • From my standpoint, I personally believe that an excessive amount of laws involving climate change may be taxing to keep up with. Of course, keeping the environment lush and healthy is a sensational thought and goal; yet, it would be problematic to follow the plentiful load of laws and regulations. Especially if they were to be strictly enforced. In this case scenario, it truly depends on what laws are to be enforced on the people. An example of one that feasibly goes by this statement are diet based ones, or laws that limit the consumption of certain foods and or beverages. Some people require certain foods for malnourishment; of course we have special types of medication that can do the job just fine, but medication is expensive, taking too much can possibly increase the risk of overdose. Maybe, some people are unable to afford certain food products due to poverty. In fact, 37.9 million Americans suffer from the lack of money, making up 11.6% of the population. Another reason why a multitude of laws could potentially be detrimental to the people is the amount of them. Keeping up with a vast amount of new laws and regulations are bound to be difficult to follow; and this includes ones that are essential to a person’s lifestyle and or routine. This can affect some human rights in the process. And with that being said, too many laws would just be complicated for some people.

  • The more years pass by, the worse the Earth gets. Climate laws overall are great for the environment. However, we can't have too many laws. Us being only humans, we can't keep up with too many laws to follow. There should be a limited amount of how much climate rules there are. This raises my question, “What climate laws are most relevant?” After doing some research, the most efficient climate change law in the U.S. is The Inflation Reduction Act. This law lowers the cost of energy technologies, the law subsidizes clean energy rather than taxing or restricting carbon pollution. We can stop climate change by doing some simple actions. For example, using less energy, eating more vegetables, taking fewer flights, and many more actions.

  • I voted for "not enough climate laws" because we need it due to the global warming.

  • The development of mankind has come at a big cost. The cost of our environment and Earth itself. As humanity progresses, new inventions come into light which make our lives progressively easier and convenient but as we surge forward in terms of technological progression we take our Earth for granted. Carbon footprints have drastically increased and global warming is at its peak. Melting of ice caps has already resulted in rising of water levels and scientists have already predicted that many coastal cities will be submerged in a decade. Not to mention the excess use of air conditioners which have relased CACF gases so much that we already have a hole in the ozone layer. If this continues at an more increased rate what will be of our atmosphere? Will global temperatures go so high that we have to use air conditioners 24/7? We immediately need implementation of strict climatic laws. The government needs to establish more awareness programs and reduce usage of petrol and switch to another fuel more eco friendly(eg: solar energy). Or else we might be soon seeing our Earth like mars is and each of us must work to prevent this as a member of The Earth.

  • If we get an abundant of climate laws, then we can enhance the quantity of oxygen in the air. Everyone is responsible for climate change and we need to prevent it NOW! or we would eventually pass out. This is major so we have to motivate more people to abet our planet Earth so we can survive during our lifetime.

  • In England, there is a lack of laws surrounding environmental issues. In 2020, the legislation of environmental aspects will protect the natural habitats, create cleaner air and reduce waste around the country. This was barely known throughout England as it was poorly publicised. The law introduces the idea of reusing and recycling, but 3 years later they haven’t done anything about the law, creating nothing in the time they could. In 2020 and 2021 the pollution throughout England became significantly less due to quarantine and lockdowns that forced everyone to stay inside and to not travel unless they had to. This created better air quality and better quality of living for most of the environment. After the lockdown was lifted, the pollution; greenhouse gas, air, sound and light, all spiked right up, leaving the environment in shambles. Littering has become worse throughout the years even if there is a law against it, no one takes it seriously, as a result of that it continues to happen. However, The Climate Change Act commits the UK government by law to reduce greenhouse gases by at least 100% of 1990 levels which will make net zero by 2050. That forces the government to act and enforce the laws quicker and will make a change even if it is a little one, which evokes the question, do we need stricter laws for climate change? Due to this I believe we should have tougher climate laws, which will enforce the idea of sustainability and create a better understanding of climate change.

  • I desire having more climate laws so we can diminish our carbon footprint which we had generated since the Industrial Revolution . We need use solar panels so we can conserve energy. Overall, it is us who need to prevent Earth's tragedies because of Climate Change. Climate Change engenders Global Warming which warms the Earth a lot. Furthermore, sea levels are rising because of Global Warming. We need to have more climate laws or we would eventually die and the human civilisation would be gone forever as there will be no birth amongst people.

  • I think it is worth noting that having too many climate laws can potentially have negative consequences, particularly if they are poorly designed or contradictory.

    Excessive climate regulations can create a significant regulatory burden on individuals and businesses, which can be particularly challenging for small businesses and startups that may not have the resources to navigate complex regulatory frameworks. This can stifle innovation and economic growth, which is not desirable in the long term.

    I belive that too many climate laws can create confusion and lead to a lack of action or even counterproductive outcomes if they are not clearly defined or well-coordinated. This could potentially lead to unintended consequences, such as encouraging environmentally harmful behavior or creating perverse incentives that work against the intended goals of the regulations.

    By the way it is essential to have adequate climate laws to address the challenges posed by climate change, it is also important to ensure that the regulations are well-designed, properly coordinated, and focused on achieving the desired outcomes in the most efficient and effective way possible.

  • What is worse is not enough climate laws.
    Some people like to disobey set in place laws, and when that happens, it will have a negative impact on the earth.
    So, when there are many set in place laws there will be no freedom to do what is wrong.
    I believe that when there are enough laws in place, the world we be better place.

  • Hello!
    Well, I feel that too many climate laws is better than not enough climate laws and, in my country, if anything there are definitely not enough climate laws and even if there are they are not enforced.
    In my country there are several climate protecting agencies such as Nigerian Conservation Foundation Glow Initiative, Climate and Sustainable Development Network of Nigeria (CSDevNet), Climate Change Network Nigeria (CCN-Nigeria), Friends of The Environment Nigeria (FOTE) who are meant to be in charge of protecting the environment and fighting against climate change, but they have had no effect and Nigeria's emittions have increased comparing to before they were made.
    In my opinion there should be more climate change laws rather than less especially in my country because the level of emittions of greenhouse gases has skyrocketed since the turn of the century.

  • I think that getting more climate laws will reduce CO2 and heat inside the Earth because scientists predict that the Earth will become too hot to live in 2050, so getting more climate laws at this time should slow down the climate change. Climate change has been around since the industrial revolution and other major factors. Many countries have been stopping climate change by making treaties to all countries and laws. Getting a lot of climate laws will impact our life in a good way. The advantages are our world will be less heat and CO2 will be small, air will be less harmful by the CO2 and factories will start using renewable energy. The disadvantages are too much climate laws making the country for people a lot stricter like you will be fined for just smoking 1 cigarette and if your factory has smoke coming out breaking the climate law you would be arrested. Climate laws during this time would be helpful for the world and people who live in so we could have another opportunity for a better world.

  • Not enough climate laws, because when people get too much freedom, they'll misuse it so they need restrictions or instructions on how to go about especially when it comes to climate that we need to protect to secure our well being and safe environment for the future.

  • I believe there are not enough climate rules because climate change is impacting countries daily!

    1. Which law would you put into place?

  • I think we should have more climate laws because we need to reduce global warming and the speed at which the polar ice cap is melting. There needs to be much more climate laws. I think that landfill sites should be banned because it really harms the environment and it destroys the earth. We need to recycle a lot more and we shouldn't be cutting down as much trees as we do because trees take in the Carbon Dioxide in the air. We need to think about our family and people in the future when climate change could really affect their lifestyle and health.

  • Wow after reading about this comment I was felling very amazed that most of them choose that too many climate laws are worse and I too totaly agreed with it first but after reading about all the others point of view of persons who voted for not enough climate laws are worse I felt that they are also true and that Every person will posses different thoughts and ideas .

  • I was pretty surprised when I saw that the majority picked too many climate laws. I think that if there were too many climate laws then the world's environment would be too clean. But that is not the case. Also, I know that different countries and places have different climates but since pollution can travel through air and water, that makes it easier for it to be pollution to be everywhere. But I do think the results were predictable only because many people may think that certain rules are too much when they may not. So I could see why people would say there are too many climate laws. But I am still surprised by the results.

  • Of course, the presence of many laws is much better than the absence of them in order to preserve and regulate the environment and thus overcome the crisis of climate change. The present and the future, and we, as citizens, young or old, must contribute to this campaign to illuminate the path of the next generation

  • Well, there are a lot of climate laws because there is a great importance to preserving the climate, and having a lot of climate laws is better to avoid pollution of the environment, to reduce our carbon footprint, to reduce the impact of climate change🤗

  • I feel very happy and happy when seeing this large percentage that supports more climate laws.
    I really expected this percentage, and I also hope that it will be better and that everyone works hard to support climate change measures.
    I can understand from their desire for more climate laws, their desire to preserve the planet as individuals, and their quest for a carbon-free environment.
    I can't describe to you how happy I am, but I hope everyone's commitment.
    Because this is up to all of us as individuals.
    We all have to work hand in hand for change.

  • Climate: This is the average weather condition of a place for a long period of time usually 30 - 35 years.

    Climate laws: These are rules and regulations set aside to ensure that no activities of Man affects climate.

    There is a climate law that mandates that states should cut climate damaging emissions. We all know that climate are supposed have laws, and we all know that the enemies of climate are man, greenhouse emissions basically air pollution. (
    I believe that that the climate laws are not enough, because it has shown with recent development and attempts to reduce green gas, it is still seen.
    Funnily enough, humans are the most stubborn creations, they don't easily take heed to dangers and warning. There a lot of enough climate laws but air pollution still takes place. Greenhouse gas affects:

    Humans: Decrease in agricultural and livestock production which leads to food shortage.

    Atmosphere: It finds its way up and keeps the planet more hot.

    Plants: Too much heat or temperature stimulates growth of not only trees but typical weeds.
    My point is more climate laws should be added, government should start monitoring and controlling such activities, and punishment for people who disobey climate laws.